Publikace katedry

informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Tetiana Reznychenko; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Prague, IEEE, THEY, CTU), p. 1-5), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0, ISSN 2691-3666
The paper deals with a comparative analysis of three widely used data analysis methods: logistic regression, random forest, and neural networks. These methods have been evaluated in terms of accuracy, and computational efficiency and applied to different types of data sets, including both simulated and real MaaS data. The study aims to compare the efficiency of each method in classification tasks. The study leads to specific recommendations on which method to use under various circumstances, contributing to the decision-making process in data analysis projects. We have shown that random forests generally provide better accuracy and are resistant to over-training. Neural networks can achieve comparable performance under certain conditions, although at a high computational cost. Logistic regression shows limitations in dealing with complex data structures.
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MSc. Halil Cevik; Ing. André Maia Pereira; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2024, ETC Conference Papers 2024, Association for European Transport), ISSN 2313-1853
Understanding travel demand patterns is crucial for effective traffic management, policy-making, and transportation evaluations. Digital twins have emerged as a significant tool in tackling this challenge, where accurate traffic simulation outcomes depend on high-quality data. Essential to most transportation analysis is the knowledge of road users’ origin and destination (OD), enabling route planning, traffic pattern assessment, and system optimization. This information is typically represented in an Origin-Destination (OD) matrix. However, direct observation of every traveler’s origins and destinations is impractical, necessitating the estimation of time-dependent OD flows from available data — a persistent challenge in the field. Direct methods like measurements, interviews, or surveys are often too costly and challenging to implement. Instead, aggregation methods using traffic counts and other data sources offer reasonable estimates. This paper reviews several approaches for estimating OD matrices for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. This review considers various data sources, methodologies, and preprocessing techniques tailored to each mode of transportation. Subsequently, we propose an integrated framework for OD estimation across these modes, factoring in the unique travel demand influencers and available data for each. We acknowledge practical constraints and provide a meaningful contribution to demand modeling that serves as a baseline for digital twins
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doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; Amorim, M.; Kern, M.; Motzer, N.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2024, Transportation, 2024, ISSN 1572-9435
In this study, we conducted a comprehensive survey involving a substantial sample size (n = 6,405) of urban daily commuters across four European nations (Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, and the Czech Republic). Our investigation contributes to an enriched comprehension of the user dynamics associated with Mobility-as-a-Service alternatives and their interrelation with public transit modalities in the context of travel preferences. Specifically, we researched the responsiveness of participants to variations in pricing and travel durations. Additionally, we examine the tendencies of various participant categories, stratified into distinct segments based on shared attributes, toward the adoption of public transportation, MaaS solutions, or private vehicular transport. Our findings highlight the essential role fundamental mobility determinants, such as price and travel time, play in influencing the likelihood of opting for a specific transportation modality. This phenomenon was particularly discernible within the "Unspecified Users" group, which gives us options to alter their behavior. The analytical framework used in our study that combined several mathematical modeling tools provided insight into the choices people make when choosing between different travel options, and our findings may be used by decision makers to create better and more informed approaches to promote sustainable alternatives to the use of cars in urban settings.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.
2024, Infrastructures - Open Access Journal, 9 (1), ISSN 2412-3811
We present a comprehensive methodology for a two-step approach to address the task at hand. The first step involves the optimal placement of charging stations, while the second step focuses on determining the necessary capacity of the charging stations based on traffic factors. This methodology is applicable to countries, states, or specific areas where the placement and optimization of charging stations for truck road transport are being considered. We identify the key inputs required for solving such a task. In the results section, we demonstrate the outcomes using a model example for the Czech Republic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Mgr. Iveta Kameníková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.
2024, Applied Sciences, 14 (8), ISSN 2076-3417
Contrails created by aircraft are a very hot topic today because they contribute to the warming of the atmosphere. Air traffic density is very high, and current forecasts predict a further significant increase. Increased air traffic volume is associated with an increased occurrence of contrails and induced cirrus clouds. The scientific level of contrails and their impact on the Earth’s climate is surprisingly low. The scientific studies published so far are mainly based on global models, in situ measurements, and satellite observations of contrails. The research is based on observations of contrails in flight paths in the vicinity of Děčín and Prague, and the collection of flight and meteorological data. It focused on the influence of the meteorological situation on the formation of persistent contrails. The collected data on contrails and meteorological variables were statistically processed using machine learning methods for classification models. Several models were developed to predict and simulate the properties of contrails as a function of given air traffic and meteorological conditions. The Random Forests model produced the best results. Dependencies between meteorological conditions, formation, and contrail lifetime were found. The aim of the study was to identify the possibility of using available meteorological data to predict persistent contrails.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.
This data was provided by the mobile measuring laboratory MobiLab from the Czech Technical University in Prague ( It presents four data sets with traffic counts measured every minute over a 24-hour period at the following four selected areas in Prague: Stodůlky (September 2021), Barrandov (June 2022), Radlice (September 2022), and Velká Chuchle (October 2022). At each location, 3 to 6 points were chosen where traffic counts were collected in all possible directions along the corresponding road section or intersection. Directions are denoted by numbers 1-4 in the columns of each measured point. This data will be used in the research paper, where detailed information about the traffic counts will be available. References to the paper will be added later.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Petr Had; Mihálová, P.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Volt; Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.
2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 287-293), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
Air Traffic Control is a key element of Air Traffic Management that ensures safe and efficient operations in airspace and airports. This paper presents a study on the development and implementation of Air Traffic Control logic in an airport airside simulation model. This research focuses on the identification and resolution of potential aircraft conflicts within the airport movement area and uses an agent-based modelling approach to address these challenges. The agent-based approach facilitates the modelling of complex interactions between different entities, allowing for a detailed investigation of airport traffic dynamics and potential improvements. The study includes the identifi-cation of conflict areas in airport infrastructure, the creation of a fictional airport movement area, and the development and integration of control logic to resolve conflicts during simulation runs of the designed simulation scenarios. The results of the sim-ulations provide valuable insights into the impact of traffic volume, the use of bidirectional taxiway segments, and bay operations on the total time spent by aircraft in the infrastructure, the average number of clearances issued for particular aircraft, or the number of clearances required to traverse the created infrastructure.
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Ing. Viktor Beneš; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Bečvář, J.; Dlab, V.
2024, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 69 (2), p. 97-120), ISSN 0032-2423
V článku jsou ukázány tři procesy, kterými z tělesa reálných čísel vznikají algebry komplexních, dvojných, resp. duálních čísel, což jsou jediné neizomorfní algebry dimenze 2, které mají jednotkový prvek. Stejnými procesy vznikají z tělesa komplexních čísel algebry kvaternionů, antikvaternionů, resp. semikvaternionů, a stejnými procesy vznikají z kvaternionů algebry oktáv, antioktáv, resp. semioktáv. Následně je pozornost věnována reprezentacím komplexních, dvojných a duálních čísel, kvaternionů, antikvaternionů a semikvaternionů v reálných, resp. komplexních maticových algebrách. Článek zakončuje obsáhlá historická poznámka.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

MUDr. Boris Oniščenko; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Tlapak, J.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2024, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 104, ISSN 0169-8141
Mild hypoxia in aviation is a well-known phenomenon that affects flight safety, particularly in general aviation. Experimental research on its influence on performance and physiological response has been limited, often yielding contradictory results. This study aimed to deepen the understanding of mild hypoxia's effects on pilots' physiological responses and performance. A systematic review was conducted to synthesize existing knowledge and assess the consistency and generalizability of previous findings. Novel empirical data were then obtained through an experiment designed to focus on cardiac activity and performance under mild hypoxic conditions. Twelve male active military pilots participated in the experiment, which involved two simulated flights under controlled conditions. Unlike previous studies, which have varied significantly in methodology and outcomes, this study employed an approach to isolate the effects of mild hypoxia while simultaneously approximating real flight conditions by using a full flight simulator and a reduced oxygen breathing device. The experiment did not indicate significant performance degradation, while compensatory mechanisms in cardiac activity were observed, specifically in the form of increased heart rate and heart rate variability. These findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing a more consistent methodological framework and highlighting the physiological adaptations to mild hypoxia, serving as a foundation for further investigation into the relationship between mild hypoxia, pilot performance, and physiological response.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Špák, M.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Luboš Socha, Ph.D. et Ph.D.; Umer Asgher, MSc., Ph.D.
2024, Aerospace, 11 (12), ISSN 2226-4310
The rapid growth in air traffic has led to increasing congestion at airports, creating bottlenecks that disrupt ground operations and compromise the efficiency of air traffic management (ATM). Ensuring the predictability of ground operations is vital for maintaining the sustainability of the ATM sector. Flight efficiency is closely tied to adherence to assigned airport arrival and departure slots, which helps minimize primary delays and prevents cascading reactionary delays. Significant deviations from scheduled arrival times—whether early or late—negatively impact airport operations and air traffic flow, often requiring the imposition of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) regulations to accommodate demand fluctuations. This study leverages a data-driven machine learning approach to enhance the predictability of in-block and landing times. A Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) neural network was trained using a dataset that integrates flight trajectories, meteorological conditions, and airport operations data. The model demonstrated high accuracy in predicting landing time deviations, achieving a Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of 8.71 min and showing consistent performance across various long-haul flight profiles. In contrast, in-block time predictions exhibited greater variability, influenced by limited data on ground-level factors such as taxi-in delays and gate availability. The results highlight the potential of deep learning models to optimize airport resource allocation and improve operational planning. By accurately predicting landing times, this approach supports enhanced runway management and the better alignment of ground handling resources, reducing delays and increasing efficiency in high-traffic airport environments. These findings provide a foundation for developing predictive systems that improve airport operations and air traffic management, with benefits extending to both short- and long-haul flight operations.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2024, ISBN 978-80-01-07201-1
První svazek monografie Premonstráti v Plzni popisuje téměř zapomenutou a často neprávem přehlíženou roli tepelských premonstrátů a jimi vedených plzeňských škol v rozvoji obecné vzdělanosti v našich zemích v první polovině 19. století. Zdůrazňuje zejména jejich přínos pro výuku matematiky a přírodních věd.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2024, ISBN 978-80-01-07202-8
Druhý svazek monografie Premonstráti v Plzni je věnován osobnosti Josefa Vojtěcha Sedláčka (1785–1836), který byl v první třetině 19. století významnou osobností královského města Plzně a širokého okolí. V širokých kulturně historických souvislostech představuje jeho pestré životní osudy, odborné, pedagogické, vzdělávací i osvětové aktivity. Sepsán byl na základě intenzivního bádání v archivech a knihovnách u nás i v zahraničí.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2024, ISBN 978-80-01-07203-5
Třetí svazek monografie Premonstráti v Plzni je věnován osobnosti Josefa Františka Smetany (1801–1861), který byl ve druhé třetině 19. století významnou, obdivovanou i zatracovanou osobností královského města Plzně. V širokých kulturně historických souvislostech představuje jeho bohaté, ale komplikované životní osudy, odborné, pedagogické, vzdělávací i osvětové aktivity. Sepsán byl na základě intenzivního bádání v archivech a knihovnách u nás i v zahraničí.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2024, ISBN 978-80-01-07204-2
Čtvrtý svazek monografie Premonstráti v Plzni obsahuje rozsáhlou barevnou obrazovou přílohu, která přináší reprodukce starých pohlednic, rytin, fotografií, obrazů, rukopisů, titulních listů Sedláčkových a Smetanových knih, ukázek z jejich učebnic atd. ale i současné fotografie. Přibližuje a dokresluje studovanou problematiku z dalších úhlů pohledu.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2024, ISBN 978-80-01-07205-9
Pátý svazek monografie Premonstráti v Plzni obsahuje rozsáhlé, částečně komentované faktografické přílohy: seznam Sedláčkových a Smetanových publikací, rukopisů a dochované korespondence a seznam Smetanových básní. Následuje bohatý seznam použité literatury a archivních pramenů a index ke všem pěti svazkům. Tyto přílohy se mohou stát odrazovým můstkem a inspiračním zdrojem pro další badatele.
Vědecká kniha česky

Grzybowski, M.; Młyńczak, J.; Sokołowska, L.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2024, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, 125, p. 89-99), ISSN 0209-3324
The paper describes decision table notation as a requirements definition technique. Modern critical systems, e.g., railway signaling systems, are implemented with electronic technologies. The use of computers in these systems has greatly expanded their functionality. Increase in functionality unfortunately leads to increase in complexity, which forces the designer to follow a more rigorous development process. The paper discusses the subject of describing expected software behavior, i.e., software requirements specification. It presents desired requirements features and describes how these features can be obtained by use of decision tables. The paper also discusses decision table transformations, which can reduce the effort to establish decision tables and facilitate their analysis. The authors’ experiments support the use of decision tables as a mean to increase requirements quality by providing tools for automatic decision table processing.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Torun, A.
The migration towards autonomous railway systems represents a significant shift in modern rail transportation, driven by technological advancements such as automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization. This transformation is poised to enhance safety, operational efficiency, and network capacity while reducing human errors and operational costs. However, the shift from conventional to autonomous systems poses various challenges, including infrastructure adaptation, regulatory changes, and the need for rigorous safety assurance. This paper addresses the expectations and requirements for the successful transition to autonomous train operations, emphasizing the role of the Common Safety Method (CSM) for risk evaluation in ensuring the safety and regulatory compliance of new railway technologies. Key areas discussed include the evolving functionality and responsibility of train operations, the role of automation in mitigating risks, and the necessity of robust cybersecurity frameworks. The paper also outlines the potential of pilot projects and the importance of continuous monitoring and assessment in achieving a safe, efficient, and sustainable autonomous railway system.
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Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.
2024, Applied Sciences, 14 (18), ISSN 2076-3417
The analysis and planning of suburban traffic flows is an extremely important task to ensure efficient and fluent traffic distribution in existing infrastructure. One of the main sources of this information from existing situations is origin–destination (OD) matrices, usually obtained from traffic CCTV cameras. In this paper, a novel method is proposed for the filtration of transit traffic from the overall traffic through the area. The main feature that differentiates this method from existing outlier (and thus transit traffic) detection methods is that it is focused solely on prolonged trips (which are believed to be caused by vehicles stopping in the investigated area). Initial calibration of the method on training data (sample size of N = 216,159 trips through paired detectors) and verification on test data prove the accuracy of the algorithm on the level of 98% in urban and suburban areas, respectively, in Czech Republic conditions, which gives high hopes for the feasibility of the method.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
This habilitation thesis is focused on travel behaviour analysis, its different approaches, and tools. Special focus is placed on discrete choice modelling as a tool to analyse and model behaviour regarding adaptation of sustainable travel modes by commuters. First part of thesis is guide over state of the art, regarding definition of the field and phenomena of choice modelling in transport behaviour. The second part starts with a more detailed description of applications of choice modelling, including a complete set-up of the experiment framework from available data sources and applicable data collection methods. From there we move to the explanation of utility function term, and brief overview of existing and applied in my research modelling techniques. Finally, the most important findings from research conducted in the field are presented in form of structured summary. The habilitation thesis is designed in the form of an annotated set of the most important published scientific papers in the field.
Docentská habilitační práce

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
Habilitační přednáška

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2024, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 69 (1), p. 38-58), ISSN 0032-2423
V článku jsou představeny některé zajímavosti spjaté s proslulými osobnostmi vědeckého života renesanční rudolfínské Prahy. Budou to Martin Bacháček, Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, David Gans a Joost Bürgi.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Dingil, A.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2024, Heliyon, 10 (13), ISSN 2405-8440
This review aims to explore earthquake-based transport strategies in seismic areas, providing state-of-the-art insights into the components necessary to guide urban planners and policymakers in their decision-making processes.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

MSc. Halil Cevik; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Samandar, S.
2024, Neural Network World, 34, p. 219-241), ISSN 2336-4335
Understanding individual travel behavior is crucial for developing effective travel demand management strategies and informed transportation policies. This study investigates the factors influencing individuals’ mode choices by analyzing data from a comprehensive travel survey. We employ a deep neural network model to explore the relationships between survey variables and respondents’ transportation mode preferences, focusing on both observable and latent factors. The SHAP method is applied to interpret the model’s outputs, providing global and local explanations that offer detailed insights into the contribution of each variable to mode choice decisions. By identifying the key determinants of mode selection and uncovering the complex interactions between these factors, this research provides valuable insights for designing targeted policies that can better address transportation needs and influence sustainable travel behavior.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2024, Neural Network World, 34 (2), p. 89-110), ISSN 2336-4335
This paper deals with the analysis of the relationship between locations and types of crime observed in the Czech Republic. Cluster analysis of crime data based on the recursive Bayesian mixture estimation algorithm is used to identify crime hotspots and estimate local models of crime type. The experiments report that the 2D configuration of the algorithm allows the detection of crime hotspots online. The 3D configuration provides 29% more accurate crime type models than 2D clustering and alternative data mining algorithms. For the data set used, it was determined in which crime hotspots the most serious and most frequent types of crime can be expected to occur with the highest probability. The limitation of the study is the artificial support of the 3D clusters by the fully continuous data vector with the recoded values of the crime type. The potential use of the algorithm is expected in online web applications for sharing information on criminal offenses managed by the Police of the Czech Republic with the public and local government entities in the Czech Republic.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Dingil, A.; Esztergár-Kiss, D.
2023, Journal of Advanced Transportation, ISSN 2042-3195
The necessity for an external control mechanism that optimizes daily urban trips becomes evident when considering numerous factors at play within a complex environment. This research introduces an activity-based travel personalization tool that incorporates 10 travel decision-making factors driven by the genetic algorithm. To evaluate the framework, a complex artificial scenario is created comprising six activities in a daily plan. Afterwards, the scenario is simulated for predefined user profiles, and the results of the simulation are compared based on the users' characteristics. The simulations of the scenario successfully demonstrate the appropriate utilization of activity constraints and the efficient implementation of users' spatiotemporal priorities. In comparison to the base case, significant time savings ranging from 31.2% to 70.2% are observed in the daily activity chains of the simulations. These results indicate that the magnitude of time savings in daily activity simulations depends on how users assign values to the travel decision-making parameters, reflecting the attitudinal differences among the predefined users in this study. This tool holds promise for advancing longitudinal travel behavior research, particularly in gaining a more profound understanding of travel patterns.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2023, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 68 (3), p. 177-209), ISSN 0032-2423
Článek analyzuje texty Josefa Františka Smetany týkající se astronomie. Čtenářům mimo jiné nabízí podrobnější pohled na vývoj poznávání meteorů, bolidů, meteoritů, meteorických rojů a komet, tj. problematiky, která se relativně nedávno přesunula z meteorologie do astronomie. Ukazuje, jak byla tato problematika ve třicátých až padesátých letech 19. století pojata ve Smetanových učebnicích a článcích.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Tetiana Reznychenko; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), p. 1-6), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The paper deals with the analysis of histograms of discrete data collected in questionnaires obtained for individual realizations of the target variable. The main aim of the analysis isto explore the influence of combinations of explanatory variables, represented by responses to the questionnaire, on the behavior of the target variable of the questionnaire. In this paper, an automated approach to histogram comparison is proposed based on coding combinations of data and detecting significant differences in frequencies using the Marascuilo procedure. This is the main contribution of the paper. The approach is validated using a simulated questionnaire in which respondents answered regarding their intention to purchase an electric vehicle subject to finance, leasing, and charging availability, as well as their driving style. The results of the experiments are demonstrated.
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doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Tetiana Reznychenko
2023, Proceedings of the The 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS) IDAACS’2023, Dortmund, IEEE), p. 51-56), ISBN 979-8-3503-5804-9, ISSN 2770-4254
The paper considers the problem of online prediction of a count variable based on real-time explanatory data of mixed count and categorical nature. The presented solution is based on (i) recursive Bayesian estimation of a mixture model of Poisson-distributed explanatory counts, using the categorical explanatory variable as a measurable pointer of the mixture, (ii) construction of a mixture of local Poisson regressions on the clustered data, and (iii) use of the pre-estimated mixtures for online prediction of the target count using actual measured explanatory data. The latter is one of the main contributions of the proposed approach. In addition, the dynamic model of the categorical explanatory variable preserves the functionality of the algorithm in case of its measurement failure. The experiments with simulations and real data report lower prediction errors compared to theoretical counterparts.
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Ing. Jakub Steiner; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2023, Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2023), Manassas, VA, The Institute of Navigation (ION)), p. 4145-4152), ISBN 978-0-936406-35-0, ISSN 2331-5954
The growing dependence of critical infrastructure on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) as an accurate and reliable positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) source gives rise to the importance of GNSS interference detection. Although jamming detection capabilities are present in the current market, predominately in the form of specialised GNSS interference detectors or GNSS receivers add-ons. These provide a limited coverage area and their implementation into critical infrastructure operations is rather slow. Therefore, this paper focuses on the detection of GNSS interference using widespread Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology. The research builds upon previous work and addresses some of its limitations by developing a discrete mathematical model for GNSS jamming detection based on ADS-B quality parameters. To develop and validate the model, a series of experiments involving GNSS jamming in live-sky environments were conducted. The controlled experiments enabled close monitoring of the aircraft navigation systems allowing for precise determination of the aircraft’s jammed/unjammed status. Approximately 75% of the jamming experiment data was used for model development and tuning, while the remaining 25% was reserved for evaluation. The model evaluation leveraging the confusion matrix showed a positive jamming detection rate of over 99% and a false positive jamming detection rate of under 1%. Additionally, the model was tested on ADS-B data from the Atlantic Ocean where no GNSS jamming is expected. Using this data set the model exhibited an under 1% false positive jamming detection rate.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Dingil, A.; Ing. André Maia Pereira; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Vorel, J.
2023, Transportation, ISSN 0049-4488
There is a raise in public awareness on environmental and health issues in recent years, therefore many municipalities changed their transport policy direction to become more sustainable, especially active mobility based. This study makes use of an activity-based demand model to simulate urban mobility and policies for sustainable transport modes in the Usti nad Labem district using an agent-based model simulator driven by a co-evolutionary algorithm. Two policy scenarios were created by considering the transport literature and analyzing the characteristics and behaviors of citizens as well as the properties of the study area. Three scenarios—the actual situation, a cycleway-infrastructure case, and a bus priority case—were simulated for the study area with MATSim software. Both policy scenarios resulted in a decrease in car usage, with a higher drop seen in the cycleway-infrastructure scenario. 9.11% higher public transport ridership and 2.45% more of public transport modal share are observed in the bus priority compared to the actual situation, however the car-related emissions did not decrease. 6.36% more of cycling modal share was also noticed in the cycleway-infrastructure scenario which, the transport modal shift is enhanced by 2.6 more times than in the bus priority scenario. Car driving hours were significantly reduced in the cycleway scenario (5535 h less in a day) where 445.3 tons of car-related CO2 emissions would be saved annually, therefore environmental benefits of cycling modal share increase in the study area is undoubtable in long-term.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Motzer, N.; Amorim, M.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Kern, M.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.
2023, Human Factors in Transportation, New York, Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International), p. 281-291), ISBN 978-1-958651-71-1
In response to society’s volatile and changing mobility requirements, many new mobility concepts and business models are currently being developed and piloted. The Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept attempts to meet rising customer demands in a needs-based and situational manner. For the success of innovative mobility offers, user acceptance and thus a user-centred business model and product development is crucial. The aim of this study is to provide deeper insights in the perception of society’s usefulness in a potential MaaS use to derive recommendations for the design and development of MaaS business models from a user perspective. This is done under consideration of the Importance-Performance-Matrix. The question is investigated to what extent differentiated usefulness dimensions (functional, emotional, social, economical, and ecological) influence the intention to use Mobility-as-a-Service. By applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the context of an empirical study the relationships between perceived usefulness dimensions, attitude towards using MaaS and intention to use MaaS were examined. For that, an online survey with more than 6400 respondents from four European countries was conducted. In this, we took care to select latent constructs with the highest possible fit that had already been tested in other studies. This database allowed the proposed TAM to be modelled using structural equation models (SEM) to analyse the relationships between perceived usefulness and behavioural intention to use MaaS.The results show that the perceived emotional, functional, and economical usefulness dimensions significantly correlate with both, the attitude towards and the intention to use MaaS positively. Especially the perception of emotionally increasing elements were identified as main drivers for an intensified MaaS use: The more likely users are to enjoy, feel good about, or have fun using MaaS, the more likely they are to use such a system. One design approach for increasing emotional benefits is to add means of transport to a MaaS package whose use is characterized by a high degree of enjoyment, such as e-scooters and e-bikes. Here, we were able to investigate high correlations between the desire for those transport modes and the intention to use MaaS. Another approach is to remove "pain points" in the transaction process in the MaaS app. It is recommended to implement an integrated booking and payment function. Generally, a MaaS app should simplify the processes that users perceive as complicated in intermodal travel. However, no significant results could be found on the social dimension, which means there is currently no need for action in improving a MaaS system regarding social components. The ecological usefulness dimension shows a significant negative influence on the intention to use on the one hand, and a significant positive inf
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2023, Češi v Bulharsku. Od osvobození Bulharska do konce druhé světové války, Brno, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury), p. 157-183), ISBN 978-80-7325-565-7
Článek analyzuje životní osudy Františky Senlerové-Šourkové, první ředitelky plovdivského dívčího gymnázia, a její vliv na rozvoj dívčího školství v Bulharsku v 19. století.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2023, Jost Burgi (1552-1632). Schlussel zum Kosmos, St. Gallen, Kulturmuseum St. Gallen), p. 100-109), ISBN 978-3-03895-057-8
Das Kapitel beschreibt Leben und Werk von Jost Burgi in einem größeren historischen Kontext während seiner Zeit in Prag.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2023, Antiquitates Mathematicae, 17 (1), p. 69-99), ISSN 1898-5203
Josef František Smetana (1801--1861), professor at the Philosophical Institute and Gymnasium in Pilsen, was a naturalist, historian and poet. He belonged to the canonical order of Premonstratensian (the monastery in Teplá). The name Josef was his order name. He was a prominent personality of Pilsen and the wider area, a patriot and a revivalist. In a number of directions, he continued the activities of Josef Vojtěch Sedláček, his older colleague and friend. He taught physics, natural sciences and Czech, wrote history, astronomy and physics textbooks. Most of his poems were not published until the beginning of the 20th century, some remained in the form of manuscripts.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2023, Oberwolfach Reports, 20 (4), p. 2727-2731), ISSN 1660-8933
The article describes collaborations of mathematicians from the Czech lands with famous German mathematician Felix Klein (studies at German Universities, participatins in more advaced seminars, preparation of dissertations or articles, scientific collaborations).
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Traffic congestion is one of the most significant impacts of constantly increasing mobility demands in cities. In this paper, we conceptualize a complex multi-aspect algorithm for quantification of the socioeconomical impact of congestion. This algorithm can be a very powerful tool to evaluate recurrent congestion in cities in terms of quality of life (QoL) and economic assessment justifying investments. It is also a forecasting tool evaluating planned interventions into urban transportation systems such as constructions, reorganizations, and various special events. The proposed preliminary algorithm takes into consideration the value of time, the fuel consumed, and the cost of produced CO2 emissions. With the provided example, it was shown that in case of Prague city daily congestion related cost can exceed and overwhelming 800.000 EUR/day. This is a considerable amount when considering its daily base repetitiveness.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Špák, M.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 222-227), ISBN 979-8-3503-7042-3, ISSN 2836-2756
Efficient airport operations are vital for ensuring the seamless flow of aircraft and passengers. However, real-world airport operations often deviate from meticulously crafted plans, necessitating dynamic resource allocation. These challenges become particularly pronounced during peak operational periods when butter capacity is limited. To address these issues, we conducted an analysis utilizing operational data from the airport, along with Filed Tactical Flight Model and Current Tactical Flight Model data, as well as meteorological information. Our study primarily focuses on incoming flights at Prague Airport, where we employed regression analysis, forward parameter selection, and a brute-force approach to identify key parameters. These parameters significantly enhance the predictability of in-block time deviations and delay caused in individual phases of the flight. Our model successfully explains up to 96 % of the variability in the data. In summary, this research aims to optimize airport operations by bridging the gap between planned and actual in-block times, ultimately enhancing airport efficiency. The comprehensive analysis of various data elements offers valuable insights for airport management and decision-makers.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2023, Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1006, Springer, Cham), p. 163-184), ISBN 978-3-031-26474-0, ISSN 1876-1119
The chapter focuses on the description of the relationship of the count variable and explanatory Gaussian variables. The cluster-based model is proposed, which is constructed on conditionally independent Gaussian clusters captured in real time using recursive algorithms of the Bayesian mixture estimation theory. The resulting model is expected to be used for predicting count data using real time Gaussian observations. The Poisson distribution of the count data is used as a basic model. However, in reality, count data often do not satisfy the Poisson assumption of equal mean and variance. For this case, five cluster-based Poisson-related models of overdispersed data have been studied. The experimental part of the chapter demonstrates a comparison of the prediction accuracy of the considered models with two theoretical counterparts for the case of weak and strong overdispersion with the help of simulations. The paper reports that the most accurate prediction in average has been provided by the cluster-based Generalized Poisson models.
Kapitola v jiné knize

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2023, ISBN 978-80-01-07090-1
This work summarizes results and findings of a Czech national scientific project “SMART City – SMART Region – SMART Community” that took place between years 2018 and 2022. Its objective was to understand decision making processes related to the travel mode choice (travel behavior research). Particular focus has been put on shared mobility, micro mobility and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) in general. Main driver of the study was the need to understand reasons why people choose cars as their preferred travel mode in order to propose and deliver policies leading to increase attractiveness of other transport modes.
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2023, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 68 (2), p. 46-62), ISSN 0032-2423
V článku přiblížíme jeden téměř zapomenutý rukopis komentářů ke knize Euklids Elemente, die ersten vier Bucher z roku 1807, který vznikl v první třetině 19. století buď na německém premonstrátském gymnáziu v Plzni, nebo v klášteře premonstrátů v Teplé a byl patrně spjat s výukou geometrie. Uvedeme základní informaci o životě a díle majitele této knihy a snad i autora komentářů a provedeme stručnou analýzu obsahu tohoto rukopisu.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Toruń, A.
2023, Transport Means 2023. Part I. Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 452-457), ISSN 2351-7034
The paper provides an overview of the ongoing development process of the safety control system for autonomous train operation. In the provided work authors cooperate with a leading signaling systems supplier to apply their knowledge of semi-automated train operation and to analyze and synthesize possibilities and techniques for development and implementation of a system able of substituting necessary train driver activities and responsibilities. A brief overview of the feasible control systems for this task is provided, and challenges in implementation of such a system to provide autonomous operation of trains on grade-of automation levels 3 (driverless, with a train attendant) and 4 (unattended) are analyzed. Finally, the essential building blocks of the proposed safety control system are outlined and their functionality and related data flow is briefly discussed.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2023, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 12 (4), p. 986-995), ISSN 2046-0430
With the constant and ever-growing pressure from governing bodies for increased sustainability of transportation systems, the need for changes in the travel behaviours of the inhabitants of suburban and urban areas seems inevitable. Thus a shift from cars to vehicles with higher occupancy rates or other more environmental friendly travel modes needs to be a priority. This requires understanding the reasons why people choose cars as their preferred mode of travel for commutes in order to make informed decisions about how to encourage changes in commuter travel behaviors. This paper presents a case study of four medium-sized Czech towns, including a survey concerning pre- and post-COVID-19 travel habits focused on identifying and understanding the willingness of car-dependent commuters to change their mode of travel choice. This three-stage survey revealed a small, COVID pandemia -based effect on the habits of respondents and helped to identify sensitivities survey participants had to particular travel parameters and characteristics that might be used by municipalities to implement informed policies that could lead to changes in travel behaviours.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2023, Neural Network World, 33 (4), p. 291-315), ISSN 2336-4335
The development of traffic state prediction algorithms embedded in intelligent transportation systems is of great importance for improving traffic conditions for drivers and pedestrians. Despite the large number of prediction methods, existing limitations still confirm the need to find a systematic solution and its adaptation to specific traffic data. This paper focuses on the relationship between traffic flow states in different urban locations, where these states are identified as clusters of traffic counts. Extending the recursive Bayesian mixture estimation theory to the Poisson mixtures, the paper uses the mixture pointers to construct the traffic state prediction model. Using the predictive model, the cluster at the target urban location is predicted based on the traffic counts measured in real time at the explanatory urban location. The main contributions of this study are: (i) recursive identification and prediction of the traffic state at each time instant, (ii) straightforward Poisson mixture initialization, and (iii) systematic theoretical background of the prediction approach. Results of testing the prediction algorithm on real traffic counts are presented.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2023, Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 52 (1), p. 11-21), ISSN 1335-4981
Článek nastiňuje vývoj gymnázií v českých zemích od 15. do 16. století. Zásadní charakteristiky hlavních typů škol (latinské, utrakvistické, bratrské, luteránské, katolické a jezuitské školy, gymnázia) jsou uvedeny s důrazem na analýzu výuky matematiky a s ohledem na důležité reformy, které ovlivnily matematické vzdělávání a vzdělanost.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2023, Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 52 (2), p. 9-30), ISSN 1335-4981
Článek nastiňuje vývoj gymnázií v českých zemích od 17. do 18. století. Popsány jsou hlavní reformy provedené jezuity, habsburskými panovníky i státními komisemi s důrazem na jejich dopad na matematické vzdělávání. Připomenuty jsou nejdůležitější učebnice a metodiky, metody výuky a cíle vyučování matematice.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Bečvář, J.; prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2023, Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 52 (4), p. 1-26), ISSN 1335-4981
Článek informuje o řadě reforem, které se uskutečnily v první polovině 19. století, vyvrcholily slavnou Exner-Bonitzovou reformou (1848) a skončily roku 1867 (1869) novým školským zákonem platným v Habsburské monarchii. Stručně je analyzován dopad reforem na strukturu gymnázií, na výuku matematiky, na transformaci osnov, učebnic a vyučovacích metod matematického vzdělávání.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Velázquez-Araque, L.; Castro, V.; Vélez, P.; Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Wastewater treatment is a process to improve the water quality making it suitable for discharge back to the environment. Since wastewater majorly comes from humans, wastewater treatment plants are required in urban areas to improve the quality of the environment and life in cities. In Ecuador, wastewater treatment is frequently solved by a waste stabilization pond system which offer completely natural purifying processes. Unfortunately, most of the ponds are not in optimal conditions and show deficiencies in hydrodynamics and sediment removal. The objective of this work was to demonstrate how a hydraulic improvement of a maturation pond can be achieved by applying Computational Fluid Dynamics. Ansys Fluent software was used to perform a two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of the maturation pond in the Playas canton. Several interventions in the pond design were proposed and studied from the hydraulic efficiency point of view. It was generally concluded that the use of the Computational Fluid Dynamics is beneficial to design, analyze and optimize complex waste stabilization pond systems, resulting in an increased quality of life in cities.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2022, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 26 (5), p. 613-623), ISSN 1547-2450
In a world in which Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are increasingly being installed on highways, the proper calibration of ITS algorithms is emerging as an essential component of such systems. The key to calibration is profound and correct understanding of reactions by drivers to ITS interventions. Speed compliance is a special kind of driver behavior, highly related to resultant road safety. This paper, using data gathered from a representative sample of 39 research participants in a dynamic driving simulator experiment in the Czech Republic, presents an approach for modeling driver speed compliance based on socio-demographic characteristics. In this approach, logistic regression model was applied to understand the factors influencing driver speed compliance. The results of this study support the goal of establishing optimal speed limits for drivers on Variable Message Signs on the Prague Ring Road by addressing issues related to driver speed compliance. These findings provide the basis for policy development aimed at ensuring the consistent and practical design of Variable Speed Limit systems on Czech highways and beyond.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. André Maia Pereira; Dingil, A.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Myška, V.; Vorel, J.; Ing. Milan Kříž, Ph.D.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (19), ISSN 2076-3417
In this study, an activity-based travel demand model of the Ústí nad Labem district (Czech Republic) is created. To do this, an advanced travel demand synthesis process is presented by utilizing the Eqasim framework, which is a pipeline-processing, initial raw data to simulation step. The framework is extensively modified and extended with several algorithms in order to utilize multiple data points for increasing realism in mobility for travel demand models. Two major extensions are provided. First, the pipeline framework is improved to estimate inbound and outbound trips of the study area, comprising a main city and 23 surrounding municipalities. The extended framework assigns synthetic gates for the study area as hubs for the inclusion of inbound and outbound trips. Second, the pipeline framework is advanced to provide a more compatible match of travel destination and activity location state. To do this, the extended framework assigns a capacity for each facility identified for the study area, the expected number of visitors to each facility, and the number of residents in each building. The resulting demand model is presented and the generated trips are evaluated based on locational, transport mode, and sociodemographic characteristics with origin–destination (OD) bundling. Additionally, distribution analyses of the present model are conducted to understand the matching results on a detailed level. The results demonstrate that the present model provides a reasonable output for transport researchers when testing different mobility scenarios and the provided extensions helps them to reduce implausible reflections of the distribution of travel and activity characteristics in household travel surveys while creating demand models, thus increasing realism. Lastly, open-source playground and code repository for further future improvement of synthetic travel synthesis methods are created, which enhances a deep understanding of the preparatory and methodological backgrounds required for complex activity-based simulations in order to inspire transport planners.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Sokołowska, L.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Holcman, J.
In terms of safety, rail-road crossings are critical points of interface between rail and road transport systems. This is due to the fact that among the total number of adverse events that take place in the area of railway infrastructure, the vast majorities are those occurring at these critical points. The issue of the occurrence of adverse events in the area of rail-road crossings has continuously been a serious topic of discussion for all entities related to land transport for many years. There is still a search for innovative methods influencing the improvement of safety at rail-road crossings. The proposed solutions must, on the one hand, take into account many aspects (including: safety, legal, technical) and on the other hand, take into account economic factors. Currently, there are no crossing systems in Poland that enable the control of multiple remote peripheral devices (barriers, traffic signals, level crossing warning signal) of various rail-road crossings from one control core. The level crossing system enabling remote control from one control core is the PZZ-J system produced by the Czech company AŽD Praha s.r.o. However, this system is not approved in Poland. On the Polish railway network, can often be found a large concentration of rail-road crossings, where installation of such a system would be advisable taking into account economic factors. Reducing the cost of building the system enables the protection of a greater number of rail-road crossings, which implies a significant improvement in safety within these facilities. This article presents the concept of a control system for multiple remote peripheral devices of rail-road crossings using the PZZ-J system by AŽD Praha s.r.o., in order 2 to group rail-road crossings on a selected railway line managed by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.. The paper also analyzes the mathematical model of a centralized control system for multiple remote peripheral devices of rail-road crossings in order to determine the reliability, availability and safety parameters describing the safety level of the system. Stochastic processes in the form of homogeneous stationary and ergodic Markov processes were used for the mathematical analysis. This method makes it possible to estimate the limit values of the probabilities of failure states and dangerous failures during system operation.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2022, In Foreign Lands: The Migration of Scientists for Political or Economic Reasons, Basel, Birkhäuser Verlag), p. 331-346), ISBN 978-3-030-80248-6, ISSN 2297-2951
The article, based on the study of surviving archive sources available in the Czech Republic and abroad, as well as diverse secondary literature, deals with four typical cases of emigration from Bohemia (1880s), resp. Czechoslovakia (1910s/1920s, 1930s and after 1945), and two typical cases of immigration to Czechoslovakia (1920s and 1930s) from the viewpoint of mathematicians and their communities living in Bohemia, resp. Czechoslovakia. It describes the most important political, economic, social, cultural, religious and nationalistic reasons for the decisions to immigrate or emigrate, compares these six migration waves, and analyses their influence and impact on the development of international as well as our national mathematical community, teaching activities, and research.
Kapitola v knize s nadnárodní působností

Skovajsa, J.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; Ščerba, M.; Janota, A.
2022, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, 35 (5), p. 900-907), ISSN 1025-2495
Road construction and maintenance activities cause traffic congestions and delays and present challenges for ensuring the safety of both motorists and road workers. While urban areas are well-equipped with traffic devices, in the case of highways our chances to collect traffic data and control traffic flows may be limited. Then the use of a temporary Highway Traffic Management System seems to be a suitable solution. Although the impacts of its deployment are addressed by many theoretical studies and demonstrated on traffic simulation models, there are not many references dealing with field tests. We provide results of the practical evaluation of the temporary Highway Management System installed and tested on the main highway in the Czech Republic during the road works period. Before-after analysis of collected traffic data was performed to prove the importance and positive impact of the proposed solution. We demonstrate an over 20% increase in the capacity of the roadwork zone and an almost 30 seconds decrease in average delay for one vehicle Highway administrators can use the results to justify investments into the temporary deployment of mobile traffic management systems.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném WoS mimo SCIE, SSCI a AHCI

Šálková, E.; Gela, D.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; Flajshans, M.
2022, Veterinarni Medicina, 2022 (67), p. 138-149), ISSN 0375-8427
Functional diploid Acipenser ruthenus, functional tetraploid Acipenser gueldenstaedtii and functional hexaploid Acipenser brevirostrum juveniles were sampled monthly for one year, and the white blood cell indicators were determined. The highest number of leukocytes was reached during September and October for A. ruthenus and A. brevirostrum, from October to January for A. gueldenstaedtii (a statistically significant finding). The data suggest a significant effect of ploidy level on the total number of leukocytes and morphological nuclear changes in the granulocytes and lymphocytes. The seasonalvariation in the differential leukocyte counts depends on the species and the influence of various external conditions rather than the ploidy level
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Likhonina, R.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.
2022, Neural Network World, 32 (2), p. 73-92), ISSN 1210-0552
The present paper describes hand detection application implemented on Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ device, comprising multi-core processor ARM Cortex A53 and FPGA programmable logic. It uses ultrasound data and is based on adaptive QRD RLS lattice algorithm extended with hypothesis testing. The algorithm chooses between two use-cases: (1) ''there is a hand in front of the device'' vs (2) ''there is no hand in front of the device''. For these purposes a new structure of the identification models was designed. The model presenting use-case (1) is a regression model, which has the order sufficient to cover all incoming data. The model responsible for use-case (2) is a regression model, which has a smaller order than the model (1) and a certain time delay, covering the maximal distance where the hand can possibly appear. The offered concept was successfully verified using real ultrasound data in MATLAB optimized for parallel processing and implemented in parallel on four cores of ARM Cortex A53 processor. It was proved that computational time of the algorithm is sufficient for applications requiring real-time processing.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2022, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 67 (3), p. 159-185), ISSN 0032-2423
V článku přiblížíme překvapivý a osobitý humor dvou plzeňských profesorů, premonstrátů Josefa Vojtěcha Sedláčka (1785-1836) a Josefa Františka Smetany (1801-1861). Uvedeme několik ukázek jejich tvorby, jak vtipných didaktických veršů, tak břitké kritiky tehdejší společnosti. Přiblížíme i dvě tehdejší "aféry". Tato literární produkce premonstrátských profesorů je již téměř zapomenuta, vše odvál čas. Jejich humor a satirickou poezii se pokusíme prezentovat v historickém kontextu a posuzovat shovívavýma očima.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Tereza Dvořáková; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 63-67), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
The evolution of airports toward the Smart Airport concept is currently very topical. The Smart Airport concept brings the digitization and new technologies amongst other benefits. This article deals with the impact of smart technologies, implemented to increase the passenger throughput at airport processors, on waiting times in the queue. To enable simulating the impact of various passenger throughputs, a developed generic model, that can be primarily applied to arrival border control at any airport, was used. Based on the simulation results, the difference in the waiting times in the queue depending on different processing times and used technologies can be compared and analyzed. Therefore, the model can also be used to determine the impact of implementation of smart technologies on the passenger flow at the airport. A simulation performed in the model comparing manual, smart and hybrid configurations of the arrival border control is analyzed in this paper.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Dr. Leonard Johannes Mathias Rothkrantz; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2022, ISBN 978-3-0365-4147-1
Smart Cities seek to optimize their systems by increasing integration through approaches such as increased interoperability, seamless system integration, and automation. Thus, they have the potential to deliver substantial efficiency gains and eliminate redundancy. To add to the complexity of the problem, the integration of systems for efficiency gains may compromise the resilience of an urban system. This all needs to be taken into consideration when thinking about Smart Cities. The transportation field must also apply the principles and concepts mentioned above. This cannot be understood without considering its links and effects on other components of an urban system. New technologies allow for new means of travel to be built, and new business models allow for the existing ones to be utilized. This Special Issue puts together papers with different focuses, but all of them tackle the topic of smart mobility.
Kniha - sborník

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Rothkrantz, L.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (7), ISSN 2076-3417
Urban areas are growing all over the world. As a consequence, a larger volume of people and goods has to move to a larger number of different locations on a daily basis. This leads to more traffic congestion, longer commutes, use of different travel modalities, and increasing pollution. There is thus a need for more intelligent transportation and smart infrastructure, as well as changes in travel behavior.
Editorství speciálního čísla časopisu excerp. SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2022, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 67 (2), p. 78-115), ISSN 0032-2423
Josef František Smetana (1801-1861), profesor plzeňského filozofického ústavu a gymnázia, byl přírodovědcem, historikem a básníkem. Patřil k premonstrátské kanonii v Teplé. Byl výraznou osobností Plzně a širokého okolí, vlastencem a buditelem. Vyučoval fyziku, přírodovědu a češtinu, sepsal učebnice historie, astronomie a fyziky. Většina jeho básní byla zveřejněna až počátkem 20. století, některé zůstaly v rukopise.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2022, Minulostí západočeského kraje, 55 (1), p. 136-183), ISSN 0544-3830
Článek začíná krátkým připomenutím osobnosti Josefa Vojtěcha Sedláčka, profesora matematiky a řečtiny na plzeňském Filosofickém ústavu, významného buditele, který mnoho času a energie věnoval rozvoji českého divadla v Plzni, v němž viděl velikou příležitost nejen pro zábavu, ale i pro výchovu českého národa a posílení jeho vlasteneckého cítění. Článek přináší řadu informací o českých divadelních představeních v Plzni v první polovině 19. století.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Likhonina, R.
2022, Neural Network World, 32 (1), p. 15-41), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper deals with the task of modeling discrete questionnaire data with a reduced dimension of the model. The discrete model dimension is reduced using the construction of local models based on independent binomial mixtures estimated with the help of recursive Bayesian algorithms in the combination with the naive Bayes technique. The main contribution of the paper is a three-phase algorithm of the discrete model dimension reduction, which allows to model high-dimensional questionnaire data with high number of explanatory variables and their possible realizations. The proposed general solution is applied to the traffic accident questionnaire analysis, where it takes the form of the classification of the accident circumstances and prediction of the traffic accident severity using the currently measured discrete data. Results of testing the obtained model on real data and comparison with theoretical counterparts are demonstrated.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.
2022, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.), p. 325-332), ISBN 978-981-19-4750-6, ISSN 2194-1009
This contribution continues our recent studies on the algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the RTT–algebras of sp(2n) and o(2n) types. In these studies, we faced RTT–algebras which we called An. The next step in our construction of the Bethe vectors for the RTT-algebras of type sp(2n) and o(2n) is to find the Bethe vectors for the RTT–algebras An. This paper deals with the construction of the Bethe vectors of the RTT–algebra An using the Bethe vectors of the RTT–algebra An−1.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2022, Antiquitates Mathematicae, 16 (1), p. 161-180), ISSN 1898-5203
At various conferences of German and Austrian historians of mathematics, Seligmann Kantor’s name appears in lectures, either in connection with the development of certain mathematical disciplines (combinatorics, configuration theory or geometric transformations) or by evaluating his books. However, most of the lecturers point out that they know nothing about his life, his fate, and have no idea how he looked like. In this article we will try to summarize everything essential that we managed to find out about him through archival research in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy, through reading his personal correspondence and mathematical articles.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2022, XV. Osterreichisches Symposion zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Vertical und horizontal cross sections, Wien, Vienna University of Technology), p. 111-120)
The article describes the life and professional activities of Seligmann Kantor (1857-1903) who was an interesting mathematician came from Czech lands.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tereza Dvořáková; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Mgr. Šárka Voráčová, Ph.D.; Řehoř, V.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Airports worldwide are dealing with application of anti-epidemic measures, that lead to decreased capacity of airport terminals. Passengers are obliged to observe physical distancing and other rules, which in combination with longer service times at checks and controls lead to congestions in front of airport processors. This study aims to introduce new solutions for queue management at smart airports, that belong to the Smart Cities concept. The preliminary idea of buffer zones as waiting areas for passengers, that cannot be allowed to enter overcrowded areas, especially queues, brings new opportunities and benefits for both passengers and the airport. Based on performed simulations in the developed model, authors defined two types of buffer zones and determined the optimum time limit to distinguish between the two types of buffer zones. The paper brings theoretical and practical approach to use of buffer zones in real airport operations.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. André Maia Pereira; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Maerivoet, S.; Overvoorde, R.; Paruscio, V.; Mylonas, Ch.; Vega, C.; Recolons, P.; Covelli, C.; Nomes, E.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The paper presents a new data model linking the key terms within the mobility filed to show the flexible multidimensional relations among them, reflecting new trends and needs and following the service-oriented approach. Moreover, it provides a summary of the state-of-the-art assessment of mobility analysis for selected mobility services.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.
2022, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 213 (1), p. 1395-1405), ISSN 0040-5779
We extend our recent results on the Bethe vectors for the RTT-algebra of sp(4) type. We show how the Bethe vectors can be rewritten in a different form similar to the trace formula for the Bethe vectors of the RTT-algebra of the gl(3) type.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Amorim, M.; Kern, M.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Motzer, N.
2022, Travel Behaviour and Society, 2022 (27), p. 204-215), ISSN 2214-367X
Urban mobility is currently facing a variety of challenges. Increasing emission levels in cities, growing numbers of private vehicles and constantly changing needs and requirements of the population are only some of them. New mobility concepts and business models are currently emerging in response to these volatile conditions, primarily through improvements in IT infrastructure and the profitable collaboration of various players. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is one of those innovative mobility concepts trying to cope with the current challenges. This paper provides first insights on the characteristics and attitudes of potential MaaS users in order to understand the drivers for a higher willingness to use. The results are gathered with an online survey based on a sample of n = 6000 regular commuters within England, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. Additionally to the development of a User Behavior Model, the focus also lies on the analysis of undecided users. Comparing the attitudes of participants who show a high willingness to use MaaS with those who are still undecided provides important insights on how to attract a specific audience and increase the usage of Mobility as a Service. The data provides information that the average undecided user is of higher age and has a lower income. Furthermore, the results show significant evidence that the personal opinion towards shared economy, environmental friendliness, and social influence does impact the willingness to use MaaS. Contrary to existing research, travelled distance does not influence the likelihood to use MaaS.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SSCI

Ing. Bc. Zdeněk Michl; doc. Ing. Vít Janoš, Ph.D.; Ing. Rudolf Vávra, Ph.D.
2021, International Scientific Conference "Horizons of Railway Transport 2020", Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University), p. 146-153), ISSN 2352-1457
This paper is focused on a very current issue of software timetabling, concretely on development and stabilization of the railway infrastructure data base, used for railway timetabling and microsimulation of railway traffic. An infrastructure dataset usually consists of a sequence of so-called “transport points”, each of which has a specified mileage position. Each element of the infrastructure, i.e. each transport point, must be uniquely and uniquely identified too. The purpose is to create a logical structure of marking and design of the arrangement architecture of individual infrastructure elements. This is a completely new approach, because in the Czech environment it is not possible to use the marking system used by the infrastructure manager (Správa železnic), because the development of this marking was gradual and does not meet the current requirements for a unified marking logic. The goal is to design a system architecture that allows the creation of large networks and allows them to be interconnected, without the risk of duplication.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Hrdina, L.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Torun, A.
2021, 19th European Transport Congress: European Green Deal Challenges and Solutions for Mobility and Logistics in Cities, Maribor, University of Maribor), p. 401-417), ISBN 978-961-95633-0-4
In the last years, with new topics such as smart cities emerging, there is a lot of progress with respect to gathering new data, transforming them into information and knowledge and to share and enhance such knowledge among different fields. This is true also for traditionally closed environments such as railway stations. We can see many new sensors emerging. They do not monitor only the movement of the trains. A lot of attention is newly paid to the movement of people. For this different video detection systems, ultrasonic technologies, even weight sensors installed in vehicles are often used to learn more about travelers’ behavior. Such data can be used for many different aspects, such as safety, security or even control and optimization. In this paper, we do not look primarily at the different technologies used in sensors to monitor presence and movement of travelers (automated people counting – APC systems). Our aim is to define the possible usage of such data. System engineering approach is used to utilize the findings from literature and project review. Based on a state-of-the-art analysis, we identify the major actors and prepare use cases defining the way how they can use and benefit from the data. A classification of the technology is provided to better explain the needs of particular use cases. The use cases are also further classified according to strategic, tactical, and operational control level.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2021, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO, Setùbal, SciTePress), p. 641-648), ISBN 978-989-758-522-7, ISSN 2184-2809
This paper aims at presenting the on-line non-iterative form of Bayesian mixture estimation. The model used is composed of a set of sub-models (components) and an estimated pointer variable that currently indicates the active component. The estimation is built on an approximated Bayes rule using weighted measured data. The weights are derived from the so called proximity of measured data entries to individual components. The basis for the generation of the weights are integrated likelihood functions with the inserted point estimates of the component parameters. One of the main advantages of the presented data analysis method is a possibility of a simple incorporation of the available prior knowledge. Simple examples with a programming code as well as results of experiments with real data are demonstrated. The main goal of this paper is to provide clear description of the Bayesian estimation method based on the approximated likelihood functions, called proximities.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.
2021, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9 (2), p. 842-850), ISSN 2213-624X
Carsharing is a relatively new and growing mobility service in many cities. Although there are numerous carsharing initiatives in operation around the world, it is still not clear how they will affect overall travel behavior. Understanding the effects of carsharing when combined with other existing travel modes is an important pre-requisite for decision-makers for them to be able to positively utilise the benefits of carsharing services. Such new mobility services need to be incorporated into existing modelling tools to reliably evaluate the impact of specific measures and policies. The presented study provides an insight into one aspect of such models: the use of carsharing for various trip purposes by users with different socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes. We identify variables that should be used for computing the utility function for users with different backgrounds, perceptions, and preferences. In this study, existing users of a carsharing company operating in various Czech cities participated in a survey and their responses were paired with records of their real carsharing usage patterns. To reduce the number of variables, principal component analysis was used, mainly with attitudinal and perception questions. The principal components based on survey respondents' attitudes towards carsharing and socio-demographic and other variables were used in logistic regression to identify parameters that most significantly influence various purposes for trips. The results confirm the hypothesis that trip purposes differ significantly among carsharing users and need to be incorporated into macroscopic carsharing usage models. These findings can assist municipality representatives and transport companies in considering carsharing as a valid and sustainable travel mode in traffic models and studies.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Daniel, M.; Dostál, R.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Ing. Aneta Dostálová; Moudrá, K.; Ing. André Maia Pereira; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2021, 2021 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-0-7381-3158-0
The field of smart cities and the latest problems in this area of expertise accent the need for interaction among different areas, such as transportation, energy management, education, buildings and others. New technologies and new methods allow for a fast development of each of the areas and of the city itself. At the same time, there is a need for further involvement of citizens and different stakeholders in the decision-making process within cities. In order to demonstrate the impact of a new policy (e.g., building a new shopping center) on certain city aspect (e.g., transportation), simulation models have been recognized as probably the best approach. Unfortunately, there is still no tool that would allow the stakeholders to evaluate the impact of such a policy on a city as a whole and from multiple perspectives. Dedicated simulation frameworks should be used in cooperation, one for transportation, one for energy grid management, another for its impact on the environment until all important aspects are covered. This paper describes a complex tool aiming on overcoming such complicated demands and giving the policy makers one tool to assess impact on different interconnected fields. It combines existing dedicated simulation frameworks into a complete software suite that can combine even contradictory results into one or more performance indicators. This can be used as a decision support system and help in involving citizens into the city government and planning. This article focuses on the utilization of mobility modelling in such a software.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Mgr. Pavel Provinský, Ph.D.
The text introduces floppy logic, which is a new multi-valued logic. Floppy logic consistently links fuzzy sets to probability theory. The most important results of this work include proof that all statements equivalent in standard two-valued logic are also equivalent in floppy logic. It follows that floppy logic retains all the properties of standard two-valued logic which can be expressed as an equivalence. Another important result is the proof that floppy logic is a model of Kolmogorov probability theory. We can therefore apply all the concepts and tools of probability theory in floppy logic. Much focus was given to practical examples of work with floppy logic. Floppy logic is compared to several other theories and also presented in historical context.
Disertační práce (PhD)

Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.
2021, 2021 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-6654-1524-8, ISSN 2691-3666
Highway management implemented to a city ring road should be indisputably integrated into Smart City strategies. It is believed that the multi-agent approach should facilitate such an integration since it is able to cover heterogeneous entities. For this reason, an agent based environment for the simulation of different control strategies to highway management was required. The software tool Anylogic was selected for this issue, since it contains built-in traffic library and allows agent based modeling. In the previous work, the architecture and the framework model for the simulation environment were defined. This paper is focused on the highway model itself. It deals with the problems which had to be overcome when modeling a highway segment in Anylogic. It includes the infrastructure with ramps and exits, loop detectors for traffic flow mapping and gantries for transmission of control actions to the drivers. The generation and the setting of traffic flow, together with its mapping and the drivers' reaction on the control measures, are also covered. The highway model was validated with real data from Prague Ring Road and, within the mentioned framework model, it is now prepared for the simulation of different scenarios.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2021, Applied Sciences, 11 (22), ISSN 2076-3417
owadays, urban road tunnels are considered to be independent entities within a city. Their interactions with the rest of the city and vice versa are usually not considered and, if they are, are only considered in a limited way (for example, through the nearest traffic controller). Typically, only the traffic parameters and not the environmental impacts are considered. This paper has two major objectives. First, we provide a systemic view on a road urban tunnel. The major focus is on the interfaces between the tunnel and the rest of the city and the way they will be managed. We are providing a tool to take into consideration a sustainable development of a tunnel (i.e., not only traffic flow parameters such as average speed, but also environmental and societal characteristics). This model expresses the actual traffic situation in a monetary form (i.e., cost of congestions). The second objective is to provide a new road urban tunnel control approach that follows the original methodology and systemic view described in the paper. If the tunnel is controlled autonomously, which corresponds to the current state-of-the-art in many cities, the algorithm decides to close it based on only local parameters. However, the proposed new algorithm takes into consideration not only the traffic situation in the tunnel (expressed by the parameter traffic density), but also the actual traffic situation within the city (expressed by its level of service (LOS)). This allows more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable oriented road urban tunnel management. The described algorithm is demonstrated on a specific example of the tunnel complex Blanka in Prague.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2021, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 66 (1), p. 33-48), ISSN 0032-2423
Článek pojednává o životních osudech zapomenutého německého matematika Seligmanna Kantora (1857-1903). Mapuje jeho nevydařené doktorské řízení na univerzitě v Lipsku v roce 1882.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2021, Archeologie v národním obrození – Národní obrození v archeologii, Praha, Pedagogická fakulta), p. 117-137), ISBN 978-80-7603-241-5
Josef Smolík (1832–1915) byl středoškolským profesorem matematiky a fyziky, vyučoval i český a francouzský jazyk. Věnoval se historii matematiky a astronomie, historii, genealogii, historickému místopisu, archeologii, numismatice, popularizaci přírodních věd. Skládal také básně. Byl aktivním organizátorem vědeckého života a členem několika odborných spolků. V příspěvku je připomenut Smolíkův přínos k rozvoji české archeologie, jeho všestranné aktivity v Archaeologickém sboru Musea království Českého (1870 až 1915) a redigování Památek archaeologických a místopisných (1878 až 1884).
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2021, Minulostí západočeského kraje, 56 (1), p. 56-134), ISSN 0544-3830
Článek na základě studia archivních materiálů analyzuje roli Josefa Vojtěcha Sedláčka (1785-1836) při vzniku tří elementárních škol (Dýšina, Chrást, Plzeň) a dětské školky v Plzni v první třetině 19. století. Popsán je vznik a vývoj škol i jejich dopad na rozvoj vzdělanosti v Plzni a jejím okolí.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Bečvář, J.
2021, ANTIQUA NOVA XXI, Plzeň, Fakulta filozofická), p. 1-14), ISBN 978-80-261-1039-2
Článek analyzuje pět příkladů (R50, R48, R41, R42 a R43) z Rhindova matematického papyru (uloženého v Britském muzeu), který pochází z druhého přechodného období Egypta. Diskutován je také jeden příklad (K2) z Káhunských matematických papyrů (Britské muzeum). Příklad R50 ukazuje, jak egyptští písaři počítali obsah kruhu o daném průměru. Příklad R48 porovnává obsah kruhu s obsahem opsaného čtverce. Další čtyři příklady ukazují, jak vypočítat objem válcového sila na zrno s daným průměrem a výškou. Autor vysvětluje algoritmus, který používali egyptští počtáři. Nabízí tři způsoby, jak mohli najít poměrně přesný postup a aproximovat hodnotu π. Porovnává egyptskou aproximaci s aproximací babylonských písařů a řeckých matematiků.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

2021, Proceedings of the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Radfort, Mathematics and Technology, LLC), ISSN 1940-4204
In order to investigate movement in the plane and congruent transformations, instead of traditional logic development, we can conveniently use intuitive involvement in the geometric ideas of ornaments with the dynamic geometry software GeoGebra and 3D software Tinkercad. In this paper, we will explore selected examples of ornaments and segmented geometric patterns. We bring up some ideas about what a teacher of mathematic can find in geometric patterns and how he can fit them into his teaching curriculum. In this paper, we present a few proposals of methodologies for teaching symmetry in the plane with digital technologies, manipulative activities, and controlled exploration. We also present the results of the research of this method.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Bečvář, J.
2021, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 66 (2), p. 142-146), ISSN 0032-2423
Podrobná recenze fascinující knihy čínské autorky Liping Ma nazvané Znát a učit elementární matematiku.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2021, The Development of Mathematics Between the World Wars. Case Studies, Examples and Analyses, London, World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd.), p. 347-442), ISBN 978-1-78634-930-9
The chapter focuses on the life, activities, and important results of the mathematical community in Czechoslovakia from the end of the 19th century until the beginning of World War II. With the help of archival documents, primary literature, and secondary sources, the chapter analyzes and documents the following: a very interesting and rare phenomenon — the fruitful and peaceful coexistence of two different mathematical communities, Czech and German; their positions within the Czechoslovak Republic as well as Europe; their professional activities and achievements; as well as contacts and collaboration with other European mathematical communities.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Domoradzki, S.
2021, Studia Historiae Scientiarum, 20 (1), p. 895-937), ISSN 2451-3202
The article shows the main important results of the international research project The impact of WWI on the formation and transformation of the scientific life of the mathematical community which was supported by Czech Science Foundation for the years 2018–2020 and put together ten scientists from five countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, USA and Ukraine) and used the collaboration with historians of mathematics and mathematicians from many other European countries. It discusses the motivation for the creation of the project, methodological and professional preparations, general research trends, definition of the scientific questions and determination of the main topics of our studies. It describes the most important results (books, articles, invited lectures, presentations at the national and international conferences and seminars and book fairs, exhibitions, popularizations of the results between students, teachers, mathematicians, historians of sciences and people who love mathematics and its history). It analyzes the new benefit that the project created for the future.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Sušická; Opasanon, S.; Ziolkowski, R.
2021, Neural Network World, 31 (5), p. 311-328), ISSN 1210-0552
An analysis of survey data is a fundamental part of research concerning various aspects of human behavior. Such survey data are often discrete, and the size of the collected sample is regularly insufficient for the most potent modelling tools such as logistic regression, clustering, and other data mining techniques. In this paper, we take a closer look at the results of the stated preference survey analyzing how inhabitants of cities in Thailand, Poland, and Czechia understand and perceive "smartness" of a city. An international survey was conducted, where respondents were asked 15 questions. Since the most common data modelling tools failed to provide a useful insight into the relationship between variables, so-called lambda coefficient was used and its usefulness for such challenging data was verified. It uses the principle of conditional probability and proves to be truly useful even in data sets with relatively small sample size.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; Tobiška, J.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2021, Neural Network World, 31 (3), p. 227-238), ISSN 1210-0552
According to the statistics about vehicle accidents, there are many causes such as traffic violations, reduced concentration, micro sleep, hasty aggression, but the most frequent cause of accidents at highways is a carelessness of the driver and violation of keeping a safe distance. Producers of vehicles try to take into account this situation by development of assistance systems which are able to avoid accidents or at least to mitigate its consequences. This urgent situation leaded to the described project of investigation of behavior of drivers in dangerous situations occurring in vehicle driving. The research is to help in solution of the present unsatisfactory situation in driving accidents. The developed decisionmaking algorithm of detection serious driving situations that can lead to accidents was tested in the laboratory of driving simulators in FTS CTU, Prague. The data for its testing resembled highway traffic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2021, International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing (ICVISP), IEEE Xplore), p. 61-65), ISBN 978-1-6654-0770-0
Congestions in peak hours is a phenomenon which is faced by many cities in the world. One of the goals of Smart City concept is to mitigate them and thus increase the level of driving comfort. The goal of this study was to determine the most significant parameters and understand which aspects are important for driving comfort. In the performed experiment, drivers with different socio-demographic characteristics and different driving experience observed the peak-hour and off-peak traffic How from drivers’ perspective and provided a subjective evaluation of driving comfort. The evaluation was then confronted to the observed traffic parameters which were either observed at place, or obtained from traffic detectors at the time when videos were recorded. It was found that immediate presence of heavy vehicles, light conditions or road geometry are parameters which can affect the level of comfort perceived by drivers just as instantaneous speed does. The findings from this study could improve the determination of traffic Level of Service and contribute to better understanding of this parameter by drivers.
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doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula
2021, International Scientific Conference "Horizons of Railway Transport 2020", Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University), p. 289-304), ISSN 2352-1457
The paper deals with electric charging concept for road freight transport and discusses various kinds of charging stations and their categorization with respect to the connection to a vehicle and type of voltage, fundamental aspects of the design of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and connection options to the distribution system. The issue of noise, landscape fragmentation and the barrier effect of roads and highways, and emphasizes the influence of freight transport on air pollution, in particular its significant contribution to the production of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, dust particles and other pollutants are mentioned in the paper. A special attention is paid to emissions of carbon dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas, again in the context of freight transport. The methodologies of Well to Wheels (WTW) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are also presented in the paper.
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prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2021, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 66 (3), p. 173-192), ISSN 0032-2423
V tomto článku se pokusíme v širších kulturně-historických souvislostech poodhalit téměř zapomenutou a často přehlíženou roli plzeňských premonstrátů a jimi vedených škol v rozvoji výuky matematiky a přírodních věd v našich zemích v první polovině 19. století. Ukážeme jejich všestranné organizační, odborné a pedagogické aktivity spojené s vybudováním plzeňského gymnázia a filozofického ústavu, jejich moderní vztah k výuce matematiky, fyziky a astronomie. Přiblížíme genius loci Plzně a kláštera v Teplé, který hrál důležitou úlohu ve vývoji vzdělávání, vzdělanosti a šíření osvěty v Plzni a jejím okolí.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Jonáková, L.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2021, Neural Network World, 31 (2), p. 89-107), ISSN 1210-0552
This study reflects a unique task with significant business potential, on the edge of the wholesale and retail power market, i.e., optimization of power derivatives purchase strategy of retail customers. Even though the definition of the task as well as initial assumptions may be highly complex, essentially, the purpose of this study can be narrowed down to the estimation of buying signals. The price signals are estimated with the use of machine learning techniques, i.e., one-, two- and three-layer perceptron with supervised learning as well as long short-term memory network, which allow modelling of highly complex functional relationships, and with the use of relative strength index, i.e., momentum technical indicator, which on the contrary allows higher flexibility in terms of parameters adjustment as well as easier results interpretation. Thereafter, performance of these methods is compared and evaluated against the established benchmark.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2021, Cesty k matematice, Praha, Katedra didaktiky matematiky MFF UK, Matfyzpress, vydavatelství MFF UK v Praze), p. 31-46), ISBN 978-80-7378-442-3
Příspěvek představuje různé přístupy k výkladu základních pojmů a principů teorie pravděpodobnosti obsažené v učebnicích používaných v rakouské monarchii v 19. a na počátku 20. století. Způsob výkladu a zajímavé motivační úlohy, zahrnující mj. nejrůznější sázky, loterie či problémy spojené s pojišťovnictvím, představují přínosnou inspiraci i z pohledu dnešní výuky matematiky.
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doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Petrouš, M.
2021, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO, Setùbal, SciTePress), p. 600-608), ISBN 978-989-758-522-7, ISSN 2184-2809
The paper deals with predicting a discrete target variable described by the Poisson distribution based on the discretized Gaussian explanatory data under condition of the multimodality of a system observed. The discretization is performed using the recursive mixture-based clustering algorithms under Bayesian methodology. The proposed approach allows to estimate the Gaussian and Poisson models existing for each discretization interval of explanatory data and use them for the prediction. The main contributions of the approach include: (i) modeling the Poisson variable based on the cluster analysis of explanatory continuous data, (ii) the discretization approach based on recursive mixture estimation theory, (iii) the online prediction of the Poisson variable based on available Gaussian data discretized in real time. Results of illustrative experiments and comparison with the Poisson regression is demonstrated.
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prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2021, Antiquitates Mathematicae, 15 (1), p. 243-247), ISSN 1898-5203
At the end of the year 2021, the new book on the history of Polish mathematical community was published by the printing house Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN in Warsaw. The book is the result of longtime and deep archival researches and studies of D. Ciesielska, L. Maligranda and J. Zwierzyńska, three Polish historians of mathematics and mathematicians.
Recenze monografie

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2021, International Journal of Information Management, 56, ISSN 0268-4012
While there are several partial solutions to model some aspects of cities (e.g. transportation or energy), there is no framework allowing modelling of a complex system such as a city. This paper aims on providing a solution that can be used by practitioners to model impact of different scenarios and smart city projects encapsulating different subsystems, such as transportation, energetics or, for example, eGovernment. The term “smart cities” is classified into Systems Theory, particularly focusing on Cyber-Physical Systems. This classification is further elaborated to define a new term, so-called Smart City Agent (SCA). The SCA is considered as the main building block for modelling smart cities. The approach within this paper however stresses the interconnection of different systems within a city. Its’ strength is in better exchange of data and among heterogeneous agents. This information management approach is the missing key in the growing market of partial smart city solutions as it will allow simulation of solutions in complex systems such as a city. The suitability of usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a use case dealing with charging of electrical vehicles. The results show that the approach is suitable for modelling of dynamic behaviour.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SSCI

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2021, ISBN 978-1-78634-930-9
The book presents an analysis of the transformation and development of scientific life of the mathematical communities during the interwar period in Germany, Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. It describes the impact of World War I in a broader historical context. The final four chapters deal with the development of mathematics between WWI and WWII (general state of mathematics at the end of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century, set theory, potential theory, combinatorics).
Kniha - sborník

Bečvář, J.
2021, The Development of Mathematics Between the World Wars. Case Studies, Examples and Analyses, London, World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd.), p. 443-484), ISBN 978-1-78634-930-9
The chapter is devoted to the history of modern mathematics. It recalls a major skepticism toward the future development of certain branches of science, which was a consequence of fascinating results obtained during the 19th century. It discusses new trends in mathematics which influenced mathematical thinking at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. It focuses on the birth of the axiomatic approach and set theory and their role in the development of modern mathematics. The author pays particular attention to the third crisis of mathematics. The chapter explains why the crisis occurred, how and who attempted to solve it, and why it could not be resolved. The chapter describes why some mathematicians embarked on the difficult and challenging journey of mathematical accuracy and struggle for exactness, and shows that their attempts influenced the axiomatic development of various mathematical disciplines.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2021, ANTIQUA NOVA XXI, Plzeň, Fakulta filozofická), p. 15-36), ISBN 978-80-261-1039-2
Článek analyzuje tři známé matematické tabulky z kolekce Yale Babylonian Collection (YBC 7290, YBC 7289 a YBC 7302), které pocházejí ze starobabylónského období (tj. z období mezi 1800 a 1600 př. n. l.). Ukazují zajímavý přístup starobabylónských matematiků, písařů nebo studentů k elementárním rovinným geometrickým tvarům (lichoběžník, čtverec a kruh). Popisují starobabylónské výpočty ploch, aproximaci druhé odmocniny ze 2 , znalost Pythagorovy věty a aproximaci hodnoty π.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Neubergová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.
2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 1047-1053), ISSN 1822-296X
The article presented here discusses the possibility of use of alternative sources of energy in road freight transport. It deals with emissions from road freight transport and their modelling including the description of emission models, it further introduces a simulation model for fuel consumption and emission calculation, the process of design of optimization of a network charging stations and a concept of charging stations and hydrogen power. The aim is to determine a proper way of implementing alternative energy sources (AES) in freight road transport, to create a simulation model for fuel consumption and emission calculation and therefore to compare the impact of different types of alternative fuels on the environment and to assess emissions in a broader cycle. The work further aims at proposing a method of optimization of a network of charging stations and discussing the concept of charging stations and hydrogen power.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Data analysis is very important tool for acquiring information about object of our interest. It involves a lot of various methods, mainly from the area of data mining or statistical analysis. However, most of these methods aim at continuous data. In real applications, especially in the field of Smart Cities, questionnaires are a frequent source of data. They are mainly a source of discrete data. As commonly used data analysis methods, such as regression analysis, naturally work with continuous data, complications can occur. However, the linear regression analysis can be carefully used to to analyze discrete data, but carefully.The paper wants to give a warning before a direct mindless use of regression analysis for discrete data, especially when the independent variables are nominal. Also some ways how to modify values of the independent variables to achieve sensible results with linear regression applied to measured discrete data from the Smart City area are sketched.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

2021, South Bohemia Mathematical Letters, 2021 (29), p. 87-96), ISSN 1804-1450
Spolu s online kalkulátory a Excelem patří GeoGebra k jvýznamnějším nástrojům, které nám mohou pomoci při prezenční i online výuce matematiky. Tyto technologie mohou obohatit výukový proces nejrůznějšími způsoby. Jedním z nejdůležitějších kritérií dobrého užití software ve výuce je míra zapojení žáku a jejich motivace. Objevitelská cesta vyžaduje nerutinní úsilí, je delší a pro učitele náročnější. Je to ale jediná cesta k matematickému uvažování, protože podstatou matematiky není následování již vytvořených postupů, ale vytváření postupů nových.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2021, Exkursionen in die Geschichte der Mathematik und ihres Unterrichts, Münster, WTM - Verlag), p. 50-62), ISBN 978-3-95987-185-3
Die mathematische Theorie der Wahrscheinlichkeit ist relativ jung, doch lassen sich die grundlegenden Ideen bis in die früheste Menschheits-geschichte zurückverfolgen. Von Anfang an treffen die Leute verschiedene zufällige Ereignisse und müssen sie irgendwie behandeln – Wetterschwankungen, Naturkatastrophen, Krankheiten, Unfälle, Entscheidungen über die Schuld bei den unvollständigen Beweisen usw. Obwohl sie die zufälligen Ereignisse für die Äußerung des Willens Gottes oder der höheren Gewalt hielten, spielten sie die verschiedensten Glücksspiele, wie z.B. Würfelspie-le mit Knochen, Nussfrüchten, Würfeln usw.. Dabei wurden elementare und intuitive Wahrscheinlichkeitsüberlegungen und Wahrscheinlichkeits-abschätzungen vermutlich durchgeführt. Dieser Aufsatz beschränkt sich auf das europäische Gebiet und diskutiert einige der interessanten Ideen aus der Zeit des Mittelalters, die die Auffassung der Wahrscheinlichkeit vor der Geburt der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie illustrieren.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2021, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 66 (4), p. 238-265), ISSN 0032-2423
Josef Vojtěch Sedláček (1785–1836) byl v první třetině 19. století významnou osobnosti královského města Plzně a širokého okolí. Byl římsko-katolickým duchovním, členem kanovnického řádu premonstrátů kláštera v Teple, vynikajícím pedagogem, aktivním českým buditelem, autorem učebnic matematiky a fyziky, vzdělávacích a popularizačních článků, oslavných básní a ód sepsaných v klasicistním duchu. Nejprve připomeneme Sedláčkovy životní osudy, jeho všestranné pedagogické a vzdělávací aktivity a úlohu v kulturním a národním obrozeni české společnosti, poté se budeme věnovat Sedláčkově učebnici geometrie, která byla vydána roku 1822, před dvěma sty roky, a stala se první česky psanou učebnici geometrie.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Bečvář, J.; prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2021, Antiquitates Mathematicae, 15 (1), p. 117-145), ISSN 1898-5203
The article is devoted to the analysis of Josef Vojtěch Sedláček’s textbook of geometry, which was published in 1822 and was the first Czech textbook of geometry.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Blokpoel, R.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2020, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020 (86), ISSN 1361-9209
The European Union (EU) has set rather ambitious goals for reducing emissions and improving related environmental concerns. The majority of EU effort towards reducing emissions is aimed at vehicle manufacturers, mandating development of more efficient engines in order to reduce emissions. We propose a complementary approach to help reach the EU goals. Due to the need for motorists to repeatedly stop and accelerate while driving in urban areas, overall emission rates are observed to be higher in these environments than on open motorways. As a result, management algorithms that focus on harmonising the flow of traffic in urban centres have the potential to greatly reduce urban emission rates. In this paper, we propose a set of functionalities in form of ”use cases” in order to illustrate the inefficiencies of urban traffic flow by utilising cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure. The major contribution of this paper is in addressing the potential positive impact of such measures. The results and the expected effects of the algorithms were determined using a microscopic traffic simulation model. Importantly, this approach also addresses the transition phase, when only a limited number of cooperative and automated vehicles1 (CAVs) will be introduced into traffic, resulting in a mix of automated and non-automated vehicles on the roadways. We demonstrate that introducing CAVs into traffic can lead to significant progress towards EU emissions targets, even for lower penetration levels. According to our models, full use of CAVs on roadways would lead to a CO2 emissions decrease of 10–19%.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

2020, South Bohemia Mathematical Letters, 2019 (26) (1), p. 78-83), ISSN 1804-1450
Nejnovější technologie pro vyhodnocení rádiové i satelitní lokalizace mají společný geometrický princip. Je to úloha, jež byla formulována a vyřešena již ve starověkém Řecku Apolloniem z Pergy. V průběhu staletí se jejím řešením zabývali významní vědci, je znám bezpočet přístupů a konstrukcí. S rozvojem nových možností pro navigaci objektů je tento problém velmi aktuální. Pro vývoj nových algoritmů se ukazuje výhodné využít geometrického přístupu, uvažovat o průnicích prostorových objektů namísto pouhého statistického vyhodnocení řešení lineární aproximace. V článku se zaměříme na souvislost známé Apolloniovy úlohy s družicovým polohovým systémem a s multilateračními systémy radiové navigace, známými pod zkratkou MLAT.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Bc. Zdeněk Michl; doc. Ing. Vít Janoš, Ph.D.; Ing. Rudolf Vávra, Ph.D.
2020, Horizonty železničnej dopravy 2020, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině)
This paper is focused on a very current issue of software timetabling, concretely on development and stabilization of the railway infrastructure data base, used for railway timetabling and microsimulation of railway traffic. An infrastructure dataset usually consists of a sequence of so-called “transport points”, each of which has a specified mileage position. Each element of the infrastructure, i.e. each transport point, must be uniquely and uniquely identified too. The purpose is to create a logical structure of marking and design of the arrangement architecture of individual infrastructure elements. This is a completely new approach, because in the Czech environment it is not possible to use the marking system used by the infrastructure manager (Správa železnic), because the development of this marking was gradual and does not meet the current requirements for a unified marking logic. The goal is to design a system architecture that allows the creation of large networks and allows them to be interconnected, without the risk of duplication.
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Dostál, R.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
With ever-changing cities and growing populations it becomes progressively more difficult to assess which infrastructural changes are beneficial and which are possibly destructive long-term. It is almost impossible to find experts that understand the wide range of aspects surrounding smart cities as well as their interrelationships. Decision makers need a tool that helps them to set certain policies and evaluate their impact on key performance indicators (KPIs). This paper presents a multicriteria evaluation method based on assessing infrastructural changes in the city combining different modeling tools to gather sufficient data to assess and evaluate different alternatives. The proposed approach is demonstrated on a case study from Prague 6, Vitêzné námêsti.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Tabery, K.; Černý, M.; Urbaniec, K.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Zoban, P.; Štechová, K.
2020, Journal The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, p. 1889-1894), ISSN 1476-7058
Objective: To assess the plausibility of using the continuous glucose monitoring as a sole source of data for the screening of the neonatal hypoglycemia. Study design: Infants of mothers with diabetes were screened for neonatal hypoglycemia (less than 2.5 mmol/l after 4 h of life). Initial measurement was performed using point of care analyzer. We applied continuous glucose monitoring system subsequently. Infants were monitored up to 5 days or until discharge. Results: Out of 32 infants 11 had postnatal hypoglycemia resolved within 12 h of life. Two infants had hypoglycemia found due to continuous glucose monitoring after 24 h of life when sufficient feeding was established and they did not show any signs of hypoglycemia. We did not have any false negative measurements. No infant showed clinical signs of neonatal hypoglycemia. Conclusions: Continuous glucose monitoring is plausible and safe to use for screening of neonatal hypoglycemia. It operates well within the range that is accepted as safe for neurodevelopment. In addition, it can be used after first day of life where regular screening ends. Limitation of this method is possible alarm negligence of caregivers.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2020, Journal für Mobilität und Verkehr, 2020 (11), p. 22-29), ISSN 2628-4154
Cooperative and automated vehicles (CAVs) are often considered a mean to improve quality of life in cities, the traffic flow parameters in particular. This paper provides some evidence based on microscopic traffic simulation on how the effects can really be. Important is that the particular use cases are not built in vehicles only. We focus on so called cooper-ative environment and advanced traffic control measures. This paper describes the impact of CAVs on a cooperative urban environment, resulting from a European research project - MAVEN. We clearly demonstrate that a proper integration of CAVs into city traffic management can, for example, help with respect to the environmental goals and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 12 % (a combination of GLOSA and signal optimization). On corridors with a green wave, a capacity increase of up to 34% was achieved. Already for lower penetra-tion rates (20% penetration of CAVs), there are significant improvements in traffic performance. For example, platooning leads to a decrease of CO2 emissions of 2,6% or an impact indicator by 17,7%.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Moudrá, K.; Svobodová, L.; Brůhová-Foltýnová, H.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Transport creates an integral part of people's lives and significantly affects the quality of life and the environment in cities. Because of the increasing number of cars in cities, it is not sufficient to focus just on an improvement of traffic control algorithms or other intelligent transportation systems and solutions. It is necessary to significantly decrease the number of cars in cities, i.e. to decrease the demand for travel using personal vehicles. In order to do that, researchers try to understand the process of how travel choices are made and to learn about the potential of travel mode change. A lot of research exists in this field. A common approach adopted also in the presented work uses discrete choice experiments as a mean to learn about travel behavior. Scientific results indicate that differences among different countries and cultures must be taken into consideration and research methods cannot be simply adopted without understanding the local context. For such reasons, this paper demonstrates the importance of understanding the local perceptions and their impact on the experiment design. To optimize the experiment design, three focus groups took place in Ústi and Labem Region (Czech Republic) during November 2019 with the aim to analyze local specifics and attitudes of local inhabitants towards different transport regulation measures. This case study proved the importance of pretesting experiments before performing them, the usefulness of FGs when designing the experiments and an important role of local specifics.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Data analysis is an important method for obtaining information which is useful in many projects such as e.g. Smart Cities. Common data sources are questionnaires, their output mainly purveys discrete data. The most common description of discrete data is through categorical models. These models have several advantages such as flexibility but there are also disadvantages such as a huge dimension of the table expressing this distribution for more variables and values and their overparametrization. The aim of this paper is to replace the categorical distribution by another discrete distribution with a lower number of parameters while maintaining the model quality. Binomial distribution was chosen a suitable one because it is determined only by one parameter and this parameter allows to shape the probability function of binomial distribution well. The output of the paper is the presented model of mixture with binomial components. The suggested estimation algorithms are tested on real traffic data.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Mgr. Pavel Provinský, Ph.D.
2020, Neural Network World, 30 (3), p. 193-209), ISSN 1210-0552
The topic of this article is floppy logic, a new multi-valued logic. Floppy logic is related to fuzzy logic and the theory of probability, but it also has interesting links to probability logic and standard Boolean logic. It provides a consistent and simple theory that is easy to apply in practice. This article examines the isomorphism theorem, which plays an important role in floppy logic. The theorem is described and proved. The most important consequences of the isomorphism theorem are: 1. All statements which are equivalent in standard Boolean logic are also equivalent in floppy logic. 2. Floppy logic has all the properties of standard Boolean logic which can be formulated as an equivalence. These include, for example, distributivity, the contradiction law, the law of excluded middle, and others. The article mainly examines floppy implication. We show that floppy implication does not satisfy Adam’s Thesis and that floppy logic is not limited by Lewis’ triviality result. We also present a range of inference rules which are generalizations of modus ponens and modus tollens. These rules hold in floppy logic, and of course, also apply to standard Boolean logic. All these results lead us to the notion that floppy logic is a many-valued generalization of standard Boolean logic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Likhonina, R.
2020, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Setùbal, SciTePress), p. 695-701), ISBN 978-989-758-442-8
The present work describes a new approach to hand detection based on QRD Recursive Least Squares (RLS) Lattice algorithm and probabilistic approach to system identification. The described method is supposed to be used as a pre-processing stage for a hand gesture recognition application based on ultrasound technology. The approach includes a noise cancellation concept and uses linear Finite Impulse Response (FIR) based regression models in MATLAB environment. Within the algorithm the hypothesis testing technique is implemented. The work shows the results of computation using real data from an ultrasound device. The final version of the algorithm is supposed to be implemented on the embedded Xilinx Zynq device.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2020, ISBN 978-80-7378-418-8
The book reproduces, comments on and analyzes unique archival materials – V. Jarník's mathematical notebooks, which he wrote in the academic year 1927/1928 and which contain a record of the lecture delivered by B. L. van der Waerden during the course entitled Allgemeine Idealtheorie. The book concentrates on a) comparison of the content, structure, mathematical concept and style of mathematical inter¬preta¬tion of van der Waerden’s lectures with his famous textbooks Modern Algebra I (1930) and Modern Algebra II (1931), which strongly influenced generations of mathematicians, b) description of how Waerden’s lectures reflected the state-of-the-art and thinking in modern algebra following 1928, c) an analysis of the role of a distinguished mathematician to the development of algebra, d) the transfer of his new ideas from Germany across European country, and f) the reasons why and how Waerden’s concept influenced the style of algebra teaching.
Kniha s nadnárodní působností

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2020, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 65 (4), p. 264-265), ISSN 0032-2423
Recenze představuje uvedenou monografii, která vyšla v nakladatelství MatfyzPress jako 64. svazek edice Dějiny matematiky. Tato kniha veřejnost seznamuje s pozoruhodným archivním materiálem, totiž s poznámkami z van der Waerdenových přednášek na téma Allgemeine Idealtheorie, konaných v zimním semestru akademického roku 1927/1928 na univerzitě v Göttingenu, které si při svém studijním pobytu na této škole zapsal významný český matematik Vojtěch Jarník.
Recenze monografie

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2020, ISBN 978-80-01-06792-5
Kniha - sborník, odborná česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2020, Matematický svět mezi válkami, Praha, ČVUT/FD/Fakulta dopravní/Ústav aplikované matematiky), p. 151-172), ISBN 978-80-01-06792-5
Nejdůležitější a nejzajímavější jevy z historie spolku Mathematische Kränzchen in Prag jsou analyzovány na základě studia dochovaných archivních pramenů dostupných v České republice i v zahraničí, originálních odborných časopisů, matematických prací a sekundární literatury. Je popsáno postavení německé matematické komunity v českých zemích, respektive ve střední Evropě ve 20. a 30. letech 20. století. Je zachycena jeho specifičnost vyplývající z pražského „geniua loci“, je objasněna jeho vazba na okolní německý vědecký svět a ukázány jeho vztahy s českými i zahraničními profesními asociacemi a společnostmi. Jádro článku je věnováno představení vzniku, vývoje a zániku netradičního a dnes již zapomenutého matematického spolku Mathematische Kränzchen v Praze, který v Praze působil od jara 1913 do jara 1934.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

Petrouš, M.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.
2020, Proceedings of the IEEE 14th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2020, Budapest, IEEE Hungary Section, University Obuda), p. 77-82), ISBN 978-1-7281-7377-1
The paper deals with the task of modeling mixed continuous Gaussian and discrete Poisson data observed on a multimodal system. The proposed solution is based on recursive algorithms of Bayesian mixture estimation. The main contributions of the approach are: (i) the use of the discretized information of normal variables in the form of their clusters in order to keep the one-pass recursive estimation methodology and (ii) the prediction of the multimodal Poisson variable. Experiments with simulated and real data are presented.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2020, Automa, 26 (1), p. 26-31), ISSN 1210-9592
Článek se zabývá modelováním diskrétních dopravních dat pomocí binomického, geometrického, Poissonova a rovnoměrného rozdělení.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Svoboda; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; Heřmanová, J.; Mashko, A.; Jan Válek, DiS.
In the scope of the Motostudent competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Electro bikes. Report economical assessemen, industrial production plan
Technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.
2020, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 17 (5), p. 789-793), ISSN 1547-4771
We study the highest weight representations of the RTT-algebras for the R-matrix sp(q)(4) of type by the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz. It is a generalization of our study for R-matrix of sp(4).
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.
2020, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.), p. 319-328), ISBN 978-981-15-7774-1, ISSN 2194-1009
We study the highest weight representations of the RTT–algebras for the R–matrix of type by the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz. It is a generalization of our study for R–matrix of and type.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bálint, V.
2020, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 65 (1), p. 36-55), ISSN 0032-2423
Na základě studia archivních materiálů dochovaných v České republice, na Slovensku, v Německu a v Maďarsku připomeneme zajímavé a u nás skoro zapomenuté osudy Otty Vargy, jehož kariéra se zrodila v meziválečném čase na Německé univerzitě v Praze a vyvrcholila po druhé světové válce v Maďarsku.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Bc. Zdeněk Michl; doc. Ing. Vít Janoš, Ph.D.; Ing. Rudolf Vávra, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 27-35), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
This paper is focused on a very current issue of software aided timetabling in railway transport. The topic is to examine the possibilities of automatic reading of data on railway infrastructure from various data formats and their conversion into the form of specific electronic files on infrastructure. The aim is Development and stabilization of the railway infrastructure data base for academic and commercial purposes within the competence of CTU, including possibilities of using new sources of machine-readable data and methodology of their use for specific use cases - railway timetabling and microsimulation of railway traffic.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Petrouš, M.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.
2020, 2020 IEEE 24th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), Budapest, IEEE Hungary Section, University Obuda), p. 67-72), ISBN 978-1-7281-1059-2, ISSN 1543-9259
The paper deals with modeling ordinal discrete random variables with a high number of nonnegative realizations. The prediction of the Rayleigh distribution learned on clusters of the explanatory variables is proposed. The proposed solution consists of the clustering and estimation phases based on the knowledge both of the target and explanatory variables, and the prediction phase using only the information from the explanatory variables. The main contributions of the approach are: (i) using the discretized knowledge of clusters of the explanatory variables and (ii) describing nonnegative discrete data by the multimodal Rayleigh distribution. Experiments with a data set from a tram network are provided.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Petrouš, M.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
This paper deals with identifying suitable variables for passenger demand prediction. Based on a data set from real tram network, a correlation analysis of candidates for explanatory variables was made against the number of boarding and disembarking passengers at selected stops. Apart from the dependence between the output and explanatory variables, the correlation analysis was also made between explanatory variables themselves. Moreover, because tram network consists of multiple stops and lines, the correlation analysis of the same variable at neighbouring stops was also performed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2020, Matematický svět mezi válkami, Praha, ČVUT/FD/Fakulta dopravní/Ústav aplikované matematiky), p. 97-150), ISBN 978-80-01-06792-5
Na základě studia tištěných pramenů článek mapuje historii dnes již téměř zapomenutých šesti kongresů českých (československých) přírodovědců a lékařů, které s uskutečnily v letech 1880 až 1928. Hrály důležitou roli ve vývoji přírodních a lékařských vědy a otevřely cestu naší vědecké komunitě k organizování mezinárodních kongresů a seminářů. Je ukázáno, s jakými problémy se organizátoři potýkali a jak na kongresy reagovala česká odborná i laická veřejnost. Zároveň je naznačeno, jakou roli v jejich organizaci hráli čeští matematici, jak se na nich podíleli a jak prezentovali výsledky své práce.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Janota, A.
2020, Research and the Future of Telematics, Basel, Springer Nature Switzerland AG), p. 152-164), ISBN 978-3-030-59269-1, ISSN 1865-0929
Smart city has several definitions. Typically, it is an alliance of subsystems that have following objectives: improvement of quality of life of citizens, better use of limited resources and best use of existing infrastructure. Transportation as one of the most important subsystems shall be thus understood as one player working together with energy management, economy, eGovernment, and others. Synergy is the key to successful implementation. In order to be able to aim at the joint objective function and any synergy, the different subsystems must “understand” each other. Ontology has been acknowledged to be the most common tool to do that. To prepare an ontology for a domain (for example transportation) is a complicated task. In order to do that in a city, where there are several subsystems with complex behaviour is even more challenging. It is very difficult if not impossible to get experts from different fields to prepare a common ontology. In this paper we address the issue of Smart City Design and propose a pragmatic method to prepare an ontological knowledge system using the knowledge of various expert groups. A new concept, so call a knowledge matrix, is defined and used to enable cooperation of experts from different fields. We believe this can further help in implementation of any smart city projects. In order to demonstrate the approach, transportation domain is used as an example for the ontology design. The approach will be further validated within two case studies that are also introduced within this paper: Smart Evropská street in Prague and within a project Smart City – Smart Region – Smart Community, where a transport behavioristic model is being developed based on the ontology described within this paper.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Matějček, J.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Complexity of cities has for centuries been a research question across a wide range of disciplines. Cities are live organisms evolved by interactions of various heterogeneous subsystems. They are not only dynamic but also spatially distributed. Additionally, they involve humans interacting with the physical subsystems (so called cyber-physical systems). Urban planners today face a difficult task of designing new and redesigning the current urban spaces in a way to make them more liveable and walkable (the key objectives of smart cities). Yet those responsible, the city planners or urban designers still only guess about an optimal street design. This paper provides an overview of literature and discussion of potentials of space syntax, technique developed during the last 35 years that proved itself effective in city planning procedures. Space syntax provides a set of theories and methods for analysis of spatial configurations. It allows us to link human societies and space and to describe relations between them. These methods showed immerse potential to a wide range of disciplines and their integration is crucial for the field of smart cities.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Smart City phenomenon tends to be very strongly focused on citizens and their quality of life rather than measurable parameters of traffic, information and economics. In regard to traffic, very important parameter is Level of Service (LoS), quantification of which can be a troublesome task due to the number of observed parameters and qualitative nature of the phenomenon. Moreover, the subjective interpretation of LoS may differ for such user groups like police officers, traffic dispatchers and drivers which makes experts opinion less applicable. In the following study authors created an experiment aiming on the evaluation of recorded traffic situations by drivers (from drivers' perspective). The subjective qualitative assessment of respondents was compared to the quantitative data collected by traffic detectors installed in the places where recording took place. The results provide an innovative view on accepted and commonly used Level of Service evaluation methods and scales.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Smart Cities become a phenomenon that is strongly linked to people and their quality of life, technologies, data, information and automation. All these will be present in future transportation that is expected to be connected and automated. While advances in vehicle automation can make cities smarter, safer, cleaner, or more energy efficient, it can also make traffic management increasingly more complicated. As a result, current traffic management tools and policies may become inefficient. Since we already experience systematic growth in Smart City technology around the world, new sets of rules and policies to protect cities and their citizens in the emerging digital and automated era must be developed and enforced. Solutions such as automated driving introduce new challenges and opportunities for climate change mitigation and improvement of traffic conditions in densely urbanized city centers. There are different approaches to integrate autonomous vehicles and their novel functionalities into the traffic management. In this paper we demonstrate such functionalities and their impact on different traffic and environmental parameters based on traffic microscopic simulation adopted to such connected functionality. The results clearly show the need to carefully and individually analyze and prioritize the impact of the CAVs functionalities for each city and each traffic situation individually, as they might have contradictory effects on traffic. The key performance indicators must be defined and the functionalities carefully integrated into the existing traffic management. This is true for the mixed traffic during the early introduction of CAVs in cities even more.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

2020, South Bohemia Mathematical Letters, 2019(27) (1), p. 54-58), ISSN 1804-1450
Příspěvek je zaměřený na možnosti využití GeoGebry pro výuku těles. Vytvořili jsme volně dostupný soubor interaktivních výukových materiálů pokrývající všechna tělesa, která jsou vyučována na základní a střední škole. Velká pozornost je věnována heuristické výuce objemů a povrchů těles. Postupy pro zkoumání prostorových vztahů popsány před více než 2000 lety v Eukleidových Základech a v Archimedových spisech mohou být dobrou inspirací pro intuitivní zkoumání žáků založené na geometrickém názoru. Objemy těles patří dlouhodobě ke kritickým místům vyučování matematice, porozumění prostorových vztahů a vlastností je častokrát nahrazeno drilem a dosazováním do vzorců. Právě v této oblasti může software dynamické geometrie účinně pomoci pro zvýšení zaujetí žáků, provokování k vytváření hypotéz i jejich experimentálnímu ověřování.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2020, Against All Odds − Women’s Ways to Mathematical Research since 1800, Basel, Springer Nature Switzerland AG), p. 73-111), ISBN 978-3-030-47609-0, ISSN 2523-8760
The chapter is focused on the history of women’s studies of mathematics at the universities in Prague. The lives and professional activities of twelve women who prepared their doctorates in mathematics in Prague in the years 1900-1945 are analyzed in historical, political, social and mathematical contexts.
Kapitola v knize s nadnárodní působností

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2020, Učitel matematiky, 28 (1), p. 58-59), ISSN 1210-9037
Sdělení přináší zprávu o XIV. semináři z historie matematiky pro vyučující na středních školách, který se uskutečnil ve dnech 19. až 22. srpna 2019 v Poděbradech.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Jacura, Ph.D.; Ing. Ondřej Doležal; Ing. Michal Drábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Kalivodová; Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2020, ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2020, Matematický svět mezi válkami, Praha, ČVUT/FD/Fakulta dopravní/Ústav aplikované matematiky), p. 185-208), ISBN 978-80-01-06792-5
Cílem kapitoly je poukázat na vybrané zajímavé příspěvky k základům teorie pravděpodobnosti, publikované v Československu v první polovině 20. století. Největší důraz je kladen na práce K. Rychlíka a O. Pankraze, které ilustrují reakce na aktuální vývoj axiomatické teorie, její reflexi ve vysokoškolské výuce a formulaci originálních myšlenek. Diskutován je rovněž přínos B. Hostinského k teorii geometrické pravděpodobnosti.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

Giorgoutti, A.; Vreeswijk, J.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Rozema, K.
2019, Thinking cities, 2019, p. 52-56), ISSN 2054-9024
A comprehensive look at MAVEN, a3.1 billion project that was launched in September 2016 under the Horizon 2020 research and Innovation framework programme of teh EU.
Článek v populárně vědeckém periodiku

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Vlčková, D.
2019, METRON, 77 (3), p. 253-270), ISSN 0026-1424
The paper focuses on a problem of comparing clusterings with the same number of clusters obtained as a result of using different clustering algorithms. It proposes a method of the evaluation of the agreement of clusterings based on the combination of the Cohen's kappa statistic and the normalized mutual information. The main contributions of the proposed approach are: (i) the reliable use in practice in the case of a small fixed number of clusters, (ii) the suitability to comparing clusterings with a higher number of clusters in contrast with the original statistics, (iii) the independence on size of the data set and shape of clusters. Results of the experimental validation of the proposed statistic using both simulations and real data sets as well as the comparison with the theoretical counterparts are demonstrated.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Hoadley, S.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Vreeswijk, J.
2019, Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: Towards High-Level Automated Driving, Stevenage, Herts, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)), p. 349-368), ISBN 978-1-83953-012-8
this chapter provides a perspective on integration of connected and automate vehicles into cities. the focus is on proper integration and the effect of policies.
Kapitola v knize s nadnárodní působností

Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Skobelev, P.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, Wien, Springer), p. 203-217), ISBN 978-3-030-27877-9, ISSN 0302-9743
In the paper, the new vision of “Smart City 5.0” is presented. It is based on a previously developed model of Smart City 4.0 and implementing the concept of the complex adaptive system for balancing conflict interests of different city actors. These actors can include business, transport, energy and water supply providers, entertainment and other services and can be unified based on resource and demand model. The paper describes the general principals, functionality and the architecture of the digital multi-agent platform for creating eco-system of “Smart City 5.0”. It is designed as holonic p2p network of smart services and technological components for supporting demand-resource relations. It is shown that in proposed eco-system smart services can interact both vertically and horizontally supporting competition and cooperation behavior on the basis of specialized protocols of p2p network. In the future, each smart service is considered as an autonomous cyber-physical multi-agent system which can be decomposed on a lower level of smaller services recursively. The first prototypes of smart services and their interaction are presented, the next steps for future research work are outlined.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2019, ISBN 978-80-246-3991-8
Monografie pojednává o komplikovaných, avšak inspirativních životních osudech dvanácti žen, které v letech 1900 až 1945 obhajovaly nebo obhájily doktorát z matematiky na některé z fakult pražských univerzit. V první části je stručně načrtnuta historie univerzitního studia žen v českých zemích a je připojen komentovaný statistický přehled o doktorských řízeních s důrazem na matematiku. Ve druhé části je v propracovaných studiích ukázáno, z jakého sociálního prostředí tyto ženy pocházely, do jakého se provdaly, jaké měly kulturní, intelektuální a hmotné zázemí, jak je rodinné i společenské události motivovaly, ovlivňovaly a kultivovaly, jak žily, čemu se věnovaly, jaké měly zájmy, s jakými problémy se potýkaly, jaký byl jejich vztah k rodině, vlasti, víře, politice a co jim komplikovalo život. Připojeny jsou základní údaje o nejbližší rodině. Analyzovány jsou tři úspěšné obhajoby na Německé univerzitě v Praze, sedm úspěšných a jedna nedokončená obhajoba na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze. Studie doplňují reprodukce dobových dokumentů a fotografií umožňující přiblížit a dokreslit studované téma.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Netuka, I.
2019, ISBN 978-80-01-06540-2
Monografie pojednává o vzniku a proměnách mezinárodní spolupráce matematiků v období od konce osmdesátých let 19. století do počátku druhé světové války. Hlavní pozornost je zaměřena zejména na dopady první světové války na internacionalizaci matematiky a rozvoj mezinárodní spolupráce matematiků. Jednotlivé kapitoly dokumentují, jak válečné konflikty, politická rozhodnutí, společenské klima, hospodářská nestabilita, nejrůznější předsudky a osobní konflikty a spory negativně ovlivnily život vědecké komunity a zasáhly i do jejího odborného vývoje. Představeny jsou nejvýznamnější platformy spolupráce. Text se zaměřuje především na pět předválečných mezinárodních kongresů matematiků (1897, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912) a pět poválečných kongresů (1920, 1924, 1928, 1932 a 1936) a dále na genezi vzniku první mezinárodní organizace, tj. Mezinárodní matematické unie (založena roku 1919), která ovlivnila a dodnes ovlivňuje vývoj matematiky i matematické komunity. Opomenuta není ani významná a všestranná aktivita Mezinárodní komise pro vyučování matematice (vznikla roku 1908), zejména její role při reformách výuky matematiky v evropských zemích v první třetině 20. století. Popsány jsou též historické okolnosti vytvoření první meziná¬rodní mate¬matické ceny, tzv. Fieldsovy medaile (oficiálně International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathe¬matics), která byla po složitých mezinárodních jednáních zřízena roku 1932 a poprvé udělena roku 1936. Cena bývá považována za jedno z nejprestižněj¬ších meziná¬rodních ocenění vědecké excelence v matematice a za určitý ekvivalent Nobelovy ceny.
Vědecká kniha česky

Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
A city ring road with the parameters of a highway forms a part of the infrastructure of a modern city. The introduction of automated highway management to the city ring road moves it towards a smart city. This paper presents the framework model which was created with the aim of developing an agent-based control within the highway management in the future. The model was created in the multi-method simulation tool Anylogic since it allows the testing of both traditional rule-based algorithms and agent-based control. It is universal enough, thus, it can be used to compare different approaches to highway management. In this paper, a literature review focusing on the Multi-Agent Systems and their application in traffic and transportation is performed. Based on the above mentioned review, a system architecture for agent-based traffic control is proposed and the framework model is described.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2019, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 64 (3), p. 161-181), ISSN 0032-2423
Česká matematická komunita přežila léta první světové války na rozdíl od francouzské či italské matematické komunity bez velkých problémů, v relativním bezpečí a bez velkých personálních ztrát. Jediným českým vysokoškolským profesorem matematiky, který zahynul v přímých bojích, byl František Velísek (1877–1914). Kolem jeho smrti se vytvořila dojemná legenda. Na základě archivních materiálů se pokusíme přiblížit jeho zajímavé životní osudy a nepříliš rozsáhlé dílo.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Likhonina, R.
2019, Proceedings - Research monograph : 2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), Belgrade, IEEE), p. 354-360), ISBN 978-1-7281-1740-9, ISSN 2637-9511
This paper describes an approach, which can be used as a pre-processing stage for a hand detection and gesture recognition problem. The approach is based on noise cancellation using QRD Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm with double precision arithmetic and exponential forgetting (EF). The paper discusses algorithmic techniques and presents experiments showing how it is possible to calculate the distance between a hand and a device. A series of experiments were performed. During them a time-variant environment regression model and a time-variant hand model as well as different values of the EF factor were used.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Lom, M.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Autonomous driving is a very important topic aiming on changing mobility in smart cities. A lot of research has been dedicated to development of vehicles without drivers and quite many tests and real world demonstrations have been reported especially in the last years. The first expectations were very optimistic. Researchers as well as general public expected high positive influence in the congestions, travel time and other mobility aspects. However, the latest research questions these purely positive expectations and suggest that autonomous driving might have positive or negative effect based on city policies in place.In order to gain a better understanding about the current expectations of general public about the impact of autonomous driving, a survey has been conducted as part of a European project MAVEN. This paper provides a short description of the survey design and then summarizes the main findings and results of this survey. The results can get us a better way to understand the feeling of citizens about autonomous vehicles and the transition to full automated cities.The results confirmed the general trends and at the same time gave us more insight into the special questions related to MAVEN use cases. These findings will be further validated in simulation experiments.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.; Pošta, S.
2019, ISSN 1742-6596
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2019, Věda v českých zemích. Dějiny fyziky, geografie, geologie, chemie a matematiky., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 493-510), ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Kapitola popisuje vývoj matematiky a matematického vzdělávání v našich zemích od roku 1950. Připomíná naše nejlepší matematiky, analyzuje jejich díla a odborné aktivity, ukazuje vznik a proměny našich nejdůležitějších škol, výzkumných institucí a matematických spolků.
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2019, Věda v českých zemích. Dějiny fyziky, geografie, geologie, chemie a matematiky., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 365-384), ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Kapitola popisuje vývoj matematiky a matematického vzdělávání v našich zemích v období 1348 až 1620. Připomíná naše nejlepší matematiky, analyzuje jejich díla a odborné aktivity, ukazuje vznik a proměny našich nejdůležitějších škol.
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2019, Věda v českých zemích. Dějiny fyziky, geografie, geologie, chemie a matematiky., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 385-401), ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Kapitola popisuje vývoj matematiky a matematického vzdělávání v našich zemích v období 1620 až 1750. Připomíná naše nejlepší matematiky, analyzuje jejich díla a odborné aktivity, ukazuje vznik a proměny našich nejdůležitějších škol.
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2019, Věda v českých zemích. Dějiny fyziky, geografie, geologie, chemie a matematiky., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 403-425), ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Kapitola popisuje vývoj matematiky a matematického vzdělávání v našich zemích v období 1750 až 1850. Připomíná naše nejlepší matematiky, analyzuje jejich díla a odborné aktivity, ukazuje vznik a proměny našich nejdůležitějších škol a matematických spolků
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2019, Věda v českých zemích. Dějiny fyziky, geografie, geologie, chemie a matematiky., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 427-465), ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Kapitola popisuje vývoj matematiky a matematického vzdělávání v našich zemích v období 1850 až 1918. Připomíná naše nejlepší matematiky, analyzuje jejich díla a odborné aktivity, ukazuje vznik a proměny našich nejdůležitějších škol a matematických spolků
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2019, Věda v českých zemích. Dějiny fyziky, geografie, geologie, chemie a matematiky., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 467-491), ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Kapitola popisuje vývoj matematiky a matematického vzdělávání v našich zemích v období 1918 až 1950. Připomíná naše nejlepší matematiky, analyzuje jejich díla a odborné aktivity, ukazuje vznik a proměny našich nejdůležitějších škol, výzkumných institucí a matematických spolků.
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-7281-0075-3
The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate a novel method for modeling smart cities and to introduce a use case study related to charging of electric vehicles. This use case is focusing on the research question: how many charging stations are needed to fulfill the dynamic demand for charging of electric vehicles. If electric vehicles become a mass product, it will be necessary to build many charging stations. On the other hand, the charging time will be significantly different from conventional cars and hardly as fast as conventional cars have (at least in the near future). In case of trucks, this will be even bigger difference. We can expect significant improvements in the speed of charging of batteries in the future. In this paper, we do not want to predict what will be the future, but rather demonstrate what will be the impact if we consider the number of charging stations, electric vehicles and charging time. This is a dynamic problem and the usage of a novel SMACEF framework using Multiagent systems is proposed as a suitable tool for this use case, as well as other smart city related problems.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Petrouš, M.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2019, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019), Madeira, SciTePress), p. 617-624), ISBN 978-989-758-380-3
The paper deals with the problem of modeling the passenger demand in the tram transportation network. The passenger demand on the individual tram stops is naturally influenced by the number of boarding and disembarking passengers, whose measuring is expensive and therefore they should be modeled and predicted. A mixture of Poisson components with the dynamic pointer estimated by recursive Bayesian estimation algorithms is used to describe the mentioned variables, while their prediction is solved with the help of the Poisson regression. The main contributions of the presented approach are: (i) the model of the number of boarding and disembarking passengers. (ii) the real-time data incorporation into the model. (iii) the recursive estimation algorithm with the normal approximation of the proximity function. The results of experiments with real data and the comparison with theoretical counterparts are demonstrated.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; Lom, M.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 11 (4), p. 28-36), ISSN 1939-1390
Nowadays the term Smart City is widely used and almost every city aims to become “Smart”. Unfortunately, the definitions of what Smart means differ and there is not a single accepted one. Often a technocratic view is adopted and the actual goal—make city more liveable—is not kept in mind. In this paper, a new approach to initiate and develop Smart City model is provided. A unified model is one way to describe the processes within such complex and heterogeneous system as Smart City. It is based on the similarity to the well-established framework called ITS (Intelligent Transport System) architecture. First, an overview of the Smart City initiatives and key principles that often require change of the way how we think of projects is provided. Further, the objectives and approach to national ITS architectures are described and discussed, mainly aiming on its limitations for the practical use especially in the context of Smart Cities. Finally, this paper provides a guidance on how a Smart City Architecture shall be established to overcome the system complexity and to reduce its dimension in terms of volume of required data flow. The new approach is based on decentralized intelligence, where a number of processes are carried out at the level of so-called building blocks. Multi-agent systems are proposed as a design tool for the particular building blocks.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2019, 41. mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář, Sborník příspěvků, Pardubice, DF JP Univerzita Pardubice), p. 41-48), ISBN 978-80-7560-213-8
V článku jsou popsány, porovnány a vysvětleny nejstarší algoritmy užívané pro násobení, které ovlivnily styl evropského počítání a matematické myšlení.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.
2019, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 198 (1), p. 1-16), ISSN 0040-5779
We show how to formulate the algebraic nested Bethe ansatz for RTT algebras with an R-matrix of the sp(4) type. We obtain the Bethe vectors and Bethe conditions for any highest-weight representation of these RTT algebras.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Moudrá, K.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Bruhová-Foltýnová, H.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Travel behavior is certainly an important study area in the field of smart cities. Influencing travel behavior or changing travel patterns (for example by motivating travelers to use alternative travel modes) has the potential to lower congestions and thus significantly affect the quality of life as well as the environment – the key objectives of smart city projects and initiatives.This paper provides a review of existing research into data collection methods dealing with the topic of travel behavior, mainly with changes towards using alternative travel modes. First, a theoretical classification of survey methods is provided. Next, their advantages and limitations are demonstrated on real-world examples. Finally, the findings of this analysis are formulated into recommendations for new research into the potential of smart city measures to influence transport behavior in the Ustí nad Labem Region of the Czech Republic.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2019, Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering., Springer, Cham), p. 679-698), ISBN 978-3-030-11292-9, ISSN 1876-1119
The paper provides a practical guide on initialization of the recursive mixture-based clustering of non-negative data. For modeling the non-negative data, mixtures of uniform, exponential, gamma and other distributions can be used. Initialization is known to be an important task for a start of the mixture estimation algorithm. Within the considered recursive approach, the key point of initialization is a choice of initial statistics of the involved prior distributions. The paper describes several initialization techniques for the mentioned types of components that can be beneficial primarily from a practical point of view.
Kapitola v jiné knize

Likhonina, R.
2019, Proceedings of IWSSIP 2019, Osijek, FEE, Computer Science and Information Technology, Osijek), p. 195-201), ISBN 978-1-7281-3227-3, ISSN 2157-8672
The work is focused on algorithmic technique for detection of hand presence and distance from a hand to a device transmitting ultrasound signals. The described method is based on QRD Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm with double precision arithmetic and exponential forgetting (EF). Modelling of a hand detection problem is based on linear Finite Impulse Response (FIR) based regression models and performed using MATLAB tools. The modelled system comprises an environment model, a hand model and an identification block. A series of experiments testing both time-invariant and time-variant environment models and time-variant hand models show the importance of a correct choice of the EF factor. The experiments prove the accuracy of the algorithm and the possibility to calculate a distance from the hand to the device. The final version of the algorithm is supposed to be implemented on the embedded Xilinx Zynq device equipped with a microphone and ultrasound transducers.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Pulc, T.
2019, Posel Židovské obce v Teplicích, 13 (1), p. 5-5)
Krátká informace o německo-židovském matematiku Seligmannu Kantorovi (1857-1903).
Článek v jiném periodiku (denním tisku) česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2019, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 64 (1), p. 29-54), ISSN 0032-2423
Článek pojednává o životních osudech zapomenutého německého matematika Seligmanna Kantora (1857-1903). Mapuje jeho studium, zahraniční pobyty, pedagogické působení a matematické výsledky.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Štechová, K.; Mastíková, L.; Urbaniec, K.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Hylmarová, S.; Kvapil, M.; Pastor, Z.
2019, Sexual Medicine, 7 (2), p. 217-226), ISSN 2050-1161
Introduction: More sexual problems are reported among people treated for diabetes; however, this situation is less explored in women than in men. Aim: To analyze the presence and causal links of female sexual dysfunction (FSD) among Czech women treated for type 1 diabetes. Methods: 40 women completed a national version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), Female Sexual Distress Scale-revised (FSDS-R), and Beck's Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). A metabolic and endocrine analysis was done using blood samples. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS v. 24 and the R environment.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.
2019, Dopravná infraštruktúra v mestách, Košice, EDIS - vydavateľstvo ŽU), ISBN 978-80-554-1594-9
Cílem příspěvku je dokázat, že normy na maximální produkci CO2 na ujetý kilometr pro automobily se spalovacími motory jsou splnitelné i se stávajícími technologiemi. Cestou je radikální přehodnocení požadavků na automobil. K prokázání této hypotézy užíváme dynamický model jízdních odporů vozidla s proměnnými parametry. Závěrem je vyhodnocení, za cenu jakých omezení jsou automobily schopny splnit požadované normy na produkci CO2.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Zahradník, P.; Vlček, M.
2019, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 19 (2), p. 59-66), ISSN 1531-636X
Approximation techniques are useful in numerous engineering and non-engineering tasks. In electrical engineering and in the filter design in particular, approximation techniques allow to approximate in some sense a desired, usually an ideal, but not feasible frequency response of a filter. Among various approximations, polynomial approximations are very useful. The design of feasible linear digital filters with finite impulse response is based on them. There emerge two unique types among polynomial approximations, a maximally flat approximation and an equiripple approximation. We review here the polynomial equiripple approximation, its highlights, applications, history, evolution and latest achievements including open questions.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2019, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 128, p. 254-270), ISSN 0191-2615
This paper deals with the task of modeling the driving style depending on the driving environment. The model of the driving style is represented as a two-layer mixture of normal components describing data with two pointers: outer and inner. The inner pointer indicates the actual driving environment categorized as “urban”, “rural” and “highway”. The outer pointer through the determined environment estimates the active driving style from a fuel economy point of view as “low consumption”, “middle consumption” and “high consumption”. All of these driving styles are assumed to exist within each driving environment due to the two-layer model. Parameters of the model and the driving style are estimated online, i.e., while driving using a recursive algorithm under the Bayesian methodology. The main contributions of the presented approach are: (i) the driving style recognition within each of urban, rural and highway environments as well as in the case of switching among them. (ii) the two-layer pointer, which allows us to incorporate the information from continuous data into the model. (iii) the potential use of the data-based model for other measurements using corresponding distributions. The approach was tested using real data.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Kraus, I.; Semotanová, E.; Kukal, Z.; Štrbáňová, S.; Bečvář, J.
2019, ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Přírodovědné, technické i humanitní obory jsou již po staletí spjaté s činností člověka a celé společnosti. Každý z těchto oborů tak má své vlastní dějiny, které se výrazně propojují, a to nejen při jejich vzniku ve starověku či středověku, ale i v době nedávné. Historie vědeckých oborů v českých zemích je zároveň součástí evropského kulturního dědictví, nejenom pro společné kořeny v antické civilizaci, ale i pro četné mezinárodní kontakty a spolupráci v době pozdější (středověk i novověk) a současné. Předkládaná publikace se zaměřuje na dějiny vybraných přírodovědných oborů, fyziky, geografie (s kartografií), geologie, chemie a matematiky. Tyto obory se v minulosti vzájemně více či méně ovlivňovaly a čerpaly mezi sebou základní poznatky, pracovaly obdobnými metodami a v mnoha případech používaly stejné nebo podobné přístroje.
Kniha - sborník, česky

Kraus, I.; prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Semotanová, E.; Kukal, Z.; Štrbáňová, S.; Bečvář, J.
2019, ISBN 978-80-01-06557-0
Publikace se zaměřuje na dějiny vybraných přírodovědných oborů, fyziky, geografie (s kartografií), geologie, chemia a matematiky.Tyto obory se v minulosati více či méně ovlivňovaly a čerpaly mezi sebou základní poznatky, pracovaly obdobnými metodami a v mnoha případech používaly stejné nebo podobné přístroje.
Vědecká kniha česky

Cheu, R.L.; Rosales, N.V.; Larios, V.M.; Arrellano, R.M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
Preparing the next generation of engineers, scientists and decision makers requires the development of new teaching strategies that follow smart cities philosophy: collaborative, inclusive and focused on specific needs of the region. The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), USA and University of Guadalajara (UdeG), Mexico, addressed the challenge of creating a new international course on smart cities study abroad program that leverages the long-term relationship of UTEP with Czech Technical University (CTU), Czech Republic, and industry partners in El Paso and Guadalajara, especially IBM Mexico. This program is highly interdisciplinary, involving four departments in the College of Engineering at UTEP and the Department of Information Systems, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Economico Administrativas at UdeG. Input from city officials in Guadalajara and El Paso along with industry partners was key in designing this novel program. Thirty-two students from UTEP and 32 from UdeG have successfully completed this program which will launch again on its third edition this year. The program included problem-based learning strategies as well as cultural, industry-led activities, culminating in a Smart Cities Hackathon competition. This articles reports on the planning, development and results of this study abroad program, challenges and lessons learned.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Zahradník, P.; Šusta, M.; Šimák, B.; Vlček, M.
2018, 2018 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), Piscataway, IEEE), p. 285-290), ISBN 978-1-5386-3678-7
A novel approximating polynomial of an equiripple low-pass FIR filter is presented. It represents an optimal equiripple polynomial approximation of two constants in two disjoint intervals. It also provides an insight into the nature of the approximation prblem. The developed equiripple approximation is illustrated in two examples.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2018, Sdělovací technika (9), p. 16-18), ISSN 0036-9942
V poslední době se téma takzvaných autonomních vozidel stává velmi populárním. Většina výrobců automobilů se věnuje rozvoji technologií podporujících kooperativní či autonomní vozidla. Pokročilá senzorika či např. matematické modely pro plánování trasy vozidel v rámci jízdních pruhů jsou témata zpracovaná poměrně detailně a spolehlivě výrobci automobilů. Zároveň se v novinách často setkáváme s informacemi o pilotních testech či autonomních vozidlech v reálném provozu. Může se tedy zdát, že existuje velká připravenost na rozvoj autonomních vozidel. Autonomní vozidla ovšem nepochybně změní i pohled na management a řízení dopravy ve městech.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Netuka, I.
2018, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 63 (1), p. 13-27), ISSN 0032-2423
V článku jsou podrobně popsány historické okolnosti vzniku první meziná¬rodní mate¬matické ceny, tzv. Fieldsovy medaile (oficiálně International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathe¬matics), která byla po složitých jednáních zřízena roku 1932 a poprvé udělena roku 1936. Dnes je považována za jednu z nejprestižněj¬ších matematických cen a za určitý ekvivalent Nobelovy ceny. Na základě archivních zdrojů komentujeme pověsti o tom, že absence Nobelovy ceny za matematiku je důsledkem problematických osobních vztahů mezi A. Nobelem a švédským matematikem G. Mittag-Lefflerem. Vě¬nujeme se také často diskutované otázce věkového limitu pro laureáty Fieldsovy medaile i okolnostem spojování názvu ceny s Fieldsovým jménem v rozporu s jeho výslovným přáním.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 13-38), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola přináší přehlednou informaci o nejdůležitějších okamžicích ve vývoji církve v pozdním středověku a na počátku renesance. Připomenuty jsou životní osudy a dílo nejvýznamnějších církevních představitelů.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.
2018, Practical Issues of Intelligent Innovations. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Springer, Cham), p. 313-330)
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Michek, J.
2018, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, 5 (3), p. 363-377), ISSN 2288-6605
The proper functioning of critical points on transport infrastructure is decisive for the entire network. Tunnels and bridges certainly belong to the critical points of the surface transport network, both road and rail. Risk management should be a holistic and dynamic process throughout the entire life cycle. However, the level of risk is usually determined only during the design stage mainly due to the fact that it is a time-consuming and costly process. This paper presents a simplified quantitative risk analysis method that can be used any time during the decades of a tunnel’s lifetime and can estimate the changing risks on a continuous basis and thus uncover hidden safety threats. The presented method is a decision support system for tunnel managers designed to preserve or even increase tunnel safety. The CAPITA method is a deterministic scenario-oriented risk analysis approach for assessment of mortality risks in road tunnels in case of the most dangerous situation – a fire. It is implemented through an advanced risk analysis CAPITA SW. Both, the method as well as the resulting software were developed by the authors’ team.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Licu, A.
2018, IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, IEEE Xplore), p. 1-8), ISBN 978-1-5386-2014-4, ISSN 1095-323X
This paper deals with safety performance predictions in the aviation, which address the long-term global efforts to achieve predictive risk management by the year 2028. Predictive risk management regards timely and accurate detection of risk, well before some incident or accident takes place so that effective control actions can be provided. To assure achieving such diagnosis, it is necessary that mathematically well-founded predictions will become part of existing safety management systems with the capability to predict key performance indicators. From current safety metrics and with respect to the data available in the aviation, overall safety performance was selected as suitable candidate for predictions. To obtain the performance signal, Aerospace Performance Factor methodology was utilized. Due to confidentiality restrictions with regard to aviation safety data, this study relies on public data sets from the domain of European Air Traffic Management. Dedicated resampling method was used to fill in the gaps of real data sets by transforming expert knowledge into mathematical functions. This enabled the possibility to build and test mathematical models for predicting safety performance. Because the identified data sources included some data, which are not necessary for computing safety performance but relevant in its context, conditional forecasts were made possible. With respect to this, the goal of this paper was to research and evaluate possibilities for both conditional and unconditional forecasts in the context of future risk management. Time-series analysis of the computed safety performance was conducted using ordinary least squares and maximum likelihood estimation. Each of the methodology led to different mathematical model and different predictions. Specific aspects of each methodology were identified.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Urbaniec, K.; Šimůnek, M.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Ing. Jindřich Borka, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), p. 1-6), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
In this paper we perceive data analysis with empirical probability functions as a data mining method. We propose a way to carry out this type of analysis by employing the LISp-Miner system, namely the CF-Miner procedure and pattern difference quantifiers. In order to confirm that LISp-Miner is a suitable tool for this purpose, we briefly present both methods and then show their equivalence. We do this by providing theoretical description which we then support by analysing a small set of data concerning traffic accidents with methods and comparing results. Afterwards we provide an example of analysis of a full data set concerning rail tickets sold at selected stations in 2014. We show that by considering “difference histograms” it is possible to identify remarkable dissimilarities in histograms of time of ticket sale that would not be found otherwise. Both analyses confirms that the method we propose can provide new and interesting results even if the data has been already analysed.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Mgr. Pavel Provinský, Ph.D.
2018, Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, 93 (3), p. 1-8), ISSN 0035-9343
Článek pojednává o mnoha druzích dláždění, periodických i o kvaziperiodických. Výklad je provázen mnoha obrázky.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 39-126), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola pojednává o vývoji mocností v západní a jižní Evropě v pozdním středověku a na počátku renesance, opomenuty nejsou ani dopady osmanské expanze na osudy východní Evropy. Kapitola se snaží přiblížit významné historické události a přední panovníci té doby a poukázat na nové myšlenky, které připravovaly půdu pro zrod novověké evropské společnosti.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

Mgr. Pavel Provinský, Ph.D.
2018, Neural Network World, 28 (5), p. 473-494), ISSN 1210-0552
This article provides a simple and practical tutorial on how to use floppy logic. The floppy logic is a method suitable for systems control and description. It preserves the simplicity of the fuzzy logic and the accuracy of the probability theory. The floppy logic allows to work consistently and simultaneously with data in the form of exact numbers, probability distributions and fuzzy sets.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Mgr. Pavel Provinský, Ph.D.
2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
Floppy logika je nový nástroj pro popis a řízení systémů. Může být použita např. při řízení křižovatek či autonomních vozidel, může ale i předpovídat počasí. Floppy logika je založena na prověřené a úspěšné fuzzy logice, ale, v porovnání s ní, má několik velkých výhod: Floppy logika může konzistentně pracovat s přesnými čísly, rozděleními pravděpodobnosti, fuzzy množinami i přesnými množinami současně. Floppy logika je kompatibilní s teorií pravděpodobnosti, tudíž můžeme používat všechny pravděpodobnostní nástroje. Všechny výroky, které jsou ekvivalentní ve standardní dvouhodnotové logice, jsou ve floppy logice ekvivalentní také. Všechny logické operace jsou jednoznačné. Není zde možnost výběru z mnoha různých triangulárních norem a konorem jako ve fuzzy logice.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

2018, Proceedeng of the Czech-Slovak Conference on Geometry and Computer Graphics, Praha, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists), p. 5-10), ISBN 978-80-214-5652-5
Navigace je definována jako umění dostat se z jednoho místa na jiné. Historický vývoj navigace zahrnuje řešení velkých geometrických problémů i návrh důmyslných měřících přístrojů a metod. . V průběhu věků se postupy zásadním způsobem měnily a spolu s novými přístroji a technologiemi se proměňovaly až do dnešní podoby. Mnohé mají historické i současné metody společné – klíčová role určení času, využití nebeských těles či významných bodů a odvození polohy použitím geometrických metod. Základní principy navigace mohou dobře posloužit jako aplikační úlohy geometrie na základní či střední škole.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Antiquitates Mathematicae, 12 (1), p. 111-159), ISSN 1898-5203
Based on a deep and extensive study of various “funds” of the Archive of Charles University, the Ar¬chive of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the National Archive of the Czech Republic, the Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Pra¬gue City Archives and the State Archive of the German Republic, we are going to evaluate professional activities and personal life of Gerhard Hermann Waldemar Kowalewski (1876–1950), a famous German mathematician. We will mainly concen¬trate on his two Prague peri¬ods, 1909–1920 and 1939–1945, which has not been sufficiently covered and discussed in the literature.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Kucherov, B.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
Satellite technologies are widely used in many areas of modern society in general and in smart cities in particular. Improved traffic management, air quality monitoring, emergency management, geospatial distribution, management of critical energy infrastructure are examples of the tasks where using satellite technologies can give significant contribution to sustainability and safety. Proper operation of satellite systems is needed to achieve that. This requires solving a number of tasks, one of which is scheduling tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) ground stations to carry out communication sessions with satellites. Service actions and transmitting a plan for payload operation such as Earth observation or radio broadcasting are performed during that sessions. In this paper, the authors discuss mathematical formulation of TT&C ground stations scheduling problem in order to analyse possibilities to increase the quality of schedule and efficiency of its adaptations. Possible approaches to achieve the goal, and factors influenced on parrying emergency situations are demonstrated. Approaches for monitoring the current situation and preparing data about it are proposed. Possible ways of its improvement are discussed, basic idea of decision support system to determine state of ground stations is proposed. Evaluating the efficiency of changing schedule of TT&C ground stations using proposed approaches and tools is given. The proposed approaches can help to ensure performing both planned and emergency tasks of satellite systems in order to ensure normal work of many services in smart cities.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; Neubergová, K.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.
2018, Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, 20 (3), p. 9-14), ISSN 1335-4205
The paper is focused on the influence of driving behaviour on fuel consumption and the subsequent environmental impacts. The main issue is to estimate the economic and environmental costs connected with the forced deceleration or stopping and the subsequent acceleration of a motor vehicle in urban traffic. Authors introduce a physical model of a vehicle with variable parameters that allows the calculation of economic and ecological losses in congestions on the basis of data generated by an arbitrary floating car. The losses include the lost kinetic energy of a vehicle during the forced braking, accelerated degradation of vehicle components, the loss of time of drivers and passengers and the increased ecological footprint. Energetic costs are estimated from the vehicle engine efficiency with which the fuel energy is transformed during an acceleration to kinetic energy of a vehicle lost during braking. Further, these costs are estimated from fuel calorific value and fuel price. Costs resulting from the degradation of vehicle components are estimated from their average stated lifetime.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 213-232), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola popisuje životní osudy matematika Jordana de Nemore a analyzuje jeho důležité fyzikální dílo Elementa super demonstrationem ponderum a několik matematických prací – Algorismus demonstratus Jordani, De Elementis arismetice artis, De numeris datis, De triangulis a Demonstratio de plana spera, které ovlivňovaly vývoj evropské matematiky ve 13. a 14. století.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 183-212), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola obsahuje poměrně podrobnou studii o objevu a vývoji knihtisku a jeho obrovském vlivu na transfer poznatků a veškerého vědění (nejen matematické literatury), a to jak pro vědecké badání, tak pro výuku a šíření vzdělanosti.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

Štechová, K.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Tuháčková, M.; Urbaniec, K.; Kvapil, M.
2018, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 20 (8), p. 524-530), ISSN 1520-9156
BACKGROUND: To improve insulin pump therapy results, a special test for patients was devised. The model successfully used to achieve a license to operate different machines was followed. METHODS: The test (a practice and a full run, with a time limit) contained 42 questions, each with four optional choices, and could be answered online. Patients could familiarize themselves with the whole question pool first. Patients could repeat a full run attempt if they failed and were offered focused remedial education. The study group composed of adults, 46 females, and 54 males, all treated for type 1 diabetes, 38/100 newly introduced to insulin pump therapy. RESULTS: Eighty-five of 100 patients successfully completed their first full run attempt (80% or higher correct answers) and 3 of 100 on their second full run attempt; 12 of 100 patients were not able to succeed. The median of the test score was 2 mistakes (range 0-17 mistakes). The most problematic topics were diet and insulin regimens and their application. The crucial factor influencing the test score was the willingness to try practice run(s). Those who practiced had a significantly higher total test score with better results in 5 of 8 tested knowledge domains. Age and diabetes existing >15 years had an impact on the result, too. Both patients' and caregivers' opinions on the test were predominantly positive (or neutral). CONCLUSIONS: The type of test introduced is a good tool for checking a patient's theoretical knowledge and indirectly revealing a patient's level of motivation.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 441-512), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola mapuje životní osudy a matematické dílo slavného italského matematika Lucy Pacioliho. Hlavní pozornost je věnována analýze přínosu jeho matematických knih a rukopisů Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita Tractatus mathematicus ad discipulos perusinos, De divina proportione, De viribus quantitatis a De ludo scacchorum, které ovlivňovaly vývoj evropské matematiky v 15. a 16. století.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.; Sýkorová, I.; Otavová, M.; Melcer, M.; Štěpánová, M.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2018, ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kniha pojednává o vývoji matematiky a matematického myšlení ve středověké Evropě.
Kniha - sborník, odborná česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, 40. mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář, Sborník příspěvků, Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice), p. 71-78), ISBN 978-80-7560-142-1
V příspěvku je ukázáno, jak nás matematika provází každodenním životem, aniž si to mnohdy uvědomujeme. Je přiblížena a vysvětlena podstata čárového kódu a zákonitosti kon¬strukce čísel bankovních účtů.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 53-61), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
Bayesian networks are one of the most suitable tools for traffic accident data analysis. A well-designed and trained Bayesian network is the first assumption for obtaining good results. Two sources of information can be used for this purpose. They are information extracted from measured historical data and also information specified by an expert. The latter one can also involve some generally known rules or knowledge based on traffic regulations or safety rules. Mostly, only one of these sources of information is used. After training the network can be evaluated with standard methods based on likelihood or prediction error evaluation. The goal of this paper is to show that if two Bayesian networks are created, e.g. one from the data and second from the expert knowledge, they can be merged into one which joins the objective information from data with the subjective opinion from expert and which has better evaluation than the original ones.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Postránecký, M.; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Lom, M.; Mařík, V.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Říha, Z.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Tencar, J.
2018, ISBN 978-80-7270-058-5
Publikace Města budoucnosti pojednává o účelném využití moderních technologií pro lepší správu a management měst s ohledem na jejich udržitelný rozvoj a kvalitu života obyvatel města.
Vědecká kniha česky

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2018, Intuitionistic Fuzziness and Other Intelligent Theories and Their Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence., Springer, Cham), ISBN 978-3-319-78931-6, ISSN 1860-9503
The initialization is known to be a critical task for running a mixture estimation algorithm. A majority of approaches existing in the literature are related to initialization of the expectation-maximization algorithm widely used in this area. This study focuses on the initialization of the recursive mixture estimation for the case of normal components, where the mentioned methods are not applicable. Its key part is a choice of the initial statistics of normal components.
Kapitola v jiné knize

doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.; Burdík, Č.
2018, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 49 (5), p. 939-942), ISSN 1063-7796
We study the highest weight representations of the RTT-algebras for the R-matrix of sp(2n) type by the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz. For special representations these models were solved by Reshetikhin and by Martins and Ramos.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Burdík, Č.; doc. RNDr. Ondřej Navrátil, Ph.D.
2018, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 81 (6), p. 776-780), ISSN 1063-7788
We study the highest weight representations of the RTT algebras for the R matrix of o(2n) type by the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz. We show how auxiliary RTT algebra A˜ can be used to find Bethe vectors and Bethe conditions. For special representations, in which representation of RTT algebra A˜ is trivial, the problem was solved by Reshetikhin.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 405-440), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola mapuje životní osudy, malířské a matematické dílo slavného italského renesančního malíře a matematika Piera della Francesca. Hlavní pozornost je věnována analýze přínosu jeho matematických rukopisů Trattato d’abaco, De prospectiva pingendi a Libellus de quinque corporibus regularibus, které ovlivňovaly vývoj evropské matematiky v 15. století.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 605-648), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola pojednává o formování myšlenek pozdější teorie pravděpodobnosti v období středověku. Diskutovány jsou jejich starověké kořeny a antické pojetí pravděpodobnosti, dále pojetí scholastické a renesanční, stejně jako počátky kombinatoriky. Pozornost je rovněž věnována formování pravděpodobnostních myšlenek v oblasti soudnictví, pojišťovnictví a hazardních her a souvislosti pravděpodobnosti a matematiky.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. Viktor Beneš
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Maskil, 17 (11-12), p. 6-7)
Článek připomíná život Saly Ruth Ramler (1894–1993), první doktorky matematiky na Německé univerzitě v Praze. Přibližuje též životní osudy jejích nejbližších příbuzných.
Článek v jiném periodiku (denním tisku) česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 40 (4), p. 79-85), ISSN 0343-6993
The article describes the life of Saly Ruth Ramler (1894–1993), the first woman awarded a doctorate in mathematics at the Faculty of Philoso¬phy of the German University in Prague. The fates of her relatives are also reminded.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Opasanon, S.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
The topic of Smart Cities is nowadays very broadly discussed. In order to be able to move beyond theory and make some practical progress, the concept of building blocks shall be adopted. In this paper, we address one particular building block - Smart Campus - and try to understand its key features. University is typically a part of most big cities and forms a unique environment. Smart city theory clearly states that improving the quality of life of particular citizens shall be the main objective. Even though a university has also different stakeholders, students form a homogenous group with often common objectives. The objective of this paper is to propose a method to learn about student preferences and perception of different smart cities with respect to university campuses. For this reason, design of a survey which can be used by different universities to learn about the expectations of the end users - students - with respect to the smart concept is presented and discussed. Additionally, results of two pilot evaluations are presented. On purpose, two universities with rather different background and different cultural background were selected: Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic) and Thammasat University in Thailand. A pilot survey was executed and the analysis of the results using basic econometric methods, inferential statistics and logistic regression is provided.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Stechova, K.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Tuhackova, M.; Urbaniec, K.
2018, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 20, p. A130-A130), ISSN 1520-9156
Abstrakt v časopisu

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 145-182), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola přibližuje rozkvět umění (literatura, malířství, sochařství, architektura), vědy a vzdělanosti v pozdním středověku a na počátku renesance. Připomenuty jsou životní osudy a stěžejní díla předních umělců té doby.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2018, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, Basel, Springer), p. 274-283), ISBN 9783319937090, ISSN 1867-8211
Driver behaviour is a crucial factor not only with respect to trac safety but also when considering trac management systems. Modern Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), such as Variable Speed Limit (VSL) system, enable real time dynamic trac management using actual trac data. However, in order to achieve an eective system, it is crucial to provide its speed limitation decision algorithm that is based on actual driver behaviour and not on theoretical expectations. Proper understanding of the driver decision making process and driving psychology is a key to eective and resultful trac management systems of the future. In this paper authors describe their study aiming to create a driver behaviour model with respect to VSL system based on data from driving simulator experiment. The resulting model is to be further ap- plied to data of Czech drivers' population in order to create background for future microsimulations of trac and wide range of objectives connected to calibration, analysis and deployment of future VSL systems in country.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 9-10), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Úvodní slovo k rozsáhlé monografii Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance, které přináší informace o struktuře knihy a důvodech jejího vzniku.
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, XVI. Österreichisches Symposion zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Vídeň, Technische Universität Wien), p. 106-113)
The article describes the lives of Saly Ruth Struik born Ramler (1894–1993), Hilda Falk (1897–1942) and Josefina Mayer born Keller (1904–1986), the first three women awarded a doctorate in mathematics at the German University in Prague. The fates of their relatives are also reminded.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.
2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 127-144), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola přibližuje vliv zámořských objevů na politické, ekonomické a společenské proměny evropské civilizace a ukazuje výraznou změnu paradigmatu evropského myšlení ve 14. a 15. století. Připomenuty jsou zásadní objevy a životní osudy nejvýznamnějších mořeplavců.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

2018, Matematika ve středověké Evropě. Pozdní středověk a renesance., Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 349-404), ISBN 978-80-01-06403-0
Kapitola je věnována historickému vývoji perspektivního zobrazení. Přibližuje jeho antické kořeny a především pak vývoj v období renesance. Popsána je matematická podstata perspektivy a její objevování, rozvoj metod konstrukce perspektivních obrazů, cesta k malířským dílům s dokonalou perspektivou, problematika zkreslení, využití perspektivy jako výrazového prostředku, její záměrné porušování i další vývoj do počátku novověku.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 47 (2), p. 1-24), ISSN 1335-4981
Článek na základě tištěných pramenů dokumentuje vznik, vývoj a význam Mezinárodní komise pro vzdělávání matematice. Analyzuje její nejdůležitější aktivity v letech 1908 až 1939 a jejich dopad na výuku matematiky.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2018, Vesmír, 97, p. 356-358), ISSN 0042-4544
Článek je věnován aplikacím teorie her v různých oblastech souvisejících s komunikací. Z historického pohledu popisuje její využití při posuzování vojenských strategií a dále se zabývá aplikacemi týkajícími se optimalizace komunikačních sítí a chování autonomních dopravních prostředků.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2018, Maskil, 18 (1), p. 8-9)
Článek připomíná komplikovaný život Heinricha Löwiga, pražského matematika německo-židovského původu.
Článek v jiném periodiku (denním tisku) česky

doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.
2017, ISBN 978-3-319-64670-1, ISSN 2191-544X
This book provides a general theoretical background for constructing the recursive Bayesian estimation algorithms for mixture models. It collects the recursive algorithms for estimating dynamic mixtures of various distributions and brings them in the unified form, providing a scheme for constructing the estimation algorithm for a mixture of components modeled by distributions with reproducible statistics. It offers the recursive estimation of dynamic mixtures, which are free of iterative processes and close to analytical solutions as much as possible. In addition, these methods can be used online and simultaneously perform learning, which improves their efficiency during estimation. The book includes detailed program codes for solving the presented theoretical tasks. Codes are implemented in the open source platform for engineering computations. The program codes given serve to illustrate the theory and demonstrate the work of the included algorithms.
Jiná kniha

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2017, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, p. 23-36), ISSN 0968-090X
The paper focuses on a task of stochastic modeling the driving style and its online estimation while driving. The driving style is modeled by means of a mixture model with normal and categorical components as well as a data-dependent pointer. The main contributions of the presented approach are: (i) the online estimation of the driving style while driving, taking into account data up to the current time instant; (ii) the joint model for continuous and discrete data measured on a vehicle; (iii) the data-dependent model of the driving style conditioned by the values of fuel consumption; (iv) the use of the model both for detection of clusters according to the driving style and prediction of the fuel consumption along with other variables; and (v) the universal modeling with the help of mixtures, which allows us to use different combinations of components and pointer models as well as to specify the initialization approach suitable for the considered problem.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. André Maia Pereira; Anany, H.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Dr. Ing. Jan Přikryl
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
Automated driving has become an important research trend in the field of cooperative intelligent transportation systems and their applications in smart cities. Automated driving both increases road capacity and eliminates human errors, one of the most common reason of traffic accidents. Both these aspects influence significantly the quality of life, which is a major goal of smart city initiatives. Management of automated vehicles by urban road infrastructure is a rather new subject and not so much practical development has been reported yet. Unfortunately, the available information is spread over fragments within other resources dealing with automated vehicles. In this paper, we provide an overview of major functionalities that have to be provided by both road infrastructure and an automated vehicle so that the vehicle can optimally navigate through an urban network with signalized intersections and we review the state-of-the-art publications providing approaches relevant to these core functionalities.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 69, p. 28-36), ISSN 0886-7798
Safety is one of the most important aspects when designing a road tunnel system. Apart from the general design of a road tunnel, different technological safety systems can contribute to increased safety. There is, however, no agreed methodology on how to evaluate such systems prior to their design and installation. In this paper, it is recommended that the time required to detect a fire and warn people about it in the tunnel be used as a quality criterion since it has a direct effect on the probability of saving lives. In their previous paper, the authors proposed a fuzzy system called SAFECALC for effectively evaluating fire sensors and warning systems in tunnels, even in the early design phase. The biggest challenge in designing a fuzzy system is the original identification and calibration of such a system. For that reason, this paper focuses on the identification stage and, using the example of a linear fire sensor, it suggests a new methodology for performing such early level calibration. This methodology consists of several steps and, after the original design of the system, it uses inputs provided by experts in the field (via surveys and brainstorming) for fine tuning of the system. A physical model is used to simulate the propagation of a fire in a tunnel. The results of such the process are then evaluated on a real world case study from Lochkov tunnel near the city of Prague.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Likhonina, R.; Kohout, L.; Kadlec, J.
2017, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications, Siberian Institute of Applied System Analysis), p. 94-99)
The present paper describes an FPGA design of a camera-to-touchscreen demonstrator that has been prepared using Xilinx Vivado 2015.2 and SDK 2015.2 tools. The demonstrator consists of MicorZed 7020 Carrier Board, Avnet 7-inch Zed Touch Display and Avnet Toshiba Industrial 1080P60 Camera Module. The camera transmits a full HD video signal at 60 frames per seconds to MicroZed 7020 board, which processes it and sends to the LCD display with active area of 800x480 pixels. As the display has smaller resolution, only a fragment of the whole video frame can be seen at once on the display, whereas the full image is stored in the memory. By touching the screen one can travel along the stored video frame and look through the whole image. The design can be used, for example, as a car rear view mirror monitor benefiting from touchscreen technologies.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Zahradník, P.; Šusta, M.; Šimák, B.; Vlček, M.
2017, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 64 (4), p. 407-411), ISSN 1549-7747
This brief introduces a novel closed-form method for a robust evaluation of partial impulse responses in a cascade structure of narrow equiripple (ER) bandpass finite-impulse-response filters. The approach presented here is based on a generating polynomial for an ER approximation. The importance of the method is seen in its inherent robustness, which significantly outperforms the existing numerical approach. Consequently, much longer filters can be represented in their cascade form. Two examples demonstrate the functionality, performance, and usefulness of the method, as well as its superiority in terms of robustness over the existing approach.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; Petrouš, M.
2017, Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 2017 IEEE 15th International Symposium on, Budapest, IEEE Hungary Section, University Obuda), ISBN 978-1-5386-3855-2, ISSN 1949-0488
This paper deals with a modeling of data by several mixtures of different distributions within a task of clustering. This issue can be required from a practical point of view, e.g., for a multi-modal system, which generates measurements described by different distributions. The approach is based on the partition of the data on several parts, the factorization of the joint probability density function according to these parts and the estimation of each conditional mixture separately. Due to the data-based construction of the general model from the estimated components, the most suitable combination of the components is used at each time instant.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf.

Dr. Ing. Jan Přikryl; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.
2017, Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18, Praha, Matematický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.), p. 89-96), ISBN 978-80-85823-67-7
A key element of microscopic traffic flow simulation is the so-called car-following model, describing the way in which a typical driver interacts with other vehicles on the road. This model is typically continuous and traffic micro-simulator updates its vehicle positions by a numerical integration scheme. While increasing the order of the scheme should lead to more accurate results, most micro-simulators employ the simplest Euler rule. In our contribution, inspired by [1], we will provide some additional details that have to be addressed when implementing higher-order numerical integration schemes for CFMs and we will show that the theoretical gain of higher-order methods is unfortunately masked out by the stochastic nature of real-world traffic flow.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, DRIVE-CAR INTERACTION & SAFETY CONFERENCE, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 68-73), ISBN 978-80-01-06336-1, ISSN 2336-5382
Driving is the most universal and ordinary task people perform every day and in the same time the most complex and dangerous. It requires a full range of sensory, perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions, all of which can be affected by a wide range of stressors and experience levels. Therefore exploring of human behaviour while controlling vehicle is a crucial task in improving traffic safety. Experimental studies can always be conducted with on-road tests, however using a simulator is safer and more cost effective. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate if, and under what conditions, driving simulator provides results sufficient to provide insight to the behaviour of drivers. It discusses its limits and advantages. Overall, the researches reviewed in this paper indicates that simulator driving behaviour approximates (relative validity), but does not exactly replicate (absolute validity), on-road driving behaviour.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Dějiny věd a techniky, 50 (3), p. 217-219), ISSN 0300-4414
Zpráva o průběhu mezinárodní konference Development of mathematics and related sciences in Central-Eastern Europe in the 20th century
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Urbaniec, K.
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
As we can all experience in our daily life, the traffic in the cities grows quickly, which, unfortunately, means also that the number of accidents grows, too. We try to find causes of accidents that happen for systematic reasons as we perceive eliminating such systematic errors as one of primary goals of smart cities idea. This paper deals with the accident data analysis using Bayesian Networks and conditional probability functions. We try to examine independence between variables in data sample in order to work with data of considerably large dimension. Our approach includes determining the structure of a Bayesian Network basing on a data sample and then utilizing computed probabilities in order to eliminate insignificant relations. We also use conditional probability functions to identify significant dependences basing only on data set. Finally we compare results obtained by both methods and use Goodman and Kruskal's lambda coefficient for confirming their accuracy.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Kubák, J.; Sovka, P.; Vlček, M.
2017, Radioengineering, 26 (3), p. 903-913), ISSN 1210-2512
This report summarize and compares various methods for computing the symmetrical Zolotarev Polynomial of the first kind and its spectrum with each other. Suitable criteria are suggested for the comparison. The best numerical stability shows the method employing Chebyshev polynomial recurrence. In case of the polynomial spectrum computation the best method is the one using the difference backward recursion introduced by M. Vlček. Both methods are able to generate the polynomial of high degree up to, at least, 2000, using 32-bit IEEE floating point arithmetics.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Mgr. Pavel Provinský, Ph.D.
2017, Neural Network World, 27 (5), p. 479-497), ISSN 1210-0552
This article introduces a floppy logic - a new method of work with fuzzy sets. This theory is a nice connection between the logic, the probability theory and the fuzzy sets. The floppy logic has several advantages compared to the fuzzy logic: All propositions, which are equivalent in the bivalent logic, are equivalent in the floppy logic too. Logical operations are modeled unambiguously, not by using many alternative t-norms and t-conorms. In floppy logic, we can use the whole apparatus of Kolmogorov's probability theory. This theory allows to work consistently with systems that are described by fuzzy sets, probability distributions and accurate values simultaneously.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, Neural Network World, 27, p. 181-196), ISSN 1210-0552
This paper deals with the changeover from the decision tree (bivalent logic) approach to the fuzzy logic approach to highway traffic control, particularly to variable speed limit displays. The usage of existing knowledge from decision tree control is one of the most suitable methods for identification of the new fuzzy model. However, such method introduces several difficulties. These difficulties are described and possible measures are proposed. Several fuzzy logic algorithms were developed and tested by a microsimulation model. The results are presented and the finest algorithm is recommended for testing on the Prague City Ring Road in real conditions. This paper provides a guidance for researchers and practitioners dealing with similar problem formulation.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Vreeswijk, J.; Hoadley, S.; Blokpoel, R.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
The outputs of many large EU research projects that are aimed at improving life in cities and that of their residents, such as those funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, are often delivered by technology-oriented partners or research institutions that, although they are often a part of a heterogeneous consortia, may not be aware of the real-life dimension of the problem they are solving. This could be particularly troublesome in case a holistic solution should be delivered and is especially valid in case of Smart Cities related problems. In this paper we are proposing a methodology to overcome this issue while using the example of a real Horizon 2020 project MAVEN – Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network. The methodology is based on the system engineering approach and its application is illustrated on the first MAVEN stakeholder consultation workshop including its evaluation using the online tool Mentimeter. The proposed template can be used in other EU projects.
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Kucherov, B.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Artyushenko, V.
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
Satellite Earth remote sensing data are widely used in Smart Cities in various areas, such as energy industry, transportation area, or disaster monitoring. Real time remote sensing data from some region could help to parry various extraordinary (emergency) situations (forest fires, floods, emergency situations on roads, etc.). It could be used in control centers to support decision making able to promptly inform citizens about current situation. In order to have the actual data, it is necessary to perform Earth observations as soon as possible after an emergency situation arises. But before the data from a satellite can be provided for its processing, a number of tasks must be solved. One of such tasks is changing a schedule of tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) ground stations to carry out a communication session with remote sensing satellite for sending on it program of target equipment work (to observe the region and downlink sensing data to receiving ground stations). In this paper, the authors propose approaches to increase the efficiency of changing a schedule of TT&C ground station in order to increase the efficiency of getting satellite remote sensing data. Such issues as organization information exchanges between subscribers, prompt notification of planning department specialist about changing the current situation, increase efficiency of including in schedule additional communication sessions, the informative representation of data about current situation are discussed. The proposed approaches can increase the efficiency and reasonableness of the decision making in control centers to parry various extraordinary (emergency) situations. In turn, it can make cities more sustainable and safe, in other words smart.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; Likhonina, R.
2017, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Madeira, SciTePress), ISBN 978-989-758-263-9
The paper deals with a task of initialization of the recursive mixture estimation for the case of uniform components. This task is significant as a part of mixture-based clustering, where data clusters are described by the uniform distributions. The issue is extensively explored for normal components. However, sometimes the assumption of normality is not suitable or limits potential application areas (e.g., in the case of data with fixed bounds). The use of uniform components can be beneficial for these cases. Initialization is always a critical task of the mixture estimation. Within the considered recursive estimation algorithm the key point of its initialization is a choice of initial statistics of components. The paper explores several initialization approaches and compares results of clustering with a theoretical counterpart. Experiments with real data are demonstrated.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf.

Večeřa, R.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
Crowdsourcing is one of the most fundamental elements in so called sharing economy. This type of economy enables sharing of unused resources in the community, which is a key concept in Smart City initiatives. This paper focuses on the field of crowdsourced logistics, where many startups have emerged in the last years. Also companies, which provide other crowdsourced services, such as Uber, are often creating their logistics spin offs. However there is no well-known market leader yet. The aim of this paper is to find common key denominators of the most successful crowdsourced logistics companies. It should provide a lead to nascent companies and future research, where to pay attention. Crowdsourcing started to be studied after 2006 when the term was first used. Nowadays papers about this topic are appearing more frequently. However there has not been a clear comparison of crowdsourced logistics companies according to their revenues and raised funds. Such research can help future companies to identify the most important key features to cover.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Correspondence of Luigi Cremona (1830–1903), Turnhout, Brepols Publishers), p. 1661-1665), ISBN 978-2-503-55453-2
The chapter presets two letters from 1878 until 1879 written by Eduard Weyr to Luigi Cremona, which are conserved in the “Guido Castelnuovo” Department of Mathematics of “Sapienza” University of Roma. These letters are presented in their original language (French) with short biographical notes on Eduard Weyr and some historical and cultural comments.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Correspondence of Luigi Cremona (1830–1903), Turnhout, Brepols Publishers), p. 1665-1707), ISBN 978-2-503-55453-2
The chapter presets 27 letters from 1870 until 1891 written by Emil Weyr to Luigi Cremona with one letter of František Houdek (from 1873), which are conserved in the “Guido Castelnuovo” Department of Mathematics of “Sapienza” University of Roma. These letters are presented in their original language (French, Italian, German languages) with short biographical notes on Emil Weyr and some historical, cultural, political and mathematical comments.
Kapitola v jiné knize

Hupp, I.; Ullrich, P.; Boehme, H.; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2017, ISBN 978-3-936905-64-9, ISSN 1863-4982
Das Buch ist der Geschichte der Mathematik von der griechischen Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert gewidmet.
Kniha - sborník, odborná, aspoň 100 výtisků

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, Neural Network World, 2017 (27), p. 317-331), ISSN 1210-0552
Technology has undergone rapid development in the past several decades and we are now at a point where many technologies are available to help create smart cities. Many technology companies and research institutions as well as political organizations are currently discussing this field with the highest priority. One can say that the biggest challenge to smart cities is not technologies themselves, but the merging of all available technologies into one symbiotic unit that fulfills the expected objectives. Smart cities are about connecting subsystems, sharing and evaluating data, and providing quality of life and satisfaction to citizens. We have various models of transportation systems, optimizations of energy usage, street lighting systems, building management systems, urban transport optimizations, however currently, such models are dealt with separately. In this paper, we provide an overview of the smart city concept and discuss why Multi-agent systems are the right tool for the modeling of smart cities. The biggest challenge is in connecting and linking particular subsystems within a smart city. In this paper, a modeling of a smart city building blocks is provided and demonstrated with one particular example -- a smart street lighting system. Focus will be on the decomposition of the system into subsystems as well as a description of particular modules. We propose to build models and since each individual entity can be modeled as an agent with its beliefs, desires and intentions, we suggest using Multi-agent systems as a tool for modeling systems` connections within the smart city and assessing how best to use the data from those systems.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; Hrdina, L.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; Neubergová, K.
Zpráva popisuje využití globálního modelu města, který byl vytvořen v jiných částech projektu, pro kvantitativní hodnocení kvality dopravy nad sítí 108 strategických detektorů. Pro získání údajů o změnách v kvalitě dopravy jsou dopravní parametry vyhodnoceny z několika týdnů před a po otevření TKB. Nad všemi detektory je zavedena kategorizace kvality dopravy, která je transformována do spotřeby pohonných hmot a vyhodnocení délek kolon. Navržené postupy umožňují v budoucnosti hodnotit cenu za přepravu nad sítí detektorů v reálném čase.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Veselý, J.
2017, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 62 (4), p. 254-263), ISSN 0032-2423
Článek pojednává o matematicky velmi zajímavé mezopotámské hliněné tabulce známé pod názvem Plimpton 322, která ukazuje vyspělost tehdejších matematických znalostí a která je v současné době zdrojem zajímavých spekulací.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Minerva armata. Le università e la Grande guerra, Bologna, Clueb Casa), p. 127-139), ISBN 978-88-491-5540-2
Based on the study of surviving archive sources avail¬able in Czech country and abroad, original professional journals mathematical works, and diverse secondary literature we will introduce the most important and interesting phenomena from the history of Czech and German mathematical communities in Prague at the end of the 19th century and in the first two decades of the 20th century. We will try also to capture their specifics arising from the Prague “genius loci” where two different mathematical communities existed and to signal their link¬age to surrounding scientific world. The role and influence of the World War I in the development of the mathematical communities in Prague as well as their activities are analyzed.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, 39. mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář, Sborník příspěvků, Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice), p. 11-18), ISBN 978-80-7560-060-8
V příspěvku je ukázáno, kdy a v jaké souvislosti se v evropské rekreační matematice objevily tzv. klasické převoznické úlohy, jak byly původně formulovány, řešeny a vyřešeny. Dále je naznačeno, jak byly v průběhu času modifikovány a nově uplatněny (středověk, renesance, moderní Evropa).
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Petrouš, M.
2017, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences ICIIBMS 2017, Okinawa, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology), p. 63-70), ISBN 978-1-5090-6664-3, ISSN 2189-8723
The paper deals with the mixture-based clustering of anonymized data of patients with leukemia. The presented clustering algorithm is based on the recursive Bayesian mixture estimation for the case of exponential components and the data-dependent dynamic pointer model. The main contribution of the paper is the online performance of clustering, which allows us to actualize the statistics of components and the pointer model with each new measurement. Results of the application of the algorithm to the clustering of hematological data are demonstrated and compared with theoretical counterparts.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Book of Abstracts, Stochastika 2017, Kohútka, February 5–10, 2017,, Praha, MFF UK), p. 4-7)
In this article, we explain one old mathematical problem – river-crossing problems. We shortly indicate mathematical methods helped their solving. We describe the historical sources originated in European Middle Ages (the 8th century), European Renais¬sance (the 15th century) and modern time (the 17th century).
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, TZB info, 2017, ISSN 1801-4399
Jedním z trendů 21. století v oblasti elektronických produktů a informačních technologií je jednoznačně připojování jednotlivých zařízení do internetu a jejich vzdálené monitorování a ovládání. Taková zařízení jsou většinou označována anglickým slovíčkem smart, které do českého jazyka nejčastěji překládáme jako chytré. Do všeobecného povědomí se tak dostávají označení jako chytré město, chytrá ulice, chytrá budova, chytrá televize, chytrý termostat, chytrá lednička nebo dokonce chytrá žárovka. Odvrácenou stranou, o které se zatím příliš veřejně nemluví, je kybernetické zabezpečení těchto zařízení proti útokům hackerů z internetu.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Zahradník, P.; Šusta, M.; Šimák, B.; Vlček, M.
2017, 2nd International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks, Noida (Uttar Pradesh), Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering and Management), p. 221-226), ISBN 978-1-5090-6710-7
This paper presents a robust evaluation of partial subfilters in a cascade representation of equiripple narrow band-pass FIR filters. The presented procedure is based on an approximating equiripple polynomial. We demonstrate its functionality and robustness.
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Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, TZB-info: portál pro technická zařízení budov, 2017, ISSN 1801-4399
Tento článek popisuje základní principy Internetu věcí, podrobně se věnuje jednotlivým typům sítí pro Internet věcí v ČR a jejich výhodám a nevýhodám.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, Proceedings of the 21st World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)), p. 113-118), ISBN 978-1-941763-60-5
There are currently presented ”smart city” solutions from the biggest worldwide corporation through start-ups up to the universities. It is indisputable that some of them are for sure very interesting and beneficial for citizens and cities themselves. Nevertheless, there are too many provided solutions that make it very hard to evaluate which are really beneficial and which are not. A simple and understandable framework that would allow cities to evaluate a proposed smart city solution is currently missing. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach for evaluation of particular smart city solutions and to determine whether it is suitable and beneficial for the city. Cities are dynamic, non-linear, complex systems and the evaluation cannot be done by static and deterministic program in most cases, but dynamics and non-linearity of cities must be considered. While modeling is widely used in transportation or energy management, in the field of smart cities, no modeling approach has been used. In this paper, SMACEF (SMArt City Evaluation Framework) is proposed and its contribution is shown on a case study.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
One of the basic ideas in the field of smart cities is inter-connectivity. Proposed solutions must put together solutions from different fields (sensors, transportation, economy, legislation, energy, IT and many others) and integrate them in order to serve the citizens needs and to ensure sustainability. Additionally this is not done once by buying certain technological tools, but it must be an ongoing process. Thus, not only technological view, but also social aspects must be integrated into services aiming on improvement of the quality of life and sustainability. This is in general a very difficult task, not addressed well by existing methodologies or real world projects. In this paper, we propose a solution to this problem. First, we propose an alternate way of demonstrating the expected outcome of a solution for smart cities. It aims at addressing scenarios from the perspective of the end users rather than ”just” providing an overview of technology and its capabilities as it is mainly done in the technological companies serving as a solution provider. While this is a small change, it has big effect from the customer (municipality) perspective as they can better support the effects on the end users. Second, this paper demonstrates SMACEF - SMArt City Evaluation Framework. This is a modeling tool suitable for evaluation of Smart City Initiatives. On an example of an important square (Charles Square) in Prague, the capital city of the Czech republic, certain buildings blocks, and their interconnections and the possible effects are discussed.
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Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2017 (Volume 15 - Number 3), p. 60-65), ISSN 1690-4524
There are currently presented ”smart city” solutions from the biggest worldwide corporations through start-ups up to the universities. It is indisputable that some of them are for sure very interesting and beneficial for citizens and cities themselves. Nevertheless, there are too many provided solutions that make it very hard to evaluate which are really beneficial and which are not. A simple and understandable framework that would allow cities to evaluate a proposed smart city solution is currently missing. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach for evaluation of particular smart city solutions and to determine whether it is suitable and beneficial for the city. Cities are dynamic, non-linear, complex systems and the evaluation cannot be done by a static and deterministic program in most cases, but dynamics and non-linearity of cities must be considered. While modeling is widely used in transportation or energy management, in the field of smart cities, no modeling approach has been used. In this paper, SMACEF (SMArt City Evaluation Framework) is proposed and its contributions are shown on a case study.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Hrdina, L.
2017, TRANSCOM 2017, 12th International Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists On Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 154-159), ISSN 1877-7058
The paper attempts to explain the impacts of large transport structures on the traffic quality and urban environment, in terms of the sustainability of these structures in the long term decades. Such effects can be expressed e.g. via travel time and speed, the length of congestions and time delays, number of stoppings, fuel consumption, location and amount of pollutants produced. The rating is based on the application of mathematical models working with data measured throughout the city, using strategic detectors and floating cars, or test drives. One of the models is the estimation of fuel overconsumption due to reduced travel speed e.g. in congestions, as well as a model determining the delay costs due to traffic situation. Models and measurement data enable to compare the situation before the construction and after implementation of the structures. The method is demonstrated in the case of the Blanka tunnel complex on City Ring Road, which was opened in September 2015.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.
2017, TRANSCOM 2017, 12th International Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists On Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 336-341), ISSN 1877-7058
In this paper, a pragmatic and goal oriented system for risk analysis in road tunnels is described. It is particularly focusing on mortality risks in case of a road tunnel accident. It is a deterministic approach combining three major components: a) vehicle distribution in a tunnel; b) smoke propagation in case of a fire; and c) people evacuation (escape) component. The major improvement of this approach is in capturing the knowledge often provided only by experts into a robust and pragmatic system available to all decision makers. This is achieved through a large number of scenarios combining different configurations of road tunnels (e.g. different number of lanes, different speed limits) and the travel demand (e.g. different structure of the flow, different volumes of traffic) which were prepared and evaluated through microscopic traffic simulation. The resulting scenarios with the information about the number of vehicles in different tunnel sections were obtained. The results describe most of the existing tunnels and situations and can be used universally. Similarly, the people evacuation component can be evaluated in a general form. The results can be manually updated to suit any particular road tunnel which can differ for example by the availability or quality of warning and information systems. The remaining task is to create a physical model of the real tunnel and to model the smoke and fire propagation. All these components were combined into the CAPITA software that was developed as a part of the research project HADES (supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic). The CAPITA software is presented in the last chapter of this paper. The scenarios available off-line are in fact a knowledge base available to experts as well as decision makers and lead to a higher level of comprehension of the developments in case of fire and significantly speed up preparation of a risk analysis.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Neubergová, K.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš
2017, Venkovská krajina 2017, Lesnická práce, s.r.o.), p. 1-156), ISBN 978-80-7458-095-6
Příspěvek je zaměřen na problematiku zeleně podél dopravních cest. V úvodu je zmíněna krátká historie výsadby doprovodné zeleně. V následující části je prostor věnován přínosům zeleně a její krajinotvorné funkci. Druhá část příspěvku se zabývá otázkou bezpečnosti dopravy. Grafy i tabulky shrnující statistiku dopravních nehod v letech 2010 až 2015 demonstrují vztah mezi vzrostlými stromy a dopravními nehodami. V kapitole věnované diskusi daného tématu jsou výstupy z prvních dvou částí podrobněji rozebrány. Závěr přináší výsledné shrnutí a doporučení.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; Neubergová, K.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.
2017, Dopravná infraštruktúra v mestách, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žiline), p. 1-238), ISBN 978-80-554-1370-9
Příspěvek se zabývá odhadem výše ekonomických a ekologických nákladů při nuceném zpomalení nebo zastavení a následném rozjezdu motorového vozidla v městském provozu a nastiňuje možná řešení vedoucí ke snížení těchto nákladů aktivním řízením dopravy. Náklady jsou řešeny z hlediska ztracené kinetické energie vozidla při brzdění, opotřebení jeho součástí, ztráty času posádky a nakonec zvýšené ekologické stopy v prostředí. Energetické náklady jsou odhadovány z účinnosti motoru vozidla, se kterou při rozjezdu přeměňuje energii paliva na kinetickou energii vozidla ztracenou při brzdění, a z výhřevnosti a ceny použitého paliva. Náklady plynoucí z opotřebení součástí vozidla jsou odhadovány z jejich průměrné uváděné životnosti. Ekonomické ztráty způsobené časovou prodlevou v dopravní kongesci jsou odhadovány z průměrného HDP na osobu a čas. Závěrem jsou výsledky aplikovány na konkrétní dopravní situaci v Praze.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
2017, Mathematische Streiflichter, Augsburg, Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag), p. 168-181), ISBN 978-3-936905-64-9, ISSN 1863-4982
Das Kapitel stellt einige interessante Ideen vor, die philosophischen Interpretationen der Wahrscheinlichkeit in den Werken der Autoren aus der tschechischen Ländern betreffen. Die grösste Aufmerksamkeit ist den logischen und subjektiven Interpretationen im 19. und am Anfang der 20. Jahrhunderts gewidmet.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Oberwolfach Reports, 14 (1), p. 122-125), ISSN 1660-8933
This study is focused on lives of twelve women who prepared their doctorates in mathematics in Prague in the years 1900-1945.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Dějiny věd a techniky, 50 (3), p. 215-2016), ISSN 0300-4414
Zpráva o průběhu XIII. semináře z historie matematiky pro vyučující na středních školách.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2017, Dějiny vědy a techniky, 50 (1), p. 75-76), ISSN 0300-4414
Stručná zpráva o průběhu 37. mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.
2016, 2016 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5090-1116-2
An important part of the smart cities of the future are surely autonomous vehicles as they have a direct effect on the quality of life of its citizens. The possibility of deployment driverless vehicles introduces not only possible improvement of safety due to limitation of human errors, but also a potential utilization of unoccupied cars. This paper describes principles of operating and applicability of one of the technologies allowing the operation of autonomous cars - the Lane Assistant System (LAS) in conditions of the Czech Republic. The properties of road markings on road network were measured on the D5 motorway. Furthermore this information were compared with the data acquired from CAN bus about activation and parameters of LAS in an instrumented vehicle. Finally, suitability analysis was performed to estimate future applicability of such system on the tested roads.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Procházková, D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Kertis, T.
2016, Sborník příspěvků konference Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2016, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 1-10), ISBN 978-80-01-06016-2
Statistická směs je moderní metoda teorie stochastických systémů. Předkládaná práce zavádí metodu pro analýzu seismických dat, tj. najít místa s největším výskytem epicenter zemětřesení ve střední Evropě na základě historických seizmických dat. Práce je založena na teoretické znalosti statistických směsí a skutečných údajích o seismické aktivitě ve střední Evropě. Článek obsahuje popis přípravy dat pro použití uvedené metody s definovaným algoritmem. Výsledky práce jsou plošná hustota pravděpodobnosti výskytu možných epicenter zemětřesení a posouzení míry korelace s reálnými výsledky.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Večeřa, R.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2016, MEZINÁRODNÍ MASARYKOVA KONFERENCE PRO DOKTORANDY A MLADÉ VĚDECKÉ PRACOVNÍKY: Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference, Hradec Králové, Akademické sdružení MAGNANIMITAS), ISBN 978-80-87952-17-7
Shared economy is a phenomenon of these days. It focuses on effective utilization of unused available sources. It is supported by large number of internet startups established in past years which caused disruptive changes in many industries. This paper aims to identification and description of crowdsourced delivery companies business models to better understand which market niches they are targeting to, how they generates revenue and value of their services. It is expected that crowdsourced delivery will significantly develop therefore in-depth understanding of the topic would help us to be prepared for the threads and opportunities which it brings in advance.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2016, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 61 (3), p. 189-196), ISSN 0032-2423
V článku je stručně připomenuto, jak probíhaly oslavy 500. výročí založení pražské univerzity, a s pomocí jednoho nedávno objeveného historického dokumentu je zodpo¬vězena otázku, co má společného slavný a věhlasný německý matematik, geo¬metr, astronom a geodet Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) a pražská univerzita první polo¬viny 19. století.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.
2016, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2016), Porto, SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications), ISBN 978-989-758-198-4
Classification is one of the frequently demanded tasks in data analysis. There exists a series of approaches in this area. This paper is oriented towards classification using the mixture model estimation, which is based on detection of density clusters in the data space and fitting the component models to them. A chosen function of proximity of the actually measured data to individual mixture components and the component shape play a significant role in solving the mixture-based classification task. This paper considers definitions of the proximity for several types of distributions describing the mixture components and compares their properties with respect to speed and quality of the resulting estimation interpreted as a classification task. Normal, exponential and uniform distributions as the most important models used for describing both Gaussian and non-Gaussian data are considered. Illustrative experiments with results of the comparison are provided.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jindřich Borka, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.; Urbaniec, K.
2016, 2016 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE), p. 1-6), ISBN 9781509011162
This article deals with the use of data mining within the area of exploratory data analysis in fare collection systems. It describes the fare collection system and its model defined for the needs of making exploratory data analysis. The model contains inputs and outputs, internal functions and random impacts. The exploratory data analysis has been carried out both in spreadsheet and through the data mining system LISp-Miner. The conclusion of the paper outlines the possibilities of further extension and use of the GUHA procedure in the LISp-Miner system.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2016, Sborník příspěvků 37. mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky, Praha, Katedra didaktiky matematiky MFF UK, Matfyzpress, vydavatelství MFF UK v Praze), p. 93-114), ISBN 978-80-7378-317-4
Článek poskytuje základní informace o výuce deskriptivní geometrie na Německé univerzitě v Praze od jejího vzniku v roce 1882 až do jejího zániku v roce 1945. Jsou zmíněny odborné i pedagogické aktivity Karla Bobka, Wilhelma Weiße, Josefa Grünwalda, Wilhelma Johanna Eugena Blaschkeho, Karla Macka, Waltera Fröhlicha a Alfreda Eduarda Rösslera. Analyzováno je specifické postavení a podmínky rozvoje deskriptivní geometrie v našem systému univerzitní výuky, perspektivy rozvoje odborné práce v deskriptivní geometrii a zejména požadavky kladené při konkurzech na kandidáty univerzitní profesury.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2016, Challenge of Transport Telematics: 16th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics, TST 2016, Katowice-Ustrón, Poland, March 16–19, 2016, Selected Papers, Basel, Springer), p. 378-387), ISBN 978-3-319-49645-0, ISSN 1865-0929
This paper focuses on an important topic – on evaluation of various transport structures. It is a typical situation that a decision maker must choose from various alternatives and with respect to different, often contradicting criteria. In this paper, a method adopted from the field of risk management, SAFMEA, was adopted. This is a novel approach that however introduces statistical evaluation of expert feedback to provide a robust decision support materials. Here, in a structured way, the expert know how is extracted and processed. In this approach, not only average aggregate values are evaluated. An important contribution of this approach is in looking into the variances in the answers from particular experts in order to capture the consensus or the lack of it. The method was validated on a case study from the Czech Republic, particularly on evaluating four different approaches to modernization of a highway D1. The method provided a recommendation that has been as a result actually implemented by the ministry of transport. The results confirm that the approach is worth consideration.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich, CSc.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Mlynářová, T.
2016, 2016 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Sofia, IEEE), ISBN 978-1-5090-1354-8
Initialization is an extremely important part of the mixture estimation process. There exists a series of initialization approaches in the literature concerning the mixture initialization. However, the majority of them is directed at initialization of the expectation-maximization algorithm widely used in this area. This paper focuses on the initialization of the mixture estimation with normal components based on the recursive statistics update of involved distributions, where the mentioned methods are not suitable. Its key part is the choice of the initial statistics. The paper describes several relatively simple initialization techniques primarily based on processing the prior data. The experimental part of the paper represents results of validation on real data.
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Likhonina, R.; Micka, M.
2016, Acta Polytechnica, 56 (6), p. 455-461), ISSN 1210-2709
This paper deals with a FEA simulation of the vehicle crash with steel safety barriers in ANSYS LS-DYNA® 15.0. Two types of safety barriers are used: JSNH4/H2 and JSAM-2/H2. A geometrical model of the barrier in the Modeler ANSYS® Workbench™ 15.0 was created and after that it was transformed into LS-DYNA® 15.0 to complete the crash test simulation. After computation in solver ANSYS LS-DYNA® 15.0 the results of the simulation such as impact forces, a body displacement and an integral energy were analyzed.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

Línek, V.; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.
Cílem práce je ukázat možnosti využití mnohorozměrné geometrie při výkladu lineárního modelu. Východiskem je tzv. free-coordinate approach , tj. pojetí náhodného vektoru jako geometrického objektu, jehož vlastnosti nezávisí na zvolené soustavě souřadnic. S pomocí elementárních geometrických představ a základních statistických pojmů jsou pak odvozeny nejdůležitější vlastnosti line- árního modelu a řada známých aplikací, především statistických testů. Součástí práce je i krátké historické pojednání o počátcích matematické statistiky a rozbor vybraných prací R. A. Fishera, ze kterých je patrné, že geometrický přístup k lineárnímu modelu má i své historické opodstatnění. Text je určen především zájemcům o alternativní vhled do této problematiky, ale také studentům matematických oborů, kterým matematická statistika působí obtíže; z toho důvodu je doplněn značným množstvím příkladů.
Disertační práce (PhD)

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.; Bečvář, J.; Netuka, I.
2016, Sborník příspěvků 37. mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky, Praha, Katedra didaktiky matematiky MFF UK, Matfyzpress, vydavatelství MFF UK v Praze), p. 59-92), ISBN 978-80-7378-317-4
Tato publikace pojednává o historii matematiky na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze, zejména o situaci na Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě (od jejího založení v roce 1952 až do současnosti). Důležité momenty, které ovlivnily rozvoj vědecké práce v historii matematiky (např. výuka, doktorské studium, vedení kvalifikačních prací, výzkumné aktivity, organizace konferencí, seminářů a odborných setkání, publikační platforma, mezinárodní výsledky a úspěchy posledních let) jsou přehledně zdokumentovány a popsány. Hlavní pozornost je věnována roli a činnosti Komise pro historii matematiky a fyziky na MFF UK. Její důležité aktivity z 80. letech a z počátku 90. let 20. století jsou poprvé detailně pospány a zhodnoceny na základě archivních materiálů.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Tomáš Zelinka, CSc.
2016, Proceedings of the 20-th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, IIIS - International Institute of Informatics and Systemics), p. 50-55), ISBN 978-1-941763-43-8
Smart City is a phenomenon of the last years with a lot of researches been conducted in the past. Smart City is an interdisciplinary field and requires a high level of cooperation among experts from different fields in order to achieve the best results in the six key areas: economy, environment, mobility, people, living, and governance, with the contribution of the latest technologies. Following a system development methodology is in general a necessity for a successful implementation of a system or a project. Smart City projects introduce additionally new challenges. There is the need for cooperation across many fields, from the technical or economic through legislation to humanitarian, together with sharing of resources. The traditional system engineering methodologies fail with respect to such challenges. This paper provides an overview of the existing system engineering methodologies and their limitations. Next a new, so called Hybrid-Agile approach is proposed and its advantages with respect to the Smart City projects are discussed. The approach however expects change of our thinking. The customers in a Smart City projects (typically municipality or governmental organizations) must become active and engaged. It is demonstrated, that a city cannot be smart without Smart Government.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Lom, M.
2016, TZB info, 2016, ISSN 1801-4399
V září roku 1997 začal Hong Kong vydávat bezkontaktní chytré karty, které měly zprvu jasný cíl – placení v městské hromadné dopravě (MHD). Postupem doby se tato karta začala uplatňovat ve většině maloobchodních prodejích, počínaje obchodů se smíšeným zboží přes supermarkety až po restaurace či rychlá občerstvení. Své uplatnění nalezla i v parkovacích hodinách, na parkovištích, prodejních automatech či čerpacích stanicích, ve státní správě nebo dokonce jako přístupová karta do bytových či administrativních budov. Tato karta nese magický název Octopus (překl. chobotnice).
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Zahradník, P.; Šusta, M.; Šimák, B.; Vlček, M.
2016, IEEE ICCE 2016, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE), p. 302-305), ISBN 978-1-5090-1800-0
This paper presents an improved design of optimal equiripple notch FIR filters. In contrast to previous achievements, the notch FIR filters are additionally specified by the stop-band properties which are reflected by a novel degree equation. The degree equation relates the filter specification and the lowest possible filter length. An enhanced filter design is presented. Two examples demonstrate its functionality and robustness.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Lom, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2016, 2016 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5090-1116-2
In this paper, we propose the conjunction of the Smart City Initiative and the concept of Industry 4.0. The term smart city has been a phenomenon of the last years, which is very inflected especially since 2008 when the world was hit by the financial crisis. The main reasons for the emergence of the Smart City Initiative are to create a sustainable model for cities and preserve quality of life of their citizens. The topic of the smart city cannot be seen only as a technical discipline, but different economic, humanitarian or legal aspects must be involved as well. In the concept of Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT) shall be used for the development of so–called smart products. Sub-components of the product are equipped with their own intelligence. Added intelligence is used both during the manufacturing of a product as well as during subsequent handling, up to continuous monitoring of the product lifecycle (smart processes). Other important aspects of the Industry 4.0 are Internet of Services (IoS), which includes especially intelligent transport and logistics (smart mobility, smart logistics), as well as Internet of Energy (IoE), which determines how the natural resources are used in proper way (electricity, water, oil, etc.). IoT, IoS, IoP and IoE can be considered as an element that can create a connection of the Smart City Initiative and Industry 4.0 – Industry 4.0 can be seen as a part of smart cities. Interconnection of these systems can be expected to change -transport processes from design logistic processes through to their online optimization with respect to the chosen objective function and the latest information from the transport infrastructure. Linking information from process-based Industry 4.0 with intelligent transport systems of the smart city could create very effective, demand-oriented and higher productivity of manufacturing enterprises as well as sustainable development of society.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Vácha, T.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Lom, M.; Bacúrová, M.
2016, 2016 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5090-1116-2
Nowadays, the term smart city is often used as a selling argument for projects. Unfortunately, it is often degraded to a simple use of advanced technology. However, it was demonstrated in several scientific publications as well as for example in Amsterdam city that the citizen’s quality of life shall be one of the main objectives in any smart city project. In order to enhance this topic, we provide a clear view on the implementation of smart city projects from the citizen’s perspective. In this paper, we first describe the importance of citizen’s participation and different forms of such participation in different smart city project phases. Two case studies are presented as well to demonstrate the benefits of participation in municipal projects. Additionally, we propose a formal solution to this topic. In general, Systems Engineering methodologies are used in order to ensure the right project outcome. There are different methodologies, mostly adopted from the information technology field. Unfortunately, they focus mainly on the relation between a customer (in the case of smart cities it is typically a municipality) and a solution provider. They also do not take into account the new challenges which occur in smart city projects, such as focus on interdisciplinary teams, sharing of resources, or even involvement of citizens. In this paper we enhance this topic by demonstrating how a Hybrid-Agile Methodology (HAM) can used to involve citizens in the different project phases. This is certainly a novel approach not addressed by the current methodologies and not properly addressed in smart city projects. It has been mentioned several times that we cannot have a smart city without smart citizens.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

2016, South Bohemia Mathematical Letters, 2016 (24) (1), p. 72-81), ISSN 1804-1450
Klasické úlohy rovinných grafů nabízejí velké množství jednoduše formulovaných problémů, z nichž mnohé lze řešit již na prvním stupni základní školy. Právě pro tento svůj potenciál mají své nezpochybnitelné místo v rekreační matematice i matematických olympiádách. Přestože mnohé pedagogické experimenty prokázaly úspěšnost zařazení partií z teorie grafů na základní i střední školu, v učebnicích je najdeme jen okrajově. Přitom matematická podstata problémů přirozeného světa se v teorii grafů nalézá nenuceně a samozřejmě. Objevitelsky zaměřená výuka inspirovaná teorii grafů je podle mého názoru nejpřístupnější cestou k představení principů matematického modelování. Mou snahou je inspirovat kolegy ukázkami úloh inspirovaných klasickými problémy rovinných grafů a poukázat na aktuálnost dané problematiky v dopravních a logistických aplikacích.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Pavla Pecherková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2016, 2016 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5090-1116-2
This paper deals with problem of analysis of traffic data. A traffic network has several types of roads: historical centre, peripherals, arterial roads, etc. They have specific properties. For a traffic analysis, large amounts of data are needed. Some traffic data are difficult to obtain due to their rare occurrence. Typical example is the investigation of traffic accidents. In these cases, data from other similar roads can be used. In such cases, an expert intervention added to the general analysis is very important. In this paper, the logistic regression with two types of expert intervention is briefly introduced. The performance of these methods is demonstrated on examples concerning seriousness of traffic accidents.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2016, 38. Mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář - Sborník příspěvků, Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice), p. 21-24), ISBN 978-80-7395-986-9
V tomto článku je představena stará matematická úloha – spravedlivé rozdělení dědictví podle poslední vůle zemřelého, tradičního civilního práva a kanonického práva. Jsou vysvětleny matematické postupy řešení. Předvedeny jsou úlohy z doby Římského impéria (2. stol. n. l.), středověké Evropy (8. stol.), arabského světa (9. stol.) a českých zemí (16. stol.).
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2016, ISBN 978-80-246-3182-0
Kniha pojednává o dlouho¬době neprá¬vem opomíjené a přehlížené pražské německé matema¬tické komunitě, která patřila v první tře¬tině 20. století k evropské špičce. Analyzuje vývoj výuky mate¬matiky na Německé univerzitě v Praze od jejího vzniku v roce 1882 až do je¬jího tragického zá¬niku v roce 1945. Na základě studia archivních pramenů, původních od¬borných prací, pamětí zúčastněných osobností a sekundární literatury objasňuje kompli¬ko¬vané po¬sta¬vení pražské německé matematické komunity v českých zemích. Za¬chycuje její speci-fika vy¬plý¬vající z pražského „genia loci“, na¬značuje její prováza¬nost s okolním německým svě¬tem, ukazuje její vztahy k našim i zahraničním od¬borným spol¬kům a především hodnotí vě¬decký přínos jednotlivých pražských německých matematiků k rozvoji světové vědy.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. RNDr. Martina Bečvářová, Ph.D.
2016, XIII. Österreichisches Symposion zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Namenspatrone und Taufpaten. Wie mathematische Begriffe zu ihrem Namen kamen. Mamesaints and Godfathers – How mathematical concepts are baptized), Vídeň, Technische Universität Wien), p. 96-102)
The article discusses the long-term unjustly neglected and overlooked by Prague German mathematical community, which was of the European elite in the first third of the 20th century. The evolution of mathematics teaching at the German University in Prague since its foundation in 1882 until her tragic end in 1945 is analyzed.