Publikace katedry

informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Vlkovsky, M.; Polach, M.
2025, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 155, ISSN 0886-7798
The main objective of this article is to provide an evaluation of appropriate technologies for positioning in road tunnels. In tunnels, there are even more strict requirements for operation and safety compared to regular road infrastructure. The operation, traffic efficiency, and safety could be increased by using technological equipment, intelligent transport systems, smart traffic solutions, navigations, etc. However, these require location information to run smoothly with their proper functionality. Positioning is based mainly on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) approach and is very common because of its availability. However, in tunnels, the GNSS signals are shielded by the tunnel structure, and thus the GNSS approach is inappropriate. The article points out that the alternative way of localization could have a profound impact and could be considered by policy makers, tunnel infrastructure directors, safety regulators, etc. In the article, the evaluation of alternative positioning approaches in the GNSS denied environment is presented. The evaluation was carried out using a comprehensive analysis with multi-criterial decisions based on the combination of the Saaty and Metfessel methods. According to the stated criteria, the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based approach received the best overall evaluation score, and is 1.62 times more appropriate compared to other on average. The selection of BLE is caused mainly by its relatively low investment and operational costs, together with low requirements on its applicability in tunnels without any intervention or modification of existing or already deployed systems. The BLE based positioning is also available for a wide range of users. Therefore, the BLE based solution is proposed and presented by practical examples of experimental measurements in the Blanka tunnel.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Kafková, J.; Kuchár, P.; Pirník, R.; Skuba, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2024, Electronics, 13 (19), p. 1-33), ISSN 2079-9292
Detection of stress and the development of innovative platforms for stress monitoring have attracted significant attention in recent years due to the growing awareness of the harmful effects of stress on mental and physical health. Stress is a widespread issue affecting individuals and often goes unnoticed as a health concern. It can lead to various negative physiological conditions, including anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases and cognitive impairments. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of studies focusing on embedded devices for non-invasive stress detection, primarily in the form of a modified computer mouse or keyboard. This study not only fills a critical gap in the literature but also provides valuable insights into the design and implementation of hardware-based stress-detection methods. By focusing on embedded devices, specifically computer peripherals, this research highlights the potential for integrating stress monitoring into everyday workplace tools, thereby offering pract
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Coelho, M.C.; Macedo, J.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2024, Transportation Research Procedia, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.), p. 619-626), ISSN 2352-1465
This paper presents a method for assessing the quality of floating car data and estimating emissions of the road network. The authors use a fundamental diagram from real probe vehicles to determine the categorization of the road network. These data are complemented by the widely used emission factors of the COPERT model to investigate the quality of the floating vehicle data to use them for the determination of emissions on individual road classes with a detailed spatiotemporal resolution. From the same data, an estimate of the emission rate of the categories is determined and it is assessed whether similar differences are exhibited. The hypothesis is that the quality of data is quite sufficient on highways and high-class roads, but unusable and insufficient on low-class roads. The results show that differences in emission estimates can be observed for the road categories of the highway network and low-class road network. For some pollutants, the urban network can also be identified. The offered categorization could lead to further possibilities of using floating vehicle data, such as the assumption of the possibility to detect atypical traffic phenomena (traffic jams, accidents, or impassable roads due to bad weather conditions).
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Matyáš Horák; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Michal Malý; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
In recent years, the concept of smart cities, along with autonomous transportation, has emerged as a significant focal point for researchers, urban planners, and technological innovators. This growing interest is driven not only by technological advancements but also by the pressing need to address current urban mobility challenges such as congestion, air pollution, and the necessity to enhance road safety. Autonomous trams, as a pivotal element of intelligent urban transportation systems, offer a promising pathway towards more efficient, safer, and sustainable urban mobility.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.
2024, Infrastructures - Open Access Journal, 9 (1), ISSN 2412-3811
We present a comprehensive methodology for a two-step approach to address the task at hand. The first step involves the optimal placement of charging stations, while the second step focuses on determining the necessary capacity of the charging stations based on traffic factors. This methodology is applicable to countries, states, or specific areas where the placement and optimization of charging stations for truck road transport are being considered. We identify the key inputs required for solving such a task. In the results section, we demonstrate the outcomes using a model example for the Czech Republic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Martin Zajíček; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
In the era of Industry 4.0 and the rise of smart cities, the integration of industrial and telematics systems has become increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing the way we manage and optimize processes. These systems, which encompass everything from manufacturing plants to transportation networks, rely heavily on interconnected devices and data exchange to enhance efficiency and functionality. However, this interconnectedness also brings about a heightened level of vulnerability to cyber threats, emphasizing the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures. This article specifically delves into a case study of a selected Denial of Service (DoS) cyber attack on industrial networks, highlighting the critical need for such cybersecurity solutions. Current software was utilized to simulate an attack. The results are provided using the software that was created specifically for this type of task, demonstrating the practical application and effectiveness of these cybersecurity measures in real-world scenarios.
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Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Angelakis, V.; Penttinen, M.; Schon, A.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
Urban mobility challenges since the COVID-19 pandemic crisis have gained added attention, with a focus on inclusivity of vulnerable citizens, safety and affordability. The EU-funded ELABORATOR project started in June 2023, aiming to deliver co-designed interventions in the urban fabric of 12 European cities. This paper introduces the project, focusing on the co-designed procedure of evaluation methodology comprising the evaluation plan and providing unified metrics suitable for knowledge transfer with outputs to measure and assess the impact of the co-designed city interventions.
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Mařík, V.; Maříkvá, T.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2024, ISBN 978-80-7465-621-7
Vědomí je klíčovou záhadou moderní vědy. Dosud ale neexistuje jeho jednoznačná definice. Kniha se zabývá otázkou vědomí z mnoha různých pohledů ve formě esejů: od textů filosofických, křesťanských, buddhistických a spiritualistických přes eseje z oblasti biologie, psychiatrie, neurologie, genetiky či neurochirurgie až po názory fyziků, kybernetiků, robotiků a odborníků na umělou inteligenci. Jednotícím prvkem všech těchto pohledů se zdá být jak nezbytnost přítomnosti tzv. vnitřního pozorovatele, který pozoruje, hodnotí a prožívá vlastní činnost jedince, tak i schopnost jedince vědomě si stanovovat cíle a „vnitřní nutkání“ směřovat k těmto cílům. Tyto schopnosti však nejsou a nemohou být vlastní počítačům dnešní von Neumannovy architektury ani neživým systémům obecně. Proto umělé vědomí strojů (zatím) nelze realizovat a musíme se spokojit pouze s jeho více či méně věrnou počítačovou simulací v podobě náhražky, tedy strojového vědomí. Bez umělého vědomí nemůže nikdy nastat obávaná vzpoura strojů proti člověku, takzvaná Kurzweilova singularita. Výzkum vědomí pomáhá postupně posouvat hranice výzkumu i v oblasti obecné umělé inteligence (AGI).
Jiná kniha česky

Ing. Viktor Beneš; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.; Ing. Mgr. Michal Jeřábek, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
The paper describes the software outputs of the R&D project “Intelligent system for analysis and prediction of public transport”. All developed outputs were integrated into the pilot plant to test and optimize before the production phase. All outputs were tested first individually and then complexly with interconnection to other parts of the system. The paper further describes the process of testing and the results obtained for the short-term prediction module for route planning and the module for analysis and medium-term predicting for the needs of public transport operators.
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Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Ing. Michal Frydrýn, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
An integral part of modern cities within Smart City concepts is the development and related innovations in traffic control systems. New proposals need to be carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation and at the same time on a sufficient data base. This paper reflects the first conclusions of the research project SENDER, the aim of which is to develop, using deep learning methods, such a system that will warn drivers of impending danger in front of selected traffic intersections based on recognized data in the image from installed cameras. The paper mainly describes the process of selecting traffic situations in the area of intersections, which it is appropriate to warn the driver about. As part of the research, a state-of-the-art analysis was first carried out, which summarizes knowledge from current traffic control systems and the possibility of identifying collision situations, then the expert team defined collision situations that may occur in the node, including accompanying prioritization. On the basis of this identification, a specific intersection in the city of Brno was selected, which was fitted with cameras, and a test was conducted to determine whether the defined collision situations at the intersection actually occur. For the purposes of the developed system, this results in the specification of preferred collision situations, and these will then be simulated in variants with minor changes in the input parameters, in order to create a large enough database for learning the neural network.
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Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. František Kekula; Brabec, M.
Zpráva o činnosti ČVUT FD v roce 2023 při řešení projektu Nástroje kvality dat pro zabezpečení systémové spolehlivosti dopravně informačních center.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2024, Academic Journal of International Education Research, 5 (1), p. 25-27), ISSN 2694-7803
This article deals with online internet counseling in one specific area of life, namely in psychology and psychiatry. This is a specific scientific field, which is used by more and more people, especially nowadays, due to its anonymity in the form of online consultations. The article describes the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of online counseling in this area based on knowledge and experience from a test internet platform designed specifically for counseling in psychology and psychiatry.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Štencek, A.; Prokeš, R.; Šmerda, T.
2024, Tunel, 33. (1), p. 58-67), ISSN 1211-0728
Cílem článku je přiblížit metodiku, která se zabývá lokalizační infrastrukturou v tunelech na pozemních komunikacích a která byla schválena a certifikována v roce 2023 na Ministerstvu dopravy ČR. Jejím účelem je zabezpečení správného postupu pro zajištění lokalizace vozidel s využitím technologie Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), a to při výběru, návrhu, projektování a realizaci technologií lokalizační infrastruktury v tunelech na pozemních komunikacích a parkovištích, včetně jejího využití pro komunikaci kooperativních systémů (C-ITS). Článek by měl přiblížit dané téma, jeho uplatnitelnost a přenositelnost znalostí pro lokalizaci v tunelu zejména příslušným správcům tunelů, projektantům nebo komerčním subjektům. Nedílnou součástí článku je uvedení, kde a jak danou technologii umisťovat na dopravní infrastrukturu a jaké prvky používat tak, aby byla zajištěna přesná lokalizace vozidel v uzavřených prostorech tedy v tunelové troubě.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
Within the activities of planning, organizing, or regulating traffic, a considerable amount of various traffic data is actively used. For responsible data-based decision-making, the quality of the utilized data is crucial. However, defining the specifics of this quality and establishing procedures for its control is often ambiguous. The primary objective of the research was to review methods for ensuring or managing data quality within the transportation environment. Building on the collected information, a practical data governance approach was delineated to be applied to specific transportation data. Simultaneously, data from detectors and floating vehicles on the highway network in the Czech Republic were analyzed for the same reason. The results show that the chosen data governance approaches are applicable to transportation data, even in the task of evaluating data quality in the detail of individual dimensions. In the context of semantic data quality control, it is necessary to explore additional suitable tools, such as the use of statistical models, to reliably distinguish real errors or otherwise reduced data quality from genuinely truthful values, such as traffic conditions.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Nováková, K.; Papež, V.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Knap, V.
2024, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 155, p. 227-232), ISSN 0026-9247
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a measurement method widely used for non-destructive analysis and diagnostics in various electrochemical fields. From the measured dependence of the battery impedance on the frequency, it is possible to determine the parameters of various equivalent electrical circuit models of the battery. The conventional method of battery measurement using single-sine EIS is currently one of the most widely used methods for the analysis of lithium-ion batteries. However, its most significant disadvantage is the relatively long measurement time. For this reason, there is a growing demand for faster methods using fast-Fourier transform or pseudo-random sequences. A description of various EIS methods applications is provided in this paper.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2024, IEEE Access, 12, p. 156694-156701), ISSN 2169-3536
Navigation services and other traffic applications are nowadays widespread, and their use is very common. These applications have an impact on traffic flow, driver awareness, and driver safety; however, a determination of the actual position of the end device is required. Most of such applications use Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which cover a significant part of the transport infrastructure. However, in a GNSS-denied environment, these commonly used methods are either unavailable or significantly limited.For example, in road tunnels, signals are blocked by the tunnel structure itself. Nevertheless, tunnels are part of critical infrastructure and, in addition, have higher requirements to ensure safety compared to other transport routes. This article proposes an alternative method to determine position using data from additional Bluetooth Low Energy infrastructure. Furthermore, the localization approaches are presented together with the evaluation and its accuracy and stability assessment. The localization infrastructure was tested at various speeds during tunnel closure and during the real traffic scenario. The median positioning error ranges between 15-20m and decreases with distance, providing a stable, reliable, and cost-effective solution, particularly suited for long tunnels with varying curvatures. Therefore, it offers a practical use with significant impact on traffic safety and efficiency.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Srp, R.
2024, Silniční obzor, 85 (3), p. 16-23), ISSN 0322-7154
Cílem článku je představení problematiky sběru, distribuce, zpracování a prezentace dopravních dat a informací prostřednictvím dopravních informačních center (dále DIC) provozovaných vlastníky anebo správci pozemních komunikací. Jedná se o data a informace související fyzickými vlastnostmi silniční sítě v intravilánu a extravilánu, se stavem těchto komunikací a jejich využíváním v reálném čase. Zákonné povinnosti poskytovat tato data se netýkají jen státu a velkých měst, ale všech, tedy i malých vlastníků pozemních komunikací na úrovni obcí. Článek se zaměřuje některé části nových Technických podmínek TP 172 mající významný dopad na návrh a provoz DIC. Cílem je čtenaři ve stručnosti přiblížit důležité aspekty, které je potřebat při návrhu dopravně infromačního centra (DIC) respektovat.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Kuchár, P.; Pirník, R.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Kafková, J.; Ďurišová, J.; Skuba, M.
2024, IEEE Access, 12, p. 115237-115255), ISSN 2169-3536
The automated detection of individuals within vehicles, with minimal to no human intervention, hold multifaceted implications in contemporary contexts. These applications span from aiding emergency responders and optimising transportation networks to facilitating automated crash response mechanisms and enforcing regulations concerning High Occupancy Vehicle and High Occupancy Toll lanes. In this paper, we introduce our camera system designed for passenger counting, leveraging five IP cameras equipped with a range of optical filters, employing image registration techniques, and integrating the YOLOv8 object detection model.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Viktor Beneš; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Michalíková, A.; Melicherčík, M.
2024, Neural Network World, ISSN 1210-0552
Air pollution in cities and the possibilities of reducing this pollution represent one of the most important factors that today’s society has to deal with. This paper focuses on a systemic approach to traffic emissions with their relation to meteorological conditions, analyzing the effect of weather on the quantity and dispersion of traffic emissions in a city. Using fuzzy inference systems (FIS) the model for predicting changes in emissions depending on various conditions is developed. The proposed model is based on traffic, meteorology, and emission data measured in Prague, Czech Republic. The main objective of the work is to provide insight into how urban planners and policymakers can plan and manage urban transportation more efficiently with environmental protection in mind.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Srp, R.; Ing. Mgr. Michal Jeřábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Novák, D.
Předmětem technických podmínek je dopravní informační centrum (dále DIC) zřízené a provozované vlastníkem a/nebo správcem pozemních komunikací. Obsah TP 172 je členěn do několika na sebe navazujících kapitol postupujících v popisu „od obecného ke konkrétnímu“. DIC je nejprve zasazen do kontextu dopravního systému jako celku a je určen vztah ke klíčovým subjektům dopravního systému. Je definován rozsah DIC pro účely TP 172, včetně formulace vize rozvoje a návrhu organizační, funkční a informační architektury. Jádrem TP 172 je definice a strukturovaný popis katalogu dat a informací datového skladu DIC. Zásady a minimální požadavky na regionální DIC.
Výsledky promítnuté do směrnic a nelegisl. předpisů

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; JUDr. Vladimír Kremlík; Nencková, L.
Článek se zabývá transformací funkcí železničních stanic a jejich redevolepmentem navazujícím na koncept chytrých měst a regionů. Využití budov železničních stanic se mění s ohledem na současné trendy, které jsou tvořeny kromě digitalizace také udržitelností, posilováním resilience, decentralizace a úsilím o zapojení místních komunit. O moderní železniční dopravě a o změně využití původních výpravních budov se začalo hovořit v 90. letech minulého století. Některé původní zejména provozní a ekonomické funkce zanikají a některé zcela odlišné, především sociokulturní vznikají. Na přelomu 20. a 21. století prošla železniční doprava v Evropě významnými změnami, které se významně odrazily v rozvoji osobní i nákladní dopravy. Klíčovou roli při prosazování těchto změn sehrála Evropská unie, která v roce 1991 iniciovala rozdělení provozování dráhy od provozování drážní dopravy a služeb pro cestující. Mezitím se vlastnictví a správa budov paralelně přesouvala z unitárních železničních podniků na provozovatele (manažery) infrastruktury. Nyní ale EU definuje pojem manažer stanice (station manager). EU ponechává zřízení a formu station managera na rozhodnutí členských států, tímto manažerem může být dopravce, správce infrastruktury, ale také úplně jiný subjekt, jako např. developer, obec atp. Manažer stanice se stará o údržbu, rozvoj a provoz těchto stanic a všech jejich zařízení a zajišťuje, aby plně vyhovovaly potřebám veřejnosti, kterou tvoří většinou cestující, v poslední době se ale s vytvářením nových funkcí připojují místní komunity i noví přirození stakeholdeři z blízkého okolí. V rámci článku budou představeny a metodologicky popsány modelové příklady dobré praxe při naplňování uživatelských potřeb, které vznikly po redevelopmentu vybraných železničních stanic.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Štencek, A.; Prokeš, R.; Šmerda, T.
2024, Analysis of Diagnostic Data of Tunnel Structures Control Systems, 33. (1), p. 58-67), ISSN 1211-0728
The goal of the article is to describe the methodology that deals with localization infrastructure in road tunnels and which was approved and certified in 2023 by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. Its purpose is to ensure the correct procedure for ensuring the localization of vehicles using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, during the selection, design, projecting and implementation of localization infrastructure technologies in tunnels on roads and parking lots, including its use for communication of cooperative systems (C -ITS). The article should introduce the topic, its applicability and the transferability of knowledge for localization in the tunnel, especially to the relevant tunnel managers, designers or commercial entities. An integral part of the article is the indication of where and how to place the given technology on the transport infrastructure and what elements to use in order to ensure the accurate localization of vehicles in closed spaces, i.e. in the tunnel.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

2024, ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

Ing. František Kekula; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2023, Neural Network World, 33 (5), p. 375-396), ISSN 2336-4335
Night-time light (NTL) radiance has a great potential in analyses of dynamic changes in patterns of human activities, and socio-economic and demographic factors. However, most of those analyses are focused on factors at global scales such as the population size, gross domestic product, electric power consumption, fossil fuel carbon dioxide emission etc. In this study we investigate the relationships between three urban lighting indicators and monthly averaged NTL radiance obtained from NASA’s Black Marble monthly NTL composites for 4 study areas in the Czech Republic at local scale. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to identify a strength of the correlations between the indicators and radiance at near-nadir for two different snow conditions. The results from the correlation show that radiance has a strong positive correlation with the number of streetlighting points and their total nominal power, while for the average mast height there were observed moderate correlation coefficients. However, the areas with larger scales have higher correlation coefficients. Moreover, we found that the correlation coefficients are higher for snow-covered condition radiances. Generalized linear (GL) regression analysis was used to examine an association between the radiance and selected indicators. Owing to the excess zeros and overdispersion in the data, the zero-inflated regression performs better than the GL regression. Results from the regression analysis evince a statistically significant relationship between the radiance and selected indicators.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Šmerda, T.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
This article focuses on the use of predictive diagnostics and maintenance of technological equipment and systems in tunnels. Based on data analysis and new conditions for equipping urban and highway tunnels with new ITS technology such as C-ITS, there are new methods of vehicle detection and deployment, and operation of already existing systems (ventilation, fire alarms, traffic signs, control systems), a range of requirements increase together with specifications for maintenance and tunnel inspections. Predictive diagnostics is required to ensure the reliability of data and information of the equipment and particularly systems implemented in the tunnels. The goal is to operate an effective and reliable maintenance with targeted service interventions. The maintenance requires a well-defined documentation which is being prepared and applied in a BIM approach and overall digitization that significantly helps with orientation in the tunnel and its technological systems. There are descriptive technical documents that pointedly specify proper equipment functions as well as detection of reliability and life cycle prediction based on the actual states of equipment. Using SCADA in the tunnel control system allows simulations of system behavior, including fault detection and alarms. The article analysis various inputs, data acquisition, combination of parameters, and information, furthermore a methodical approach for supplementary predictive maintenance of road tunnel technologies on highways or cities roads. The analysis of an essential contribution to the maintenance and refinement of the equipment life cycle will be presented on an example, including the prediction of future states. The article includes examples of potential failures that are being solved during the operation with an impact on the entire predictive maintenance system. For data transfer, its redistribution, including information from systems, the provision of information about the state of the device, and the calculation of the subsequent life cycle, it will represent the basis for new approaches ensuring secured data transfer, i.e., the application of cyber security and other new approaches, where the continuity and application of new trends will be indicated. The article was written with the support of TA CZ under number CK01000163, FW03010458, TH04010481, CK04000109
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová
2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
A number of Czech and European cities are dealing with growing volumes of traffic and the increasing degree of motorization. One of the important issues that cities must address in the future is sustainable urban mobility. There are many approaches to solving sustainable mobility, they can be measures of a construction, technological or organizational type. Based on current European and Czech trends, this paper summarizes research into the possibilities of applying new approaches to solving urban mobility with a focus on the use of intelligent transport systems, including C-ITS. On the basis of the research, quite specific possibilities of applying these approaches are proposed for the real identified problems of selected Czech cities, which in their localities are currently solving the problems of transit transport, electromobility, parking, the application of new trends in vehicle detection, the use of public transport and its preference. The goal of the paper is always to show the possibilities of applying new ITS technologies for sustainable mobility, depending on the safety and flow of traffic. Another trend in cities is autonomous mobility, where the use of C-ITS can be a suitable prerequisite for the application of autonomous systems. Last but not least, it is necessary to address the issue of cyber security and the continuity of other subsystems in the framework of design, implementation and evaluation in transport management and information. The issue of the paper is solved within the framework of research projects SGS22/079/OHK2/1T/16 and TAČR CK01000163, CK03000179, CK04000027, CK04000082, FW03010458
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prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Kosheleva, O.; Kreinovich, V.
2023, Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Constraints, Springer, Cham), p. 167-171), ISBN 978-3-031-16415-6
One of the motivations for Zadeh’s development of fuzzy logic and one of the explanations for the success of fuzzy techniques is the empirical observation that as complexity rises, meaningful statements lose precision. In this paper, we provide a possible explanation for this empirical phenomenon.
Kapitola v jiné knize

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2023, European Transport (93), ISSN 1825-3997
Data from floating vehicles is a modern technology and can be another source of data. There is a free data source available in the Czech Republic, which is relatively new. The addressed source of data from floating vehicles covers the whole Czech Republic, which is a promising source for future use e.g. in transport planning in logistics, estimation of travel times and other related issues. For this reason, it is appropriate to examine the qualitative parameters of the data to see if they characterize the traffic stream. The present paper deals with the size of the processed data. Furthermore, the paper compares the data quality and coverage. January data for four subsequent years was used. The period of the COVID19 pandemic, when traffic declined, was included. Finally, data from selected highways are compared and the period covered is evaluated.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Crisis traffic management is one of the current topics that current cities are addressing within the Smart City concept, as a properly set-up system should serve to increase the safety and fluidity of traffic and reduce driver delays on the road network. This paper focuses on the investigation of the design of a new crisis management system using traffic lights in the simulation program AIMSUN NEXT by comparing three basic scenarios with similar inputs. Based on the evaluation of the measurable parameters, it can be concluded that the proposed crisis management system helps to reduce the total delay of vehicles in the network and also the total number of stops of individual vehicles in the network. However, the specific limits and expected inputs to the crisis management system need to be taken into account, which is discussed in this paper.
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Kouba, P.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Šmotek, M.; Kopřivová, J.
2023, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 95 (103442), p. 1-14), ISSN 0169-8141
The article summarizes the results of an EEG validation study following the proposal of a methodology for identification and monitoring of air traffic controllers’ fatigue level based on layered-voice analysis (LVA) described in the initial study (Kouba et al., 2020). 10 licensed air traffic controllers from APP Prague participated in the experiment that enabled the comparison of the state of vigilance during certain parts of the shifts rostering cycle. Methods for subjective assessment (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale) of fatigue were used as well as objective methods (Psychomotor Vigilance Task, Oddball Task and EEG power spectra analysis) to compare with the outputs of voice analysis. Our results indicate that the method of voice analysis reacts to changes in a person's mental state. Based on the results of current study, voice parameters marked as Stress and/or Energy levels seem to be the most suitable candidates for fatigue detection as shown by comparative statistics and correlations. The change in these parameters best reflected changes observed in EEG power in different band both during the cognitive testing and during the simulation exercise. According to our research voice analysis is able to identify differences in wakefulness and fatigue, as its results correlate with changes in brain activity. As our experiment likely induced not only fatigue but also changes in other mental states such as perceived stress which could have been reflected in the changes of other voice parameters, this could be the focus of the following studies.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Bartoš, L.; Ing. Bc. Dagmar Kočárková, Ph.D.; Uhlík, M.; Novotný, V.; Ing. Vojtěch Novotný, Ph.D.; Martolos, J.; Volfová, Z.; Havlíček, T.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ambros, J.; Varhulík, M.; Neubergová, K.; Krejčí, M.; Valentová, V.; Landa, J.; Bucsuházy, K.; Všetečka, M.; Richtr, A.; Kšicová, E.; Ing. Martin Höfler; Seidl, A.; Neuwirth, P.; Ježík, K.; Skládaný, P.; Skládaná, P.; Šimeček, M.; Kouřil, P.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Turek, R.; Vyskočilová, L.; Říhová, V.; Kopřiva, Č.; Hála, M.; Šťastný, J.; doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.; Švarc, J.
2023, ISBN 978-80-02-03028-7
Obsahem knihy je základní přehled o současném stavu poznání v oboru silničního a městského dopravního inženýrství v České republice. Kniha nabízí základní přehled o oboru a čtenář tak získá celkovou představu o principech a metodách řešení dopravně-inženýrských úloh. Kniha obsahuje odkazy na další technické předpisy a literaturu, které každou zmiňovanou problematiku řeší ve větších detailech. Kniha je sestavena z 23 kapitol: Úvod do problematiky, Dopravní inženýrství v podmínkách ČR, Doprava a územní plánování, Dopravní proud, Druhy vozidel, Intenzita dopravy, Dopravní průzkumy, Celostátní sčítání dopravy, Prognóza vývoje dopravy, Modelování dopravy, Organizace a regulace dopravy, Navrhování pozemních komunikací, Křižovatky, Navrhování světelné signalizace, Kapacita pozemních komunikací, Principy dopravního zklidňování, Veřejná hromadná doprava, Doprava v klidu, Pěší doprava, Cyklistická doprava, Dopravní telematika a systémy, Bezpečnost silniční infrastruktury, Doprava a životní prostředí.
Kniha - sborník, odborná česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2023, Dopravní inženýrství, Praha, Česká silniční společnost), p. 458-479), ISBN 978-80-02-03028-7
Kapitola přibližuje technické a technologické možnosti dopravní telematiky a nových systémů řízení, které je možné využívat v dopravním inženýrství.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

Mgr. Ing. Vladimír Douda, Ph.D.; Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2023, Academic Journal of International Economics and Management Research (AJIEMR), 4 (1), p. 47-63), ISSN 2694-7897
The article aims to deal with the changing environment in the Arctic region. In the context of ongoing climate change, to explain the ongoing impact on climate change and the subsequent study of the economic and security implications of these transformation on the changing importance of the Arctic region. The study looks at the identification of threats from different perspectives and take into consideration five sectors namely: Military, Environmental, Societal, Political and Economic sectors as defined by the Copenhagen School. Given the wide range of interest of many international parties (institutional, investors as well as respective governmental bodies) in the region, a comparative case study methodology was chosen to compare the interests and security implications that the dominance efforts in the region can bring to actors.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Štefan; Pirnik, R.
2023, Results in Engineering, 18, ISSN 2590-1230
The operation and maintenance of each technological system are essential parts of the life cycle. This article describes the result of the analysis of diagnostic data from tunnel equipment and its use. The analysis was carried out with the main objective of finding relations that could be further applied as a specific approach for the diagnostic procedure and possibly for future predictive maintenance of tunnel equipment. The article summarises the research of the project focused on the suitability of diagnostic data for potential use of predictive data-driven maintenance of technological parts in road tunnels. Data records were captured in the technological and tunnel control systems deployed in the Czech tunnels. The relations between warning and failure notifications were analysed together with the selected physical conditions of tunnel equipment during the operation by using measurements of technical parameters such as undervoltage, temperature, etc. Additionally, the impact of these parameters was monitored and evaluated according to the life cycle of the equipment. This resulted in a sequence analysis of states and events detected on particular equipment. In the article, the relations between measured technical parameters and failures are presented, together with the solution proposal that could be applied for failure prediction and enhancements of road tunnels operation and its technological systems by applying predictive maintenance of tunnel equipment. The presented outputs show that the cause of VMS failures can be the reaching of a critical device temperature or undervoltage, that are measurable, detectable even before the failure itself, which can be potentially predicted in this way.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Kužílek, J.; Zdráhal, Z.; Václavek, J.; PhDr. Viktor Fuglík, Ph.D.; Skočilas, J.; Wolff, A.
2023, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2023 (33), p. 583-608), ISSN 1560-4292
Student drop-out is one of the most critical issues that higher educational institutions face nowadays. The problem is significant for first-year students. These freshmen are especially at risk of failing due to the transition from different educational settings at high school. Thanks to the massive boom of Information and Communication Technologies, universities have started to collect a vast amount of study- and student-related data. Teachers can use the collected information to support students at risk of failing their studies. At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, the situation is no different, and first-year students are a vulnerable group similar to other institutions. The most critical part of the first year is the first exam period. One of the essential skills the student needs to develop is planning for exams. The presented research aims to explore the exam-taking patterns of first-year students. Data of 361 first-year students have been analysed and used to construct “layered” Markov chain probabilistic graphs. The graphs have revealed interesting behavioural patterns within the groups of successful and unsuccessful students.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Floating car data (FCD) is a beneficial consequence of the modern telematics technologies in the logistics and automotive industry, and can thus be an additional source of transportation data about current traffic flows on the road network. There is a state-provided free source of this data available in the Czech Republic, which is relatively new and gradually being introduced for use by the public and private sectors. This data source appears to be very promising for nationwide coverage; however, due to its novelty, it is necessary and advisable to investigate its qualitative parameters and assess whether it actually adequately characterizes vehicle traffic flows. The present paper deals with the characteristics and quality of processed FCD outputs before and during the covid-19 pandemic, for the possibility of capturing and comparing significant changes in the behaviour of road users. The paper describes the impact of the associated pandemic measures on traffic in the country in general, which can be detected during FCD processing, as well as the impact on the quality of FCDs as such. It also tests the hypothesis that although the quality of the data has been reduced as a result of the pandemic, the data still have sufficient predictive value. The paper describes the specifics of the data in the spatial and temporal domain analyzed and makes recommendations for future work for use in models and predictions.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Jíšová, J.; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Ivasienko, P.; Šmerda, T.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
As part of the development of new technologies and approaches, there are innovative solutions for intermodal transport, especially at the interface between road and rail. Among the basic trends in the development of the transport system, with a focus mainly on progressive areas that complement each other and are also newly developing, such as the requirement to obtain data and information for information modelling. Information modelling can obtain data using various methods that are presented in the article, where in particular the HD mapping method seems to be a very progressive approach, as well as obtaining data from technologies and smart approaches using connectivity using optical cables, IoT or the future 5G network with cyber security. The mapping of objects using 3D, the use of BIM (building information modeling) in design for the precise description of a given object or device for the subsequent provision of a complex cycle of a given system, is also an essential input for information modelling. The article concentrates in a comprehensive manner on the development of the transport system with a focus on the road and railway interface from the point of view of providing data and information for the design, implementation, and subsequent maintenance. An important aspect of the transport system is its user, the passenger, who uses and provides data and is offered for multimodal and intermodal transport, especially the application of the so-called Mobility Hub with the prospective provision of autonomous mobility, which in the future can be an important connecting element in multimodal and intermodal transport at regional or city level.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Brandejský; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
2023, New Technology and Logistics on the Railway, Prague, ACTA Polytechnica CTU), p. 1-5), ISBN 978-80-01-07257-8, ISSN 2336-5382
This paper analyses the component of the Integrated Interlocking System which forms the central logical and functional unit implementing all logical and computational functions necessary for railway traffic control in the Railway 4.0 concept. The main principle is that this approach centralizes the technology of station interlocking system, track line interlocking systems, level crossing interlocking systems and the functions of train interlocking system - the line part of ETCS L2/3 radio block control panel (RBC). The operation control is centralised to the controlling dispatcher centres. The paper discusses the concept of integrated interlocking system including safety issues addressed from the perspective of the requirements of CENELEC standards EN 50126, EN 50128 and EN 50129. These requirements are addressed from the perspective of the authors of the paper, who also work as independent assessors of the safety of railway control and command systems.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Adam Hlubuček, Ph.D.
2023, Neural Network World, 33 (1), p. 19-34), ISSN 2336-4335
The paper presents the method of integration, which is supposed to be applied to the structure of the railway infrastructure topological description system expressed at the level of detail designated as microL2 in order to transform it into the structure expressed at the level of detail designated as macroN0,L0 . The microL2 level is the level of detail at which individual tracks in the structural sense and turnout branches are recognized, while the macroN0,L0 level is the level of individual operational points and line sections. The proposed integration algorithm takes into account both the parameter values of the individual elements appearing at the reference level of detail microL2 and their topological interconnectedness. Based on these aspects, these elements are integrated into the elements of the derived level of detail macroN0,L0 that can be described by the transformed parameter values. The relations between the respective elements are also transformed accordingly. While describing the transformation algorithm, the terminology and principles of the UIC RailTopoModel are used.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Levin, D.; Ing. Tereza Topková, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.
2023, TRANSPORT MEANS 2023 Sustainability: Research and Solutions PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PART II, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 334-339), ISBN 9781713879534, ISSN 1822-296X
The LDACS is the upcoming digital communication system in aviation, that is able to perform navigation and even surveillance service. This system by the time of writing of this paper LDACS is under certification standardization process by ICAO and considered by several alternative position navigation and timing (APNT) and future communication infrastructure (FCI) proposals. This paper deals with the process of designing the LDACS testing platform in order to support future testing and performance evaluations under different conditions. The paper starts with a basic description of the processes that are going on in LDACS transmitter and receiver. It highlights the main concepts and technology solutions for signal generation as well as forward error correction (FEC) methods that are used in LDACS signal generation process. The platform, proposed in this paper is designed on basis of official LDACS MATLAB simulation, provided by DLR. For the HW solution, ADALM-Pluto software defined radio system is used. Resulting platform is featured with wide range of setting possibilities and fully correspond to the LDACS specification. The last part of this paper is dedicated to the testing scenarios for the proposed platform as well as to the discussion of the transmission results. They include basic transmission without any interference and with different SNR levels, 3 transmission scenarios for en-route, airport, and terminal interference and noise conditions. Last but not least, scenarios with one and multiple DMEs are included.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
As part of the implementation of the Smart City concept in cities, there is an effort to use efficient, economical and sustainable solutions that should contribute to increasing the quality of life in cities. LoRaWAnis one of the IoT technologies that offers a solution for wireless data transmission, when the main goal is low energy consumption at low acquisition costs. Cities are currently building this network, but they often do not have a clear purpose in advance for its versatile use. The aim of this review paper is mapping the possibilities of using the LoRaWAnnetwork for (not only) Czech cities. First, it analyzes and describes the current state of knowledge in the field of LoRaWantechnology, then, based on examples of good practice from various cities across the several countries, it defines the areas of use of the LoRaWannetwork for streamlining processes in cities, and then gives specific examples of elements - sensors that can be used in the LoRaWannetwork. Finally, we propose specific recommendations on the example of a case study for Hradec Králové, which is a medium-sized city in the Czech Republic that currently has a LoRaWannetwork built. All the recommendations are in line with the concept of sustainable mobility and the SMART Hradec Králové project.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Nováka, R.A.; Máša, P.; Šmerda, T.; Ing. Jiří Štefan
2023, SYSTEM AND ETHICAL APPROACHES 2023 PROCEEDINGS, Praha, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze), p. 5-6), ISBN 978-80-245-2508-2
This presentation focuses on the application of predictive diagnostics and maintenance of technological equipment and systems that are applied in traffic telematics systems. Examples of such systems include light-controlled intersections, tunnel systems, camera systems and other systems that can also be called intelligent transport systems (ITS). The requirement of administrators of transport and technological infrastructure is not only to ensure the correct functioning and operation of the quipment in the form of maintenance, but also its gradual renewal. Furthermore, last but not least, optimization of operating costs and service costs of ITS equipment.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Prokýšek, M.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), p. 1-6), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The Smart City issue is very often mentioned, new projects and technologies are presented. These projects presented in the industrial or academic sphere often do not solve real implementation. This paper describes the proposed procedure for implementing Smart solutions in cities and regions. It is based on a real project, which is successful, and which defined a new approach in the city of Pisek in South Bohemia. In addition to solving real Smart projects, this approach is also aimed at educating the population, political representation, and civil servants. The basis is the creation of a special group of experts who can integrate knowledge and Smart approaches in all city areas. This group of specialists can create new real projects that are implemented in a real city. This implementation is based on the combination of organizational and technological issues of projects and unites these projects into a whole that creates a synergistic effect-a Smart approach.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Protected nature parks are important areas that often arouse the greater interest of visitors for their natural beauty and landscape. Paradoxically, these visitors and their need for transport across the territory endanger these areas. To find the balance between transport needs and environmental protection, it is necessary to apply suitable measures that will regulate and improve traffic and movement in these areas. The article aims to present possible solutions to influencing traffic in protected areas. Applied research was a part of the study, where the transport system in protected areas was proposed as a soft system. The method used is based on a detailed analysis of data sources for a complex system and their subsequent integration, which leads to the design of a new architecture. The proposal is shown in the case study in the Czech Republic.
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Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Prokeš, R.; Štencek, A.; Šmerda, T.
2023, SUSTAINABILITY (15(4)), ISSN 2071-1050
Smart cities and smart mobility necessitate the development of newly adapted approaches and applications that ensure data connection among their particular parts; thus, the complex systems of smart technologies can be applied. Especially in the field of transport, mobility, and smart solutions, many of these applications require precise localization. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) localization is used mainly because of its availability, reliability, and sufficient precision. However, there are also blind spots in smart cities where the GNSS is not available, e.g., in tunnels. This article presents an approach to fixing the issue of localization in road tunnels based on telecommunications with Bluetooth low energy (BLE) based infrastructure equipment. This approach enables us to ensure sufficient data resources for localization, and thus, smart applications can also be applied in the tunnels. At the same time, this approach also allows the fulfillment of individual needs according to the specifications of each tunnel or smart application. The outputs from testing and measurements are presented and discussed.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2023, Neural Network World, 33 (5), p. 397-412), ISSN 1210-0552
Today's quick development of artificial intelligence (AI) brings us to the questions that have until recently been the domain of philosophy or even sciencefiction. When can be a system considered an intelligent one? What is a consciousness and where it comes from? Can systems gain consciousness? It is necessary to have in mind, that although the development seems to be a revolutionary one, the progress is successive, today’s technologies did not emerge from thin air, they are firmly built on previous findings. As now some wild thoughts and theories where the AI development leads to have arisen, it is time to look back at the background theories and summarize, what do we know on the topics of intelligence, consciousness, where they come from and what are different viewpoints on these topics. This paper combines the findings from different areas and present overview of different attitudes on systems consciousness and emphasizes the role of systems sciences in helping the knowledge in this area.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Nováková, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Papež, V.; Knap, V.
2023, Proceedings of the ABAF 24th Conference, Brno, VUT v Brně, FEKT), p. 55-56), ISBN 978-80-214-6176-5
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a measurement method widely used for non-destructive analysis and diagnostics in various electrochemical fields. From the measured dependence of the battery impedance on the frequency, it is possible to determine the parameters of various Equivalent Electrical Circuit models of the battery. The conventional method of battery measurement using single-sine EIS is currently one of the most widely used methods for the analysis of Lithium-ion batteries. However, its most significant disadvantage is the relatively long measurement time. For this reason, there is a growing demand for faster methods using Fast-Fourier Transform or Pseudo-Random Sequences. A description of various EIS methods’ applications is provided in this paper.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Zábovský, M.
2023, Silniční obzor, 84 (9), p. 99-103), ISSN 0322-7154
The article presents selected new trends in intelligent transport systems (ITS). Among the most important are the use of knowledge applied in other fields with an overlap in transport systems and the use of the interlinking of various documents thanks to information modeling - BIM, the use of digitization of transport infrastructure with the introduction of high-resolution maps, virtualization and visualization of ITS systems, the introduction of cooperative systems on infrastructure, installation and use of 5G networks, application of a digital twin, simulations in transport systems and other uses of ITS for autonomous systems and operation. The development of ITS on roads leads to higher efficiency, economic optimization, lower environmental burden and optimization of renewal, maintenance and own operation of intelligent transport systems. The article only focuses on selected trends in ITS on roads, as it is not possible to briefly record the entire breadth of all potential parts of ITS applicable to the entire hierarchical telematics architecture.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Michal Kovaljov
2023, ISBN 978-80-11-03295-1
We present a brief description of some mechanism of brain activity and a list of the analyzes used and the considerations resulting from them. In order to better navigate the complex structure and function of the brain for both practical and scientific reasons, we use a variety of methods. On the other hand, it is anamnesis, clinical examination and follow-up, and structural and functional diagnostics. Finally, it is the creation of parabolic equations, i.e. simulation, modeling, e.g. we compare some properties of the brain with mathematical logic models (MLM) and vice versa. The brain and MLM teach each other. The simulation process is independent of the material and structural nature of the model. Models are usually electronic and digital.
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov
2023, Smart Cities and Digital Transformation: Empowering Communities, Limitless Innovation, Sustainable Development and the Next Generation, Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.), p. 35-57), ISBN 978-1-80455-995-6
Cities evolved into quite complex urban systems. The rigid management process must reflect the complexity of the current political, social, and economic environment. With the vast city growth, citizens experience new difficulties – traffic congestion, pollution, immigration, overcrowding, and inadequate services. In our research, we analyze problems and benefits that occur with the growing complexity and offer a new concept considering every city as a live and constantly developing complex adaptive system of many participants and actors that operate in an uncertain environment. These actors (residents, businesses, transport, energy, water supply providers, entertainment, and others) are the main elements of city life. The new concept of “Smart City 5.0” is based on a previously developed model of Smart City 4.0 (compared with Industry 4.0) and implements the Urban Digital Ecosystem, where every element can be represented by a smart agent operating on its behalf. It is shown that smart services can interact vertically and horizontally in the proposed ecosystem, supporting competition and cooperation behavior based on specialized network protocols for balancing the conflicting interests of different city actors. The chapter describes the design principles and the general architecture of the Urban Digital Ecosystem, including the basic agent of smart service, protocols of the agent’s negotiation, the architecture, and basic principles Smart City knowledge base. The developed evolutionary methodology of implementation will ensure a minimum of disruptions to city services during its transformation into an urban ecosystem to harmoniously balance all spheres of life and the contradictory interests of different city actors.
Kapitola v jiné knize

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Tencar, J.; Bhattacharjee, S.; Ing. Viktor Beneš
2023, Smart Cities and Digital Transformation: Empowering Communities, Limitless Innovation, Sustainable Development and the Next Generation, Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.), p. 327-356), ISBN 978-1-80455-995-6
Cities’ population growth goes in hand with the development of new technologies that are becoming the key factor of the Smart City (SC) concept. It allows the implementation of efficient management solutions, operation, and sustainable development of a city to face the challenges of urbanization and improve the services for the citizens and visitors. The concept of the SC 5.0 was first presented in Svítek, Skobelev, and Kozhevnikov (2020), where the problems of the complexity of current cities due to rigid management processes, variety of infrastructure, and SC modules, systems, subsystems, and applications were described. To prove the concept, several practical examples were developed to cover the topics: modeling in SCs, practical implementation of multiagent technologies, the approach of creating city ontology and the city knowledge base as the instrument of semantic interoperability, and visualization possibilities of Smart Evropská as a SC Testbed used for teaching purposes. The new organizational structure is proposed based on knowledge graphs, and practical examples are shown. The applicability of knowledge graphs to be used in combination with data management platforms for monitoring SC key performance indicators (KPIs) and providing interoperability of services is presented.
Kapitola v jiné knize

Brown, L.; Dostál, R.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Cheu, R.L.; Weidner, J.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
This paper explores the future of intersections with a novel approach to traffic control and management. Our research delves into the concept of Smart Intersections, introducing their levels of increasing "smartness," and their potential impact on traffic flow and safety. From static control to advanced data collection and I2X communication, our findings offer a glimpse into a future where intersections are a key player in urban mobility. The benefits of implementing Smart Intersections include improved traffic flow, reduced congestion, increased safety, and more efficient use of resources. Our research highlights the potential for Smart Intersections to improve public transportation through bus and train prioritization at intersections. Building off this, Smart Intersections could also inform individual actors in advance and communicate the current status of traffic as well as gather additional data. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of Smart Intersections, from their current state to the highest level of smartness, and the steps necessary to make this technology a reality in a real-life example. It also explores alternative possibilities, such as multi-agent systems, and their possible application in Smart Intersections.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Ing. Eliška Glaserová, MSc.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.
2023, TRANSPORT MEANS 2023 Sustainability: Research and Solutions PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PART II, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 700-704), ISBN 9781713879534, ISSN 1822-296X
Designing new Smart City approaches complemented by modern technologies is always a very difficult and lengthy process. The implementation of these proposed Smart solutions into real operation is often even more difficult. This is due to the need to communicate with the political and municipal authorities concerned and, most importantly, with the citizens themselves. This communication is an important separate task that is often neglected, and it is this task that is the focus of this technical text. Since March 2022, a group of students and experts from the FTS have been working together to implement an area-wide project on the territory of the country called Transport Opportunities for Region 2050+ in the Czech Republic. This involves the creation of a transport vision for all 14 counties for the period 2050 and beyond, where the Faculty of Transportation Sciences is the principal investigator of the part with the working title: Student Workshop. The part carried out by the FTS aims to define the needs of the inhabitants of a given region in 2050 in the context of the sustainability of the development of the region, but especially the employability of young people in the region and their quality of life. Understanding transport in a broader context that is a key step towards building a functional transport system that meets the needs of citizens in line with economic sustainability and, above all, the development of the region. This task therefore corresponds exactly to the requirement for a correct and logical implementation of Smart solutions based on prior communication with the inhabitants of the area. © 2023 Kaunas University of Technology. All rights reserved.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

2023, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2022, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 28-35), ISBN 978-80-01-07224-0, ISSN 2336-5382
The paper deals with the possibilities of implementing dynamic tariff regulation of on-street parking spaces in the capital city of Prague. Achieving optimal results is conditioned by the implementation of advanced technologies, but at the same time the dynamic tariff regulation must follow the applicable legislation and, above all, be accepted by drivers. For this reason, the paper briefly discusses the technical and legislative possibilities of implementation, and most attention is paid to the conducted survey of user needs. The survey investigates the impact of parking prices on drivers' motivation to park their vehicle in the area.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová
2023, SUSTAINABILITY, 15 (17), ISSN 2071-1050
In the context of nature protection, there is an effort to regulate individual car traffic in protected areas. In the framework of the research, a pilot testing of a vehicle detection and identification system in the Krkonoše National Park was carried out using two selected technologies (license plate recognition and Bluetooth token detection). The research was carried out under conditions of poorer availability of mobile signal for transmission of measured data, lack of electrical power supply, and in challenging climatic conditions in the mountains. The main objective was to verify the applicability and limits of the mentioned technologies under these difficult conditions. For this purpose, two test sites were built: a fixed and a mobile point. Testing at both points was carried out using two basic methods, namely online through continuous data collection from the detectors and on-site through a local survey during the summer of 2022. The parameters evaluated were the reliability of the vehicle identification itself and the reliability of the operation of the individual detection subsystems and the tested system as a whole. The results show that the license plate recognition system using two cameras for the checkpoint shows a high recognition reliability, but it is reduced for some types of vehicles (especially motorcycles and four-wheelers). At the same time, this technology is demanding on energy resources. Detection using a Bluetooth scanner has proven to be highly reliable up to 50 km/h. A reliable power supply is necessary to achieve high reliability, which was a problem at the mobile point. Evaluation of images from cameras with motion detection showed the limits of this technology, which increased with increasing vehicle speed. The system can be used to detect traffic in protected areas, taking into account the limits specified in this article.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2023, Telematická podpora pri mimoriadnych udalostiach v dopravnom tuneli, Źlina, EDIS-vydavateľstvo UNIZA), p. 7-47), ISBN 978-80-554-2056-1
Dopravné systémy majú v spoločnosti významnú úlohu a významný príspevok k ekonomickej prosperite krajín. Osobitne cestná doprava sa sústreďuje na budúcnosť, ktorá spočíva v objavovaní nových funkcií podporovaných inovatívnymi digitálnymi technológiami. Tieto technológie otvárajú dvere pre nové príležitosti a výskumné výzvy v oblasti výstavby a prevádzky budúcich cestných infraštruktúr. Napriek opatreniam, ktoré boli doteraz prijaté, ostáva cestná doprava najnebezpečnejším a najnákladnejším odvetvím z hľadiska strát ľudských životov. Preto táto vedecká monografia má ambíciu predstaviť spôsob integrácie nových postupov tvorby digitálnych modelov pre oblasti predikcie porúch a podpornej činnosti pri ochrane života a majetku kde doteraz tieto prvky absentovali. Predstavíme si obsahy jednotlivých kapitol tejto monografie, ktorých spoločným menovateľom je priblížiť vytvorený model informačného systému poskytujúceho telematickú podporu zásahovej jednotke Hasičského a záchranného zboru SR počas zásahu pri mimoriadnej situácii v diaľničnom tuneli. Model bol vytvorený pomocou unifikovaného modelovacieho jazyka (UML) a jeho využitie vidíme aj v ďalších oblastiach ako podporný systém pre technickú diagnostiku zariadení a systémov.
Kapitola v jiné knize česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Pirník, R.; Nagy, P.
2023, ISBN 978-80-554-2056-1
Dopravné systémy majú v spoločnosti významnú úlohu a významný príspevok k ekonomickej prosperite krajín. Osobitne cestná doprava sa sústreďuje na budúcnosť, ktorá spočíva v objavovaní nových funkcií podporovaných inovatívnymi digitálnymi technológiami. Tieto technológie otvárajú dvere pre nové príležitosti a výskumné výzvy v oblasti výstavby a prevádzky budúcich cestných infraštruktúr. Napriek opatreniam, ktoré boli doteraz prijaté, ostáva cestná doprava najnebezpečnejším a najnákladnejším odvetvím z hľadiska strát ľudských životov. Preto táto vedecká monografia má ambíciu predstaviť spôsob integrácie nových postupov tvorby digitálnych modelov pre oblasti predikcie porúch a podpornej činnosti pri ochrane života a majetku kde doteraz tieto prvky absentovali. Predstavíme si obsahy jednotlivých kapitol tejto monografie, ktorých spoločným menovateľom je priblížiť vytvorený model informačného systému poskytujúceho telematickú podporu zásahovej jednotke Hasičského a záchranného zboru SR počas zásahu pri mimoriadnej situácii v diaľničnom tuneli. Model bol vytvorený pomocou unifikovaného modelovacieho jazyka (UML) a jeho využitie vidíme aj v ďalších oblastiach ako podporný systém pre technickú diagnostiku zariadení a systémov.
Vědecká kniha česky

Jíšová, J.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ivasienko, P.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová
2023, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, AIP Publishing), ISSN 1551-7616
The article presents two significant localities in Prague, Czech Republic, where new complex approaches of urban and transport engineering in public space will be applied. The paper will present important urban planning measures and specific proposals for the solution and incorporation of transport into public spaces, which will lead to the calming of the automotive transport and also its fluidity will be maintained. Furthermore the requirement for public transport, bicycle transport and above all to necessary pedestrian relations will be reflected. Integral part of the basic preparation is the economic and transport-engineering analysis, which generally fits into urban planning in given localities. Results of these analyses would be projected to prepared plans and actual projects from praxis. The text of the article would be focused mainly on the localities in the phase of project studies in Prague, specifically in Vyton and Hlavka bridge. The Vyton area is a busy set of intersections and tram transport and adjoining public transport stops, as well as important transfer and pedestrian connections. The reconstruction of the railway bridge is being prepared in this territory and the construction of new railway station with transfer relation to tram transport and ferry is also related to it. There should be also a pedestrian zone, which will contribute to the urban character of the area and safer connections for pedestrian destinations and transfer relations. Within the project, it was necessary to address not only all the present means of transport – automotive, trams, railway, bicycle, ferry and pedestrian movement, but also static transport that has an impact on the character of the district. The second locality, which was dealt with from the economic and transportation point of view was northern forecourt of Hlavka bridge, which is significant traffic intersection. At the same moment, there is an important public transport hub with transfer relation between underground line C and the trams. Apart from the maintaining the transport function of this node, the challenge of the urban approach is to deal with pedestrian connections and bicycle transport in two height levels, which means elevation in very cramped conditions. In the future there should be built a new building of Philharmonic, which will completely change the transport functioning of the area. These new heavy relations would be essential to resolve with the complex point on view and with wider impacts to the closest surrounding of local roads, but even to the through road of the city from north to south and contrariwise according to the traffic requirements. The goal and focus of this article is to present issue of two significant localities from several points of view – from economic to transport-engineering and urban applications within public space, which has fundamental impact on the
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Šmerda, T.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) aim to increase safety, optimise traffic flow, reduce traffic congestion, improve economic efficiency of transportation, and operate the telematic systems implemented in the infrastructure. The main goal is to increase the awareness of road users. These aforementioned indicators are crucial not only on conventional transport infrastructure but especially in tunnels, which require even stricter criteria and requirements for traffic safety and especially response to unexpected emergency situations (accident, traffic jam, fire, movement of people, etc.). The article focusses on the application of C-ITS in urban and highway tunnels, which could significantly contribute to the ease of orientation and guidance of road users, the elimination of unsafe drivers' behaviour, fluidity of traffic, and integrity of the control system in relation to vehicles and other technological systems that are widely used in tunnels. However, a major limitation in tunnels, and especially in complex urban tunnels with junctions, is the absence of a GNSS signal, which is the common source of positional data for a significant part of traffic applications for drivers. This makes tunnels a blind spot in the transport infrastructure, although the use of C-ITS in tunnels would be justified and would make even more sense than on other transport routes such as common highways. However, C-ITS itself can also be used for positioning through communication between the infrastructure and equipped vehicles. This article reports on the possibilities of using C-ITS communication for automatic positioning and thus making C-ITS applications operational in tunnels, which can provide new use cases that meet the specific needs and requirements of tunnel structures. Some data are important for the tunnel control system and the determination of even potential faults and the link to the service and maintenance, where equipment fault behaviour may occur, tracking of maintenance vehicles and the transmission of information through the tunnel control system, and many other data and information that can lead to a reduction in the economic intensity of the operation and maintenance of the tunnel, the reduction of damage caused by traffic excesses, as well as the increase of traffic flow and its efficient use. This paper will focus on specific C-ITS solutions applicable in practice in road tunnels, including safe and secure data transmission
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Švorc, D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Růžička, M.; Ivasienko, P.
2023, SUSTAINABILITY, 15 (3), ISSN 2071-1050
This article presents the use of the combination of the object detection method and feature detector in an infrared video on traffic infrastructure and in tunnels. The theme of the paper is the validation of vehicle detection and its classification using infrared video streams. In addition, the article focuses on the use of a feature detector and object detection to distinguish between vehicles with electric and combustion motors. The method suggests the use of a low-resolution thermal camera as an inexpensive extension of installed thermal camera technologies. The developed system has been verified for the applicability of vehicle detection and classification using object detection methods and their application in transport infrastructure and tunnels. It also presents a method for distinguishing propulsion units into electric and internal combustion; both systems’ conclusions are then statistically verified. The application of the system is evident in regional traffic management systems, including safety applications for traffic control in tunnels. Categorizing vehicles provides valuable information for higher levels of traffic management, toll systems, and municipal database systems, as well as for a preventive system for estimating vehicle conditions and their potential of fire in tunnels
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Zábovský, M.
2023, Silniční obzor, 84 (9), p. 99-103), ISSN 0322-7154
Článek představuje vybrané nové trendy v inteligentních dopravních systémech (ITS). Mezi nejdůležitější patří využívaní znalostí uplatněných v jiných oborech s přesahem právě do dopravních systémů a využití vzájemného provázání různých podkladů díky informačnímu modelování – BIM, využití digitalizace dopravní infrastruktury se zaváděním map s vysokým rozlišením, virtualizace a vizualizace ITS systémů, zavádění kooperativních systémů na infrastrukturu, instalace a využívaní 5G sítí, uplatnění digitálního dvojčete, simulací v dopravních systémech a další využití ITS pro autonomní systémy a provoz. Rozvoj ITS na pozemních komunikacích vede na vyšší efektivitu, ekonomickou optimalizaci, nižší environmetální zátěž a optimalizaci obnovy, údržby a vlastního provozu inteligentních dopravních systémů. Článek cílí jen na vybrané trendy v ITS na pozemních komunikacích, neboť není možné stručně zaznamenat celou šíři všech potenciálních částí ITS uplatnitelných na celé hierarchické telematické architektuře.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Drábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.
2023, ISBN 978-80-01-07224-0, ISSN 2336-5382
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Viktor Beneš; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2023, Urbanismus a územní rozvoj, ISSN 1212-0855
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Jiří Štefan; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2022, Analysis of Diagnostic Data of Tunnel Structures Control Systems, 31 (2), p. 42-48), ISSN 1211-0728
The aim of the article is to show the possibilities of a simple analysis of data obtained from the control system of a tunnel structure. The analysis has a great benefit for managing the maintenance of the tunnel system and specifying the life cycle of individual technological parts. The fundamental aspects of the topic are based on expert assessment during the main inspections of the technological equipment of motorway tunnels. Analysis of data and other operation records can provide a quick picture of the overall function of the tunnel’s technological equipment during the period under review. The text includes specific examples of tunnel technology failures, including an algorithm for approaching the issue.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří Štefan; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2022, Tunel, 31. (2), p. 42-48), ISSN 1211-0728
Cílem článku je ukázat možnosti jednoduché analýzy dat získaných z řídicího systému tunelové stavby. Analýza má velký přínos pro řízení údržby tunelového systému a zpřesnění životního cyklu jednotlivých technologických částí. Zásadní aspekty tématu vycházejí z expertního posuzovaní při hlavních prohlídkách technologického vybavení tunelů na pozemních komunikacích. Analýza dat a dalších provozních záznamů může poskytnout rychlý obraz o celkové funkci technologického vybavení tunelové stavby za posuzované období. Součástí textu jsou konkrétní ukázky poruch tunelové technologie včetně algoritmu přístupu k dané problematice.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Šmerda, T.; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
Today, several disciplines within the concept management of smart cities are challenging and are being solved. The focus is on new technologies, sustainability, social aspects, and complex solutions. It is based on the integration of particularities with the main goal of ensuring acceleration, a knowledge-based approach, future strategies, and sustainable evolution of the livable city. It lies in a proper functioning system, which is increasingly based on the data and connectivity of devices placed throughout the city. However, cybersecurity of data often lags behind. This paper provides outputs from the analysis of the systematic approach to ensure reliability and control over cyber threats and attacks with a focus on smart cities and telematics as well. Depending on the analysis, several recommendations are well described from perspective of process, technical and organizational aspects as well as regarding the specific telematics applications.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
With the development of intelligent transport systems in cities, the efficient use of big data is becoming increasingly important. The aim of this paper is to focus on specific sources of Big Data and specific outputs that can be obtained from these data in the conditions of the Czech Republic and then use these to propose recommendations for traffic solutions in a specific traffic area in Prague using the Pelc-Tyrolka area as a case study. In the research part, good examples of practice in the use of Big Data for transport solutions in the area abroad are found. These are then confronted with the real situation within Prague. In the methodology part, the procedure for effective processing and evaluation of different data sources (detector data, FCD data, data from information systems) is defined. Based on this procedure, data from the Pelc-Tyrolka area was evaluated to assess two specific traffic solutions in the area, and based on the results, recommendations were then proposed for future solutions in the area. Finally, the conclusions from the case study are generalized for the future use of Big Data in transport in the conditions of the Czech Republic.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Ing. Juraj Majera; Pisharodi, V.
2022, Batteries, 8 (12), ISSN 2313-0105
In this paper, capacity fade of LiFeYPO4/graphite commercial cells during 116 cycles under different temperatures is studied. The cells were discharged in two modes, during Drive Cycle (DrC) discharge cycles the cell was discharged with current waveform calculated for example battery electric vehicle (BEV) under WLTC 3b drive cycle conditions, whereas during Constant Current (CC) discharge cycles the cell was discharged with a constant current of the same root mean square of the current, as the WLTC 3b current waveform and with the same depth of discharge. All the cells were charged in constant current/constant voltage mode. Two fresh cells were used for each discharge mode at 25 °C and as the results were similar, only one cell per discharge mode was used at the other temperatures 5 °C and 45 °C. Furthermore, simulation P2D model of calendar and cycle life was calibrated based on experimental data. SoC floating was observed during cycling for both discharge modes, accompanied with slight increase in end discharge voltage and growth of energy efficiency. Concluding the results for 25 °C, not waveform character, but the amount of electric charge in combination with calendar aging has the most effect on the cycle life, which is also proved by the simulation. For 5 °C, the capacity fade is milder for DrC discharge cycles, but simulation results do not prove that, which would demand further investigation. The results for 45 °C are apparently dependent on a higher amount of discharged and charged electric charge and influenced by calendar life, simulated capacity fade corresponds quite well to the experiment. The best State of Health (SoH) simulation results are for temperature 45 °C, RMSE is 0.10% SoH, for the other temperatures RMSE is 0.20 and 0.93% SoH for 25 and 5 °C, respectively.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Výzkum se zabývá detekcí objízdných tras při nehodě na hlavním dopravním tahu na základě dat z plovoucích vozidel. Na základě těchto dat lze sledovat chování uživatelů při mimořádných událostech. Výsledkem jsou reálně využívané objízdné trasy vybrané při omezení na hlavní komunikaci a dopady těchto tras na jejich okolí.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Adam Hlubuček, Ph.D.
2022, Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 35 (35 (2022)), p. 8-13), ISSN 2336-5382
This paper aims to summarize possible solutions of a Digital Track Map proposal, designed to become a data source for the VEXA decision-making system. The VEXA project is carried out in cooperation of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Transportation Sciences and the AŽD Praha s. r. o. company. The Digital Track Map is an indispensable data source describing the railway line intended for the VEXA supervised trains operation and its surroundings. Being created in the ArcGIS Pro software environment, the digital map allows individual objects to be visualized and handled as standard GIS features and described by related data stored in a geodatabase. Depending on the object class, the object location can be expressed in different ways. Not only physical location (directly expressible using GIS features) but also functional location (as the objects relate to a particular track) must be considered.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Mashko, A.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Matoušek, V.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Zuzana Radová, Ph.D.; Smrčka, P.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.
2022, ISBN 978-80-01-07105-2, ISSN 2336-5382
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.; Mgr. Ing. Vladimír Douda, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2022, Academic Journal of International Economics and Management Research (AJIEMR), 3 (1), p. 6-11), ISSN 2694-7897
The article deals with economic comparison of 2 types of electrical switchboards. Depending on their use, these switchboards are categorized into either “underground” or “above ground”. Each type of switchboard is used for different use cases. Apart from focusing on their individual usage in their field of transportation, the study will also draw comparison between the aboveground and underground electrical switchboards with regards to their input and operating costs. The output is an economic comparison of these 2 types of electrical switchboards with the subsequent determination of the advantage of use in certain cases.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2022, Computation, 10 (6), ISSN 2079-3197
This paper presents the generalized information system theory, which is enlarged into pure quantum systems using wave probability functions. The novelty of this approach is based on analogies with electrical circuits and quantum physics. Information power was chosen as the relevant parameter, which guarantees the balance of both components—information flow and information content. Next, the principles of quantum resonance between individual information components, which can lead to emergent behavior, are analyzed. For such a system, adding more and more probabilistic information elements can lead to better convergence of the whole to the resulting trajectory due to phase parameters. The paper also offers an original interpretation of information “source–recipient” or “resource–demand” models, including not yet implemented “unused resources” and “unmet demands”. Finally, possible applications of these principles are shown in several examples from the quantum gyrator to the hypothetical possibility of explaining some properties of the consciousness.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Kreinovich, V.; Phuong, N.H.
2022, Biomedical and Other Applications of Soft Computing, Cham, Springer), p. 1-276), ISBN 978-3-031-08580-2
Among the main fundamental challenges related to physics and human intelligence are: How can we reconcile the free will with the deterministic character of physical equations? What is the physical meaning of extra spatial dimensions needed to make quantum physics consistent? and Why are we often smarter than brain-simulating neural networks? In this paper, we show that while each of these challenges is difficult to resolve on its own, it may be possible to resolve all three of them if we consider them together. The proposed possible solution is that human reasoning uses the extra spatial dimensions. This may sound weird, but in this paper, we explain that this solution is much more natural than how it sounds at first glance.
Kapitola v jiné knize

Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
The Smart City concept for many years has relied on the principals of stainable development and implementing of information and communication technologies (ICT) for city services. With the COVID pandemic the paradigm shifted tremendously and the city governments, as well as scientists have to focus more on resilience strategies. The city managers now should make their decisions in conditions of limited information, unavailability to see and plan future development, maintain “what if” analysis to predict the results. Considering the Smart City as a complex system the new approach and digital platform that combines both sustainable and resilient modes of behavior are presented. This platform allows to perform normally in a sustainable mode and react adaptively when unpredictable events occur in the resilient mode.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Rothkrantz, L.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (7), ISSN 2076-3417
Urban areas are growing all over the world. As a consequence, a larger volume of people and goods has to move to a larger number of different locations on a daily basis. This leads to more traffic congestion, longer commutes, use of different travel modalities, and increasing pollution. There is thus a need for more intelligent transportation and smart infrastructure, as well as changes in travel behavior.
Editorství speciálního čísla časopisu excerp. SCI Expanded

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Dr. Leonard Johannes Mathias Rothkrantz; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2022, ISBN 978-3-0365-4147-1
Smart Cities seek to optimize their systems by increasing integration through approaches such as increased interoperability, seamless system integration, and automation. Thus, they have the potential to deliver substantial efficiency gains and eliminate redundancy. To add to the complexity of the problem, the integration of systems for efficiency gains may compromise the resilience of an urban system. This all needs to be taken into consideration when thinking about Smart Cities. The transportation field must also apply the principles and concepts mentioned above. This cannot be understood without considering its links and effects on other components of an urban system. New technologies allow for new means of travel to be built, and new business models allow for the existing ones to be utilized. This Special Issue puts together papers with different focuses, but all of them tackle the topic of smart mobility.
Kniha - sborník

Ing. Viktor Beneš; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), p. 1-6), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
The paper deals with the research of Smart City ontologies and Knowledge graphs and proposes a new organizational structure on how to use them in practical Smart city management. An illustrative example uses a design of a knowledge graph for parking problems in Prague. The results confirmed the usefulness of Knowledge graphs connected to the city’s data platform. The presented methodology can be used as a practical tool for monitoring the city’s sustainability and resiliency.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Jíšová, J.
2022, Sborník 26. mezinárodní konference Městského inženýrství Karlovarsko 2022, Praha, ČKAIT - Česká komora autorizovaných inženýrů a techniků), p. 53-63), ISBN 978-80-88265-37-5
Článek popisuje možnosti využití revitalizace průmyslových areálů pro bydlení. Tyto záměry se postupně více rozšiřují tak, jak jsou rušeny některé průmyslové brownfieldy zejména v centru města, jež vznikla transformací různých průmyslových odvětví v 90. letech minulého století. V centru měst se tak vytváří nedostatečně využívaná plocha, která je zanedbaná, často může být kontaminovaná. Nejsou to jen průmyslové areály, ale například i vojenské nebo zemědělské usedlosti. Cílem je na těchto revitalizovaných plochách vytvořit obytné centrum nebo obchodně-kulturní zázemí, popřípadě kombinaci komerčního, obchodního a kancelářského centra. V dané lokalitě definovaného území se pak prolíná nová výstavba s možností využití historických objektů s požadavky na kvalitní dopravní obslužnost a celkovou úprava veřejného prostoru s orientací na aktivní zázemí pro obyvatele se zelení. Článek uvádí dva vhodné příklady z praxe zaměřené na revitalizace průmyslových areálů v oblasti Zličína a Pragovky, kde se uplatňují nové přístupy výstavby, úpravy veřejného prostoru, dopravní obslužnost a celkový vhodný rozvoj dané lokality pro život.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Gutierrez, J.; Samper, J.J.; Delgado, A.; Rocha, J.; Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková
2022, Proceedings of the 11th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, New York, Association for Computing Machinery), ISBN 9781450397384
In this article we demonstrate a particular use of ontologies based on the European specifications of the DATEX II UML model with Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI) version 3 scope. These specifications are designed and developed as an exchange of traffic data and mechanisms for sending information by a working group to establish and standardize the interface between traffic control and information centers. It is the standard reference for sending and receiving traffic information between applications developed by different countries in Europe. This specification of DATEX II XML/UML describes concepts and data structures related to traffic, but the description is only syntactic, not semantic. Therefore, the objective to be achieved in this part of the research has been to develop a semantic description of the contents based on the UML data model and to link the data of the new general ontology with other vocabularies or related ontologies already developed and available on the internet.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2022, Městské inženýrství nejen pro městské inženýry, Praha, Informační centrum ČKAIT), p. 203-254), ISBN 978-80-88265-39-9
Největším rozvojem státu jsou města a navazující dopravní infrastruktura, a to zejména ve vyspělých částech světa, kde se klade důraz na zajištění veškerého komfortu v rámci veřejného prostoru. Nové trendy požadují digitalizaci, nové materiály, environmentální neutralitu, spolehlivé zajištění zdrojů vody, energie, plynu. Do těchto požadavků spadá i zajištění dostupné a zejména udržitelné dopravní obslužnosti (udržitelné mobility), zajištění komplexních služeb až po zajištění zaměstnanosti, sportovního a kulturního vyžití. Města se tím stávají mnohem složitější na organizaci, řízení a údržbu s větším přesahem do svého nejbližšího okolí, jež se dále stává rozsáhlejším s postupnými silnými vazbami na městské centrum a u velkých měst přechází do aglomerací města. Města se tím na jedné straně stávají závislá na technologiích, dopravní obslužnosti, energetických zdrojích a digitalizaci, a na druhé straně se významně posouvají do vlastní svébytné funkce a jsou základním motorem ekonomického bohatství, jež pomáhá k dalšímu růstu nejen vlastního města, ale i dané aglomerace, regionu a státu.
Kapitola ve vědecké knize česky

Adamec, V.; Durdík, P.; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Imramovská, M.; Kauferová, L.; Košťálová, J.; Koudela, V.; Kovařík, R.; Kuda, F.; Pokorný, J.; Synek, J.; Teichmann, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Tlamková, A.; Urminský, J.
2022, ISBN 978-80-88265-39-9
Kniha komplexně shrnuje průřezová témata, která jsou obecněji technicky zaměřená na městské inženýrství, zejména pak na rozvoj území, dopravní a technickou infrastrukturu, inteligentní dopravní systémy a management měst s přesahem do dalších autorizačních oborů, především do dopravních staveb a do vodohospodářských staveb. Popisuje činnosti související s projektováním a realizací staveb městského inženýrství a celkovou koncepci a koordinaci řešení technického vybavení měst a území.
Kniha - sborník, odborná česky

2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The simplest method of regulating on-street parking (in the cities) is a tariff regulation plan, changing the price of parking usually requires the least amount of money spent and is not contingent on the introduction of new technologies. Getting it right leads to a redistribution of demand and an important aspect is the relative price levels for off-street and on-street parking. The paper deals with the design of an algorithm for dynamic on-street parking control. It describes the process and results of a model implementation of the algorithm in a selected area. The proposed algorithm is intended primarily for cities or larger municipalities where parking regulation becomes a necessity and operates on the principle of real-time parking price adjustment. In conclusion, the possibilities of implementing the algorithm in real operation are evaluated and the possibility of further development and future research is outlined.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Skobelev, P.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2022, ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - VOL 2, Porto, SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications), p. 433-441), ISBN 978-989-758-547-0, ISSN 2184-433X
The intensive economic and social development of smart cities faces the constraints of stable utility provision. This paper presents a multiagent client-centric smart grid management system for integrated gas, heat and electricity networks. The system is based on the new approach of agent’s negotiation implementing the strategies of straight and reverse recursion planning. It can be used as part of the Smart grid and Micro grid concepts to reduce the price for consumers and decrease the negative impact of peak loads for the suppliers. This approach corresponds to the fundamental principles of modern complexity theory, which uses the fundamental principles of self-organization and evolution inherent in the natural world.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Michal Kovaljov; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Růžek, M.
2022, ISBN 9788011009939
Cil práce je zlepšovat psychologickou diagnostiku pomoci porovnání kvalitativně a kvantitativně analyzovaného EEG záznamu s aktivovaným chovaným. Jde o směr zkoumaní vývoje vědomi čili noogenese. Používáme řadu analýz EEG křivky a současně zkrácených psychotestů a obě metody vzájemně korelujeme. Pokud možno přidružujeme další metody jako je PET, fMR, plysomnografii nebo NIRS. Domníváme se, že lze v EEG křivce nalézt definovatelné změny, které souvisí s vyššími psychologickými funkcemi. V životě dítěte jsou občas okamžiky přinášející pochyby o jeho správném vývoji, a proto by bylo dobré vyjádřit se odborně o jeho stavu u lékaře i v pedagogicko-psychologické poradně.
Jiná kniha česky

Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2022, PIARC 2nd International konference on road tunnel operations and safety, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), p. 981-995), ISBN 978-84-95641-48-9
The widely accepted body, The World Road Association (PIARC), has published research that up to 60% of future road tunnel operating costs can be saved by optimizing the tunnel design at an early stage of project implementation [1]. The paper shows the paradigm of recent years – more and more innovative technologies for tunnels do not necessarily mean that the functions for which tunnels are built are performed more efficiently. A road tunnel is a complex system created as a pragmatic alliance of several subsystems and many devices from different suppliers. Tunnel documentation usually has several hundred pages prepared by specialists in ventilation, lighting, safety, etc., and it is difficult for the investor or administrator to optimize the equipment without a detailed model of this complex system. There are two models for describing a complex system: a process model and a knowledge model. The paper shows that a more suitable model for describing a tunnel system is an ontology-based knowledge model and gives an example of such a model.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Nikol Richterová, Ph.D.; Ing. Vojtěch Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.; Ing. Markéta Jirmanová
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
Fast and reliable public transport is one of the pillars of sustainable urban mobility. Creating good conditions for its operation in urban road network is a fundamental task for transport engineers. The PREFOS Research Group has long been involved in evaluating the conditions for public transport operation in urban roads. One of the key parameters is the impact of the car traffic flow on public transport operation. This paper describes a pilot study of the possibility of using Google traffic data to evaluate the characteristics of traffic flow and its comparison with the achieved travel speed of public transport in a given section. This pilot study is part of a broader research plan to develop a comprehensive method for evaluating the conditions for public transport operations on a street network.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Veronika Vlčková, CSc.
2022, VÝZNAMNÉ STROMY VE VENKOVSKÉ KRAJINĚ: Sborník z konference, Olomouc, Přírodovědecká fakulta), p. 122-133), ISBN 978-80-244-6200-4
RVS ČR předkládá dvě varianty užívání – jednak mobilní části pro vkládání, prohlížení a jednoduchou editaci záznamů pro mobilní zařízení s OS Android; jednak desktopové části se specifickými funkcionalitami pro správu RVS ČR i pro odbornou editaci záznamů. V oblasti získávání dat počítá jak s datovou výměnou z externích zdrojů, tak s možností vkladu nových záznamů. Výstupy jsou připravené jednak jako standardizované tisky hromadných dat, jednak jako specializované práce a analýzy dat v prostředí GIS – „data mining“ – o krajině ČR a jejích vlastnostech.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Ing. Tereza Dvořáková; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Mgr. Šárka Voráčová, Ph.D.; Řehoř, V.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Airports worldwide are dealing with application of anti-epidemic measures, that lead to decreased capacity of airport terminals. Passengers are obliged to observe physical distancing and other rules, which in combination with longer service times at checks and controls lead to congestions in front of airport processors. This study aims to introduce new solutions for queue management at smart airports, that belong to the Smart Cities concept. The preliminary idea of buffer zones as waiting areas for passengers, that cannot be allowed to enter overcrowded areas, especially queues, brings new opportunities and benefits for both passengers and the airport. Based on performed simulations in the developed model, authors defined two types of buffer zones and determined the optimum time limit to distinguish between the two types of buffer zones. The paper brings theoretical and practical approach to use of buffer zones in real airport operations.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Herrchen, P.; Kylakorpi, J.; Van Der Jeugt, T.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Ing. Václav Kožený, Ph.D., MBA
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
This review paper gives a brief introduction to Smart City Logistics and uses different sources to ultimately present recommendations for Prague city to achieve better solutions in the area. With large numbers of people expected to move to cities in the coming thirty years, smart logistics will become even more important than it is today. Four different projects from three different cities in Europe are described, ITSLOG and SAILOR projects from Amsterdam, SmartPort from Hamburg and the Dachser project from Stuttgart. The benefits and learnings from these projects are presented with an additional SWOT-analysis which presents the opportunities and threats that could come with similar implementations in Prague. Recommendations based on the findings regarding smart loading zones, micro-hubs, and virtual depots and how they could be implemented in Prague are made. It turns out that their implementation could give several benefits for Prague and help the city become more smart, both in terms of logistics, but also in other ways.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Skobelev, P.
2022, Proceedings of the 13th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2022, Orlando, IIIS - International Institute of Informatics and Systemics), p. 4-9), ISBN 978-1-950492-60-2, ISSN 2771-5914
The Smart Grid (SG) concept provides new services for citizens by exploiting the available resources and demonstrates a significant potential from the economic and business value viewpoint. In a real-time economy, it should act as a real-time solution. That means the adaptive reaction to all unpredictable events in the SG and real-time rescheduling the consumption and production plan (especially on peak or idle run hours). SG as the concept and software instrument can be applied not only for energy but also for all other resources, including gas and water. This paper presents a prototype of a multiagent system for adaptive planning of gas, water, and energy resources. We show that real-time services based on a multiagent engine working as an open market for all consumers and suppliers interacting in one SG can help provide better service and high efficiency and be a vital element of the Smart City concept.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Chou, S.Y.
2022, Proceedings of the 11th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, New York, Association for Computing Machinery), ISBN 9781450397384
Current intelligent transport systems (ITS) and trends in their development are weekly consider all involved elements and do not cover the topic of cooperative work of services. In this paper the concept of the cooperative ITS as a digital ecosystem (DE) of services, sensors, hardware devices and users is presented. This paper proposes a new approach based on the theory of complex adaptive systems and bio-inspired artificial intelligence (AI), which can show emergent intelligence behaviour. The proposed approach and software platform should not only integrate all smart transport services, but also provide control, self-organization and evolution of ITS. The software platform developed as DE enables physical or virtual organizations provide core services based on real time schedules and current state of their resources automatically, reactively or pro-actively, and only to the customers interested in these services. It will increase the service level for clients, reduce costs and delivery time, improve scalability, performance and reliability of ITS.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Bujňák, M.; Pirník, R.; Rástočný, K.; Janota, A.; Nemec, D.; Kuchár, P.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Łukasik, Z.
2022, Sensors, 2022 (4), ISSN 1424-8220
The review discusses the possibilities of different driving mechanisms and sensors of spherical robots, and a special kind of mobile robots is introduced and discussed. The sensors discussed can expand robots’ sensing capabilities which are typically very limited. Most spherical robots have holonomic characteristics and protect the inner environment using a shell. Today, there are a diversity of driving mechanisms. Therefore, this article provides a review of all of them and identifies their basic properties. Accordingly, many spherical robots have only inner sensors for moving, balancing, driving, etc. However, a few of them are also equipped with sensors that can measure environmental properties. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the possibility of using such sensors as cameras, LiDARs, thermocouples, and gas sensors, which can be used for special purposes underground, for example, in mines, underground tunnels, or road tunnels. After combining all components are combined, it is possible to design a special type of spherical robot designed for underground exploration, such as accidents in mines or road tunnels.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Bečka, O.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Scrocca, M.; Azzini, A.; Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; Comerio, M.; Lubrich, P.
2022, Proceedings of Poster and Demo Track and Workshop Track of the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems co-located with 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2022), Aachen, CEUR Workshop Proceedings), ISSN 1613-0073
The fragmentation of data sources and data catalogues in the transportation domain is currently limiting the possibility of combining multi-source data for the definition of innovative data-driven mobility scenarios. In the European context, the implementation of National Access Points by Member States is promoting the publication of transportation data, but the adoption of not standardised, proprietary and not machine-readable metadata profiles currently prevents data sources to be easily found across National Access Points and to be interconnected this way. This paper describes the efforts towards the development of a napDCAT-AP specification for the harmonisation of metadata in transportation data catalogues. Starting from the analysis of the European recommendations for the interoperability of data catalogues, a roadmap for the design, implementation and publication of napDCAT-AP is described reporting guidelines and best practices. A consolidated list of requirements, collected from experts and transportation stakeholders, is discussed as the first step towards napDCAT-AP.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Jíšová, J.
2022, Sborník 26. mezinárodní konference Městského inženýrství Karlovarsko 2022, Praha, ČKAIT - Česká komora autorizovaných inženýrů a techniků), p. 48-58), ISBN 978-80-88265-37-5
Der Artikel beschreibt die Möglichkeiten, die Revitalisierung von Industriegebieten für den Wohnungsbau zu nutzen. Diese Pläne werden schrittweise erweitert, da einige Industriebrachen abgerissen werden, insbesondere im Stadtzentrum, das durch die Umwandlung verschiedener Industrien in den 1990er Jahren entstanden ist. Dadurch entsteht ein ungenutzter Bereich im Stadtzentrum, der vernachlässigt und oft kontaminiert werden kann. Dabei handelt es sich nicht nur um Industriestandorte, sondern beispielsweise auch um militärische oder landwirtschaftliche Anwesen. Ziel ist es, auf diesen revitalisierten Flächen ein Wohnzentrum oder ein Gewerbe- und Kulturzentrum oder eine Kombination aus Gewerbe-, Geschäfts- und Bürozentrum zu schaffen. In der gegebenen Lokalität des abgegrenzten Territoriums vermischt sich der Neubau mit der Möglichkeit der Nutzung historischer Gebäude mit Anforderungen an eine hochwertige Verkehrserbringung und der allgemeinen Umgestaltung des öffentlichen Raums mit der Ausrichtung auf einen aktiven Hintergrund für die Bewohner mit Grün. Der Artikel stellt zwei geeignete Beispiele aus der Praxis vor, die sich auf die Revitalisierung von Industriegebieten in der Gegend von Zličín und Pragovka konzentrieren, wo neue bauliche Ansätze, Änderungen des öffentlichen Raums, die Verkehrserreichbarkeit und die insgesamt angemessene Entwicklung der gegebenen Lokalität für das Leben angewendet werden .
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Angelakis, V.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (9), p. 1-13), ISSN 2076-3417
Featured Application This article provides a general overview of technological aspects and limitations of tunnels with respect to smart technologies such as C-ITS. Many smart city applications work with calculated position and time using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals for enhanced precision. However, there are many places where the availability of GNSS is limited, e.g., road tunnels, which are an essential part of transport infrastructure. Tunnels also require greater attention and greater importance of approaches to ensure the safety and security aspects of traffic. The safety, distribution of information, awareness, and smooth traffic can also be ensured by V2X applications, but the current position is also needed. An experimental analysis of data connection and communication availability was performed in the Blanka tunnel (Prague) and its surroundings. The main objective of the work was to find and clearly describe the tunnel blind spots, with an emphasis on communication between cars and potentially between cars and infrastructure. This article summarizes the evaluation results of the V2X tunnel experimental test, the outputs from the analysis of these blind spots, and it provides a future perspective and suggestions that make tunnels smart by using advanced positioning approaches.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Mgr. Michal Jeřábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2022, 5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), p. 219-227), ISBN 978-3-030-67240-9, ISSN 2522-8595
Autonomous vehicles seem to be an integral part of future transport, both in passenger and freight transport. One of the cornerstones of autonomous vehicles is their mutual ability to communicate. In addition to mutual communication, communication with the infrastructure is also required, and general connectivity to the Internet for obtaining data from information systems is also important. So we are talking about CAV—Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. For communication, both the speed and security of communication and the trustworthiness of the source of the message are important. Communication is important for different road situations. Currently, use cases for warning messages for drivers are being tested internationally, and the Czech Republic is also involved in this testing through the C-ROADS Czech Republic project. This overview paper lists the various use cases where vehicle-to-vehicle communication or vehicle-to-infrastructure is used.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Šmerda, T.
2022, Proceedings of the Conference System and Ethical Approaches 2022, Praha, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze), p. 19-20), ISBN 978-80-245-2475-7
The purpose of the presentation is to present intelligent transport systems (ITS) as a field integrating telecommunications and information technologies for control systems in the city and on highways, as well as from the point of view of using 5G networks for predictive diagnostics of faults in those systems. The requirements and needs of administrators of transport and technological infrastructure are mainly the optimization of operating costs and maintenance, which form a significant part of the financial costs after the introduction of ITS systems. Intelligent transport systems are often distributed over larger areas, from which you need to obtain not only basic control and information data in high quality, reliability and low latency, but also diagnostic data. An example can be obtaining traffic data from drones, information from light-controlled intersections, parking systems, but comparing data with the digital twin of the given traffic system or applying it to urban Mobility Hubs. This information and data from ITS lead to the processing of a large amount of transmitted data, where 5G fulfills the demanding requirements of customers and administrators of ITS technology. New trends in the extraction of data from real traffic and online diagnostics extended by predictive algorithms are beginning to be significantly applied in Industry 4.0, where faster transmissions in practice using 5G using simulation, system interconnection, visualization in add-on applications and their mutual interconnection and optimization lead to higher efficiency of activities for planning, determining the life cycles of equipment and fulfilling the needs of the circular economy. This knowledge is being successfully gradually adopted precisely in the transport systems. The application of 5G networks for diagnostics in ITS fulfills the essential needs for data transmission, the necessary data security and the necessary real-time processing that transmission technology can offer. The presentation approaches all these topics from the perspective of telematics systems that are used in transport and we encounter them every day not only in road and rail transport, but also in air and water transport.
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Jíšová, J.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.
2022, JUNIORSTAV 2022, Brno, ECON publishing), p. 133-139), ISBN 978-80-86433-76-9
V rámci ekonomického hodnocení dopravních staveb se setkáváme s problémem hodnocení a parametrizace přínosů a nákladů specifických pro komplexnější stavby nebo úpravy prostranství v centru města. Některé metody je obtížné vhodně aplikovat na městské a technické stavby. Článek se zaměřuje na nalezení alternativního způsobu hodnocení vybraných staveb. Metody často souvisí s multikriteriální analýzou, jež vede na posuzování parametrů a způsobu určení váhy pro hodnocení.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Jíšová, J.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ivasienko, P.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.
2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Růžička, M.; Švorc, D.
2021, Neural Network World, 2021 (4), p. 261-277), ISSN 1210-0552
The main aim of this paper is to present a new possibility for detection and recognition of different categories of electric and conventional (equipped with combustion engine) vehicles. These possibilities are provided by use of thermal and visual video cameras and two methods of machine learning. The used methods are Haar cascade classifier and convolutional neural network (CNN). The thermal images, obtained through an infrared thermography camera, were used for the training database. The thermal cameras can complement or substitute visible spectrum of video cameras and other conventional sensors and provide detailed recognition and classification data needed for vehicle type recognition. The first listed method was used as an object detector and serves for the localization of the vehicle on the road without any further classification. The second method was trained for vehicle recognition on the thermal image database and classifies a localized object according to one of the defined categories. The results confirmed that it is possible to use infrared thermography for vehicle drive categorization according to the thermal features of vehicle exteriors together with methods of machine learning for vehicle type recognition.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Pirnik, R.
2021, Sustainability — Open Access Journal, 13 (7), p. 1-17), ISSN 2071-1050
Smart and automated maintenance could make the system and its parts more sustainable by extending their lifecycle, failure detection, smart control of the equipment, and precise detection and reaction to unexpected circumstances. This article focuses on the analysis of data, particularly on logs captured in several Czech tunnel systems. The objective of the analysis is to find useful information in the logs for predicting upcoming situations, and furthermore, to check the possibilities of predictive diagnostics and to design the process of predictive maintenance. The main goal of the article is to summarize the possibilities of optimizing system maintenance that are based on data analysis as well as expert analysis based on the experience with the equipment in the tunnel. The results, findings, and conclusions could primarily be used in the tunnels; secondarily, these principles could be applied in telematics and lead to the optimization and improvement of system sustainability.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Fricke, A.; Woisetschläger, D.M.; Sedlák, J.; Ivasienko, P.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Automatic parking services can make a significant contribution to saving time, reducing emissions, increasing safety and increasing the mental well-being of drivers. Thanks to automated parking, it is also possible to optimize the use of parking spaces. The article deals with the issue of automated parking in urban areas. The aim is to present a proposal for the application of smart solutions in the form of a Mobility Hub for parking, along with subsequent control and enforcement that falls within the areas within Smart City. Mobility Hub is an important attribute for the future functioning of mobility. An integral part of the verification of parking options is the users' own interest in automatic elements in the vehicle and thus the connection to mobile applications, other systems, and involvement in the Mobility Hub for the use and sharing of information. The survey, the results of which are reflected in this article, examines the interest of potential users.
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Mashko, A.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Urban comfort and safety go along with travel and traffic management for the cities. Facing automatization of transport brings necessity for the ITS solutions to provide efficient communication between vehicles, infrastructure and other traffic participants. Parking in the cities is a daily travel related task. Efficient automated parking solutions can contribute to individual time management as well as to reduction of traffic flow that is connected with parking spot search - especially in big cities. User acceptance of new technologies that arise with automated driving depends on their usability and interface. This paper presents a pilot demonstration of automated parking function with a mobile app interface. Observation of visual behavior (eye tracking) provide analyses of automated parking function and mobile app of modified electric prototype of e-vehicle "Skoda Rapid".
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doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Mlada, M.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Nowadays, when new technologies are being developed and people are looking for smart solutions, the field of automation and digitization grows faster and faster. The demand on the telecommunications is increasing in economy, healthcare as well as in the transportation. The transportation systems are facing the challenge of smart infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and its connectivity. The requirements for these systems lie mainly in safety, interoperability and sustainability, especially in the area of cooperative transport systems (C-ITS). This article focuses on a possible approach to test and evaluate C-ITS, threats that have to be ruled out in future, possibilities to ensure connectivity among the vehicles and infrastructure in C-ITS. For these purposes, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and its laboratory Certilab develop special procedures based mainly on the C-ITS SIM tool. This tool ensures validation and verification of C-ITS messages and its interoperability among all equipment. This paper also reviews the already developed applications and proposal of the functionalities that should be implemented for the testing as well as the examples of real usage of the developed tool in testing the communication of C-ITS messages.
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Ing. Tereza Dvořáková; Řehoř, V.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 467-470), ISSN 1822-296X
The current pandemic situation caused that airports need to adapt their operational processes to new health protection measures that include for example physical distancing, use of face masks or more detailed cleaning and disinfection of airport terminals. Airport infrastructure is usually not designed for the full application of physical distancing principles. A model and an application were created in order to simulate the expected space per person in the arriving corridors of the terminal according to the imported flight schedule. The output of the model allows calculating of the decrease of airport operational performance in case of implementation of physical distancing principles. The results of the model also help to improve the efficiency of the use of space in airport terminals.
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Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; Hrdina, L.
2021, 2021 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-0-7381-3158-0
The paper explains the essence of creating a historical traffic model and its application in the actual development of mobility and intelligent transport systems in cities. It focuses on the process of creating and maintaining such a model and presents the method of its construction. The developed method is demonstrated on a practical example from the city of Prague based on data from section detectors, including examples from the model calibration process. The purpose of the paper is to convey a broader awareness of how to easily and effectively capture the amount of traffic data that we often have today, and use it to benefit the functioning of traffic and cities.
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Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
The paper deals with the research of public transport and proposes a new dynamic model of public transport service. The paper describes the problematic points in the service area, divides the territory and the transport lines on it. At the same time, it brings a new perspective on transport service and describes the necessary modifications to make the new proposed transport system feasible into real operation. It is assumed that the output will be a relevant basis for the actual implementation in real operation.
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prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2021, ISBN 978-0-323-91011-8
Information Physics: Physics-Information and Quantum Analogies for Complex Modeling presents a new theory of complex systems that uses analogy across various aspects of physics, including electronics, magnetic circuits and quantum mechanics. The book explains the quantum approach to system theory that can be understood as an extension of classical system models. The main idea is that in many complex systems there are incomplete pieces of overlapping information that must be strung together to find the most consistent model. This incomplete information can be understood as a set of non-exclusive observer results. Because they are non-exclusive, each observer registers different pictures of reality.
Jiná kniha

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2021, Applied Sciences, 11 (22), ISSN 2076-3417
owadays, urban road tunnels are considered to be independent entities within a city. Their interactions with the rest of the city and vice versa are usually not considered and, if they are, are only considered in a limited way (for example, through the nearest traffic controller). Typically, only the traffic parameters and not the environmental impacts are considered. This paper has two major objectives. First, we provide a systemic view on a road urban tunnel. The major focus is on the interfaces between the tunnel and the rest of the city and the way they will be managed. We are providing a tool to take into consideration a sustainable development of a tunnel (i.e., not only traffic flow parameters such as average speed, but also environmental and societal characteristics). This model expresses the actual traffic situation in a monetary form (i.e., cost of congestions). The second objective is to provide a new road urban tunnel control approach that follows the original methodology and systemic view described in the paper. If the tunnel is controlled autonomously, which corresponds to the current state-of-the-art in many cities, the algorithm decides to close it based on only local parameters. However, the proposed new algorithm takes into consideration not only the traffic situation in the tunnel (expressed by the parameter traffic density), but also the actual traffic situation within the city (expressed by its level of service (LOS)). This allows more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable oriented road urban tunnel management. The described algorithm is demonstrated on a specific example of the tunnel complex Blanka in Prague.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Bc. Jan Vogl, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2021, IRICoN 2020: High-Speed Lines – The Future of Czech Railways, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 58-60), ISBN 978-80-01-06865-6, ISSN 2336-5382
The development of foreign trade plays an important role in the Czech economy. The important foreign trade commodity item is Machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7). Railway vehicles is a part of this category, other means of transport (SITC 79). In order to maintain competitiveness and economic growth, it is necessary for the railway industry to intensify the innovation and the introducing of new technologies into production. One of the available options is a wider implementation of life cycle cost analysis, which enables to activate innovative efforts, as well as to improve technical and performance data.
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doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Mlada, M.
2021, Applied Sciences, 11 (20), ISSN 2076-3417
In the area of smart cities, great emphasis is placed on many different fields such as energetics, information systems, and transportation. All of these should lead to a simplification of life thanks to smart technologies. If we talk about the transportation field, the main issues related to this area are safety, traffic efficiency, or the environment. Another condition is the successful acceptance of any new technology by its users. Cooperative systems prove to be a suitable solution for these issues, especially in urban areas. Today, pilot implementations of cooperative systems in European countries are being carried out. However, before they are put into full operation, they need to be tested, evaluated, and assessed. This article focuses on the latter two points, i.e., evaluation and assessment of the cooperative systems. For this purpose, a methodology was created, which describes the procedure chosen in the evaluation and assessment of cooperative systems in the Czech Republic and a demonstration of its use by example. The methodology is focused on three main areas, which in this case are functional evaluation, user acceptance, and impact assessment. For the area of user acceptance, the main source was questionnaires, impact assessment relied on measured data while functional evaluation was based on discussions with the drivers, evaluating the cooperative systems, the measured data, and the expert observations. All collected and measured data were then processed and some of the results of the evaluation of the selected service are presented at the end of this article.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Bc. Jan Kruntorád; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Rek, R.
2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Bristol, IOP Institute of Physics), p. 1-9), ISSN 1755-1315
An effective solution of the conflict points of different transport modes is a significant issue at the urban level today. With the permanent increase of traffic in cities, it is necessary to look for suitable and sustainable transport solutions to these situations, so that the traffic flow is smooth and the transport remains safe, ecological and economical. The paper deals with the design of a simple decision making tool for selecting the solution of pedestrian conflict with other traffic modes (classical pedestrian crossing, controlled pedestrian crossing for defined pedestrian and vehicle flows, based on experimental microsimulation. High pedestrian flows their dependence on the delay time of road users are not properly implemented in Czech legislation. The results are verified in a case study of conflict solution within the reconstruction of a public transport terminal in Prague.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Hruboš, M.; Němec, D.
2021, Journal of Advanced Transportation, ISSN 2042-3195
The paper proposes a method for detection of a fire inside the road tunnel without direct view on the fire, using on-board vehicle technologies. The system is based on comparing the measured development of temperature and smoke with model scenarios precomputed for a given road tunnel. The fire scenarios are computed by HW/SW tool TuSim regarding the parameters of the real road tunnel and then the results are presented to the vehicles via car-to-infrastructure communication link. The proper detection of the fire allows early evacuation of the vehicle passengers, which will significantly increase chance of their survival. The computed scenarios also provide supporting information for the rescue teams.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), p. 1-6), ISBN 9780738131580
Modern telematics systems are based on data collected from real operation. The article works with a new source of traffic data, which is freely available to the public. Linking traffic data with spatio-temporal significance also allows us to examine data from the perspective of user behavior. From the principle of data collection, the data already have their specific assumed behaviors, which are described in the article. It is desirable to further investigate these behaviors, to what extent they are affected and whether they can be considered as parameters of the entire traffic flow
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Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Skobelev, P.
2021, Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future, Cham, Springer), p. 215-227), ISBN 978-3-030-69372-5, ISSN 1860-949X
The Smart City concept now entirely relies on information and communication technologies (ICT) with projects providing new or better services for city residents. The resilience of a city, from our perspective, should also rely on ICT. Resilience as a service implies predictive modelling and “what if” analysis for better reaction at unpredictable events and providing emergency services in critical modes of city life. Resilience as a property of a city means working as normally as possible for citizens when extreme events occur and also adaptively react and change the system’s behavior when normal mode has no chance to be applied. This paper provides a review and analysis of the resilient properties of existing Smart City frameworks and offers a new concept of a resilient city based on the Demand-Resource (DR) model, multi-agent system (MAS) and ontologies. The main idea of this concept is to create an ICT framework that is resilient by design. For this, it should operate as a digital ecosystem of smart services. The framework development process is divided into two main steps: first to create Smart City simulation software for modelling, planning, and strategic assessment of urban areas as a set of models at different levels of abstraction. The second step involves the full integration of all services in one dynamic adaptive real-time digital ecosystem with resilient properties.
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Kuchár, P.; Pirník, R.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Rástočný, K.; Skuba, M.; Tettamanti, T.
2021, SUSTAINABILITY, 2021 (13), ISSN 2071-1050
Many modern vehicles today are equipped with an on-board e-call system that can send information about the number of passengers in the event of an accident. However, in case of fire or other major danger in a road tunnel, it is very important for rescue services to know not only the number of passengers in a given vehicle that has an accident and called help via e-call but how many people are in the tunnel in total. This paper deals with the issue of passenger detection and counting using the TPH3008-S Thermal camera and the VIVOTEK IP7361 IP Cameras noninvasively, i.e., the cameras are placed outside the vehicle. These cameras have their limitations; therefore, we investigated how to improve conditions and how to make detection better for future work. The main goal of this article is to summarize the achieved results and possibilities of improvement of the proposed system by adding other sensors and systems that would improve the final score of passenger detection. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach has to be modified and we have to add additional sensors or change methods to achieve more promising results. The results, findings and conclusions might be later used in tunnels and highways and also be applied in telematics and lead to better, safer road transport and improvement of existing tunnel systems sustainability by utilizing resources in a smarter way. View Full-Text
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Diplomová práce

Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; Tobiška, J.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2021, Neural Network World, 31 (3), p. 227-238), ISSN 1210-0552
According to the statistics about vehicle accidents, there are many causes such as traffic violations, reduced concentration, micro sleep, hasty aggression, but the most frequent cause of accidents at highways is a carelessness of the driver and violation of keeping a safe distance. Producers of vehicles try to take into account this situation by development of assistance systems which are able to avoid accidents or at least to mitigate its consequences. This urgent situation leaded to the described project of investigation of behavior of drivers in dangerous situations occurring in vehicle driving. The research is to help in solution of the present unsatisfactory situation in driving accidents. The developed decisionmaking algorithm of detection serious driving situations that can lead to accidents was tested in the laboratory of driving simulators in FTS CTU, Prague. The data for its testing resembled highway traffic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková
2021, 27th ITS World Congress, Brussels, ERTICO - ITS Europe), p. 1702-1713)
In the Czech Republic, there is a new, freely available source of data on the speeds of traffic flows on the road network, based on the movement of floating vehicles. This opens up new possibilities for community and commercial use, as well as research, especially in assessing the qualitative characteristics of this resource and the possibilities and areas of application of its use. It is a unique source of traffic data covering the entire country and it is necessary to examine its reliability in time and space resolution. In the future, this source could be used directly to influence and manage the optimization of the transport network operation, so it is necessary to subject it to a detailed qualitative examination. In addition to these qualitative analyzes, the paper also deals with similar research and the presentation of the user interface. Finally, possible uses and other directions of research are discussed.
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2021, PEFnet 2021 – European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students, Brno, Mendelova univerzita v Brně), ISBN 978-80-7509-811-5
Almost every city deals with the problem of lack of parking spaces. Vehicles looking for a place to park cause noise and pollution. Appropriate parking regulation can increase safety for all residents, save drivers time and money, save the City funds, and have a positive impact on air quality in the City. There are many different approaches to parking management, one of the simplest is to adjust the amount of parking fees. This paper deals with a general proposal for dynamic parking regulation based on variable pricing and what it should be based on. The aim of real-time dynamic parking regulation is to evenly distribute vehicles. The main idea of the research is to propose the use of financial motivation of drivers to optimize parking. The aim of this paper is to present a proposal for real-time variable-price parking regulation.
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doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula
2021, International Scientific Conference "Horizons of Railway Transport 2020", Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University), p. 289-304), ISSN 2352-1457
The paper deals with electric charging concept for road freight transport and discusses various kinds of charging stations and their categorization with respect to the connection to a vehicle and type of voltage, fundamental aspects of the design of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and connection options to the distribution system. The issue of noise, landscape fragmentation and the barrier effect of roads and highways, and emphasizes the influence of freight transport on air pollution, in particular its significant contribution to the production of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, dust particles and other pollutants are mentioned in the paper. A special attention is paid to emissions of carbon dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas, again in the context of freight transport. The methodologies of Well to Wheels (WTW) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are also presented in the paper.
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Ing. Adam Hlubuček, Ph.D.
2021, IRICoN 2020: High-Speed Lines – The Future of Czech Railways, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 18-26), ISBN 978-80-01-06865-6, ISSN 2336-5382
This paper aims to summarize possibilities how to create data models of high-speed railway turnouts. The turnouts designed for high-speed operation require specific geometric solution. As the UIC RailTopoModel is considered an international recommendation in the field of data modeling of railway infrastructure, this issue is assessed in terms of models based on its principles. Solving this problem can affect the future development of the Multipurpose Railway Infrastructure Model gradually emerging at the CTU Railway Laboratory in Prague using the RailTopoModel principles. Whereas the RailTopoModel itself does not define any specific types of entities, the railML® 3.1 specifications are also used for assessment purposes. Turnouts are viewed both in terms of topology and in terms of functional infrastructure. In the final sections, recommendations are given on how to deal with the problems found, e. g. in terms of implementation into the Multipurpose Railway Infrastructure Model.
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prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Řehoř, V.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tereza Dvořáková
2021, 2021 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-0-7381-3158-0
Airports worldwide are evolving rapidly towards the Smart Airport concept, which brings many benefits to all stakeholders including passengers. The paper designs a new Smart Airport Service Layers Architecture (SASLA) that significantly supports the Airport 4.0 class of the current four-level classification methodology of airports. Demand Side System Services (DSSS) as a new essential idea delivered in this paper stand at the top of the Smart Airport Service Layers and make Airports 4.0 capable to negotiate with other smart components to provide new kind of services with benefits to all stakeholders. Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) were identified as an appropriate instrument for services prioritization.
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prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Carrera, D.; Rodriguez, I.
2021, 2021 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-0-7381-3158-0
This paper discusses how Smart Logistics could be linked with the Smart Border concept earlier proposed for the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez bi-national metropolitan area. The focus is on the international road and pedestrian bridges connecting these two cities as these were identified as bottlenecks for cross-border movement of goods and cross-border mobility of people. The proposal presents the basic strategic and operative framework. Examples of smart logistics measures that could be implemented on the border and beyond the border such as autonomous vehicles, micro depots and crowd shipping are presented and discussed. The paper shall be understood as the case for the cross-border logistics in relation to the Smart Border concept and as the starting point for further exploration.
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Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Rek, R.; Bečka, O.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Jíšová, J.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Thomayer, L.
2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Bristol, IOP Institute of Physics), p. 1-11), ISSN 1755-1315
The paper is focused on the application of new approaches of designs in distric cities like Klatovy. The main part is description of the latest approaches and urban teritorial solution. The emphasis is put on the traffic in city centers, latest trends in parking, implementation of toll or support of all the means, of transport to ensure sustainable mobility including technical trends in traffic. The intention is mainly focused on the implementation of C-ITS, public transport preferences or the introduction of new concepts such as Mobility Hub, which can ensure economic returns on investment and especially sustainable mobility in historic parts of smaller and medium-sized cities.
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Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.; Mgr. Ing. Vladimír Douda, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2021, Academic Journal of International Economics and Management Research (AJIEMR), 2 (1), p. 34-39), ISSN 2694-7897
In the last few years, several automatic brine spraying systems (ABSS) have been installed on highways in the Czech Republic. The investor and operator of these systems is the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic, which decides on the implementation of new sites with regard to the current situation and the amount of available funds within individual regions. However, there is no methodology that professionally defines the locations with the required priority for a new installation of the automatic brine spraying systems (ABSS). With regard to this fact, it is highly desirable to design a certain sophisticated method for the optimal localization of these newly built systems. When creating this method, it is possible to use historical data concerning accidents, data on climatic conditions for previous periods and data from the database of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic and the Police of the Czech Republic.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2021, 2021 The 9th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City (ICIT 2021), New York, ACM), ISBN 978-1-4503-8497-1
Today, traffic management is based on traffic data, which must be high quality and reliable. The article deals with a new data source that is available in the Czech Republic. Thanks to this dataset, it is possible to get an overview of a wide road network throughout the whole area of the country. The authors use a broader view of the road network to study the behavior of drivers of floating vehicles in an accident on the main road. The high data coverage promises the ability to monitor traffic spills in the event of an emergency. These data can be used in the future to improve the overview of the current state of traffic and road management.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Růžička, M.; Švorc, D.
2021, SUSTAINABILITY, 2021 (13), ISSN 2071-1050
The main goal of this paper is to present new possibilities for the detection and recognition of different categories of electric and conventional (equipped with combustion engines) vehicles using a thermal video camera. The paper presents a draft of a possible detection and classification system of vehicle propulsion systems working with thermal analyses. The differences in thermal features of different vehicle categories were found out and statistically proved. The thermal images were obtained using an infrared thermography camera. They were utilized to design a database of vehicle class images of passenger vehicles (PVs), vans, and buses. The results confirmed the hypothesis that infrared thermography might be used for categorizing the vehicle type according to the thermal features of vehicle exteriors and machine learning methods for vehicle type recognition.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Korec, V.
2021, Neural Network World, 31 (05/21), p. 343-353), ISSN 1210-0552
The article deals with the current issue of traffic accident risk classification in urban area. In connection with the increase in traffic in the Czech Republic, a higher probability of risks of traffic excesses can be expected in the future. If there is a traffic excess in the city, the aim is to propose a meaningful traffic management solution to minimize the social losses. The main needs are the early identification and classification of the cause of the traffic excess, finding a suitable alternative solution, quick application of that solution, and the rapid ability to resume operations in the area of congestion. Traffic prediction is one of the tools for the early identification of traffic excess. The article describes extensive research focused on the classification and prediction of the output variable of accident risk based on own programmed neural networks. The research outputs will be subsequently used for the creation of a traffic application for a selected urban area in the Czech Republic
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková
2021, Prostorové služby pro Smart City a Smart Region, Ostrava, VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BÁŇSKÁ-TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTRAVA), ISBN 978-80-248-4508-1, ISSN 1213-239X
The modern trend in the "Smart" areas is the collection of data to influence, control, optimize or predict general processes, including transport. In the Czech Republic, model data on the speed of road traffic flow based on the movement of floating vehicles, as it is called, have been available since last year. It is a new source of data on the traffic situation with nationwide coverage. These data are therefore published not only on traditional main roads but also on roads that have not been and are not equipped with any detection technology. Thanks to this model, it is possible to monitor and analyze the speed of the traffic flow and its development over time for a large part of the transport network throughout the Czech Republic. The article deals with the use of this data, their spatial significance, and processing in GIS.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Neubergová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.
2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 1047-1053), ISSN 1822-296X
The article presented here discusses the possibility of use of alternative sources of energy in road freight transport. It deals with emissions from road freight transport and their modelling including the description of emission models, it further introduces a simulation model for fuel consumption and emission calculation, the process of design of optimization of a network charging stations and a concept of charging stations and hydrogen power. The aim is to determine a proper way of implementing alternative energy sources (AES) in freight road transport, to create a simulation model for fuel consumption and emission calculation and therefore to compare the impact of different types of alternative fuels on the environment and to assess emissions in a broader cycle. The work further aims at proposing a method of optimization of a network of charging stations and discussing the concept of charging stations and hydrogen power.
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2021, ISBN 9780738131580
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2020, GARI INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, Colombo, GARI Publisher), p. 86-93), ISBN 978-955-7153-00-1, ISSN 2659-2193
Progress in the option of transport data collection allows users to collect data using floating vehicles. This data provides real-time information about the road network. In the Czech Republic, these data were published in a pilot project last year. The article uses this new data source. Data can be spatially displayed using GIS software. Analysis options can be used and drivers' choice when the main road is closed can be detected.
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Hrdina, L.; Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 103-111), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Měření dopravními detektory je, stejně jako všechna automatizovaná měření, zatíženo chybami, zejména výpadky měření, které snižují výtěžnost dat. Data z úsekových dopravních detektorů v Praze byla analyzována s cílem výpadky měření kvantifikovat. Popsány jsou i další druhy chyb, které se v datech vyskytují, ale nelze je odstranit na základě jednoduchých pravidel. Článek také uvádí možnosti práce s výstupními daty, kdy problémy s chybami mohou být utlumeny díky využití historických dopravních modelů.
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Dostál, R.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
With ever-changing cities and growing populations it becomes progressively more difficult to assess which infrastructural changes are beneficial and which are possibly destructive long-term. It is almost impossible to find experts that understand the wide range of aspects surrounding smart cities as well as their interrelationships. Decision makers need a tool that helps them to set certain policies and evaluate their impact on key performance indicators (KPIs). This paper presents a multicriteria evaluation method based on assessing infrastructural changes in the city combining different modeling tools to gather sufficient data to assess and evaluate different alternatives. The proposed approach is demonstrated on a case study from Prague 6, Vitêzné námêsti.
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2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Smart traffic management solution in the event of emergencies is a significant issue not only at national but also at urban level today. The degree of automation has been steadily increasing in recent years and this trend is not expected to stop. Therefore, traffic excesses and other incidents requiring efficient and intelligent solutions are more and more common in cities. Correctly set up crisis management system for the occurrence of these events can lead to increased safety of individual road users and their time savings. At the same time, crisis management is one of the tools of the state and cities, which can prevent unwanted spreading of events to a larger extent. The authors of the article are researching the possibilities of extending existing telematics technologies with other functionalities and technical elements so that it is possible to gradually introduce and build crisis management systems in cities. The main idea is to design an intelligent crisis management system for cities using existing traffic lights. First, an inductive approach was used for the research. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to crisis management systems and on the analysis of traffic lights in the Czech Republic, general conclusions were drawn that can serve as an input for any design of the crisis management system in cities in the future. The authors then made and verified the design on the basis of traffic engineering data and experience in the town of Uherské Hradiště. Due to the impracticability of practical verification in reality, the proposal was microsimulated. This article therefore briefly describes the whole mentioned research process, its results and also points out the complexity of implementing crisis management systems not only from the technological and functional point of view but also from the organizational and political point of view.
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Švorc, D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Růžička, M.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
The main aim of this paper is to compare the thermal features of electric and conventional (equipped with combustion engines) vehicle exteriors. The thermal cameras can complement or substitute visible spectrum video cameras and other conventional sensors and provide rich classification data linked with vehicle type recognition. The thermal images, obtained through an infrared thermography camera, were evaluated. The important differences between thermal features of these types of vehicle exteriors were found out. The results confirmed the hypothesis that it is possible to use an infrared thermography for vehicle drive categorization, collection of traffic data and eventually for traffic management, Smart city implementation and telematics systems in the towns in future as well.
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Mahmoud, Z.; Růžek, M.
2020, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ACOUSTICS AND MUSIC, 7 (7), p. 12-21), ISSN 1109-9577
The attention level of car drivers is affected by many factors. Music is one of the most important ones, but its effect is rarely studied. This article presents an experimental investigation of the effects of music on driver attention level. Several measurements on a vehicle simulator were done to collect data that demonstrates the relationship between music and the performance of the car driver. The results are, in some aspects, different from our expectations - for example, relaxation music improved reaction time but also correlated with a higher occurrence of inappropriate steering actions.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Řada, J.; Ing. Tomáš Musil, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.
2020, Proceedings of the SOFSEM 2020 Doctoral Student Research Forum, Aachen, CEUR Workshop Proceedings), p. 25-36), ISSN 1613-0073
Multistream Compression has proven to be competitive in terms of compression ratio. It utilizes a binary tree structure which follows practically the same rules for its construction as the Huffman method. This tree structure is ideal in terms of compression ratio for creation of codewords by Huffman compression. Comparing to the Huffman method the Multistream Compression is based on different idea of how to compress data. This fact raises the question whether the same tree structure provides the best performance. The presented paper investigates possible improvements of the tree structure. A genetic algorithm application was created for this purpose. The design of this application is presented in the paper as well as the obtained results. The whole application is set to the context of the MSC trees.
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Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; Hrdina, L.
Tato výzkumná zpráva popisuje historický model, který by měl sloužit k lepší detekci do-pravních excesů s pozitivními dopady jak na práci dopravních dispečerů, tak pro účastníky provozu na pozemních komunikacích v hl. m. Praze. Zpráva zároveň obsahuje analýzu vstupních dat potřebných k sestavení takového modelu a udává příklad použitých dat a jejich specifické vlastnosti.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Kouba, P.; Šmotek, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
The article deals with the proposal of a methodology for identification and monitoring of traffic operators' fatigue level, with focus on the air traffic controllers. Many scientific methods of fatigue detection are not applicable in the traffic operators' environment due to significant disruption of the normal traffic operators' comfort. Research focuses therefore on a method of voice analysis that does not interfere with normal operation but has not yet been sufficiently scientifically verified. The currently realized project uses a scientifically validated EEG method for validating the voice analysis method for designing a voice analysis methodology for the purposes of identifying and measuring the current fatigue level of operators in traffic, specifically in the air traffic management environment but with potential for use in all modes of transport.
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Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
This paper is an introductory part of studies focused on various aspects of the ageing of data /information/ knowledge.
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doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Michal Kovaljov; Kovaljová, K.; Hampl, J.; Novotný, T.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Michal Kovaljov; Kovaljová, K.; Hampl, J.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Studie „Možnosti implementace krizového řízení dopravy v českých podmínkách“ si klade za cíle naplnění následujících bodů: • Sestavení stručného přehledu legislativy upravující problematiku krizového řízení na národní úrovni; • Sestavení přehledu legislativy upravující řízení dopravy pomocí SSZ, a to jak z pohledu technického, tak z pohledu organizačního, se zaměřením na podrobnější rozbor normy ČSN EN 73 6021 Umístění a použití návěstidel; • Návrh vhodných úprav legislativy upravující řízení dopravy pomocí SSZ zejména s ohledem na soulad s legislativou upravující problematiku krizového řízení na národní úrovni; • Zhodnocení možností implementace krizového řízení v menších oblastech řízených pomocí SSZ z dopravních ústředen.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Current route planners on smart phones or special routing devices try to minimize the traveling time. But many users are no longer interested in the shortest route in time but they prefer a healthier route. In many smart cities there is a centralized distributed network of sensors measuring the pollution in a city on different locations for different time of the day. In this paper we present a routing App computing the less polluted route along the streets using the measurement of the eco sensors. The council of a smart city takes care of the health of their citizens. The developed routing App enables travelers with lung diseases to choose a healthy route. The routing algorithm is based on a special variant of the well-known Ant Based Control routing algorithm. To combine data measuring pollution and shortest traveling time, we solved a special multi- parameter problem. In some experiments we performed a user test of the routing App on different time and location.
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Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Matoušek, J.; Rek, R.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.
Dokument popisuje problematiku těžce obsloužitelných obcí veřejnou hromadnou dopravou. Do řešení obsluhy je implementována dynamika, která zajišťuje nalezení optimální trasy linky veřejné hromadné dopravy na základě jednotlivých požadavků cestujících. K nalezení optimální trasy linky je použit multiagentní algoritmus.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Moos, P.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2020, Neural Network World Journal, 2020 (1), p. 45-53), ISSN 1210-0552
This paper introduces a possibility of application of parametric sensitivity appearing in processes of decision making in systems represented by the general production functions of the Tinbergen type, depending on information content, information flow and qualification of human resources. The so-called parametric sensitivity considering the information content I as an ordering parameter, dependent on the information flow, applied on production function. The theory of production function describes the relation between physical outputs of a production process and physical inputs, i.e. factors of production. Finally, the influence of knowledge in information content I, leading to correct decision, is demonstrated through the parametric sensitivity concept. For this invention, J. Tinbergen and R. Frisch achieved in 1969 the "Nobel price of the Swedish National Bank". Besides, the production functions theory surprisingly represents also a tool for finding the reasons of living bodies behavior.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. František Kekula; Jíšová, J.; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.
2020, 25. mezinárodní konference Městského inženýrství 2020, Praha, ČKAIT - Česká komora autorizovaných inženýrů a techniků), p. 82-89), ISBN 978-80-88265-25-2
Článek zabývající se potenciálem veřejného osvětlení jako důležité součásti pro problematiku městského inženýrství.
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Ing. František Kekula; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Jíšová, J.; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.
2020, 25. mezinárodní konference Městského inženýrství 2020, Praha, ČKAIT - Česká komora autorizovaných inženýrů a techniků), p. 87-96), ISBN 978-80-88265-25-2
Článek zabývající se potenciálem veřejného osvětlení jako důležité součásti pro problematiku městského inženýrství.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Kouba, P.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
This paper describes predictive diagnostics used in a process of telematic systems maintenance focusing on the checkup and potencials for improvements in road tunnel constructions. For this we have chosen the tunnel constructions as the most suitable ones from the telematic systems as they contain huge amount of technologies, systems and subsystems. Tunnel constructions is from its nature complex system providing large amounts of data and many device status and other reports. Actual tunnel status is fundamentally influenced by the operation, the state of technological equipment and, last but not least, by the activity of the operators responding to emergencies, solving normal operation states and planned or operative maintenance. Each part of the tunnel technological equipment requires for its correct operation specific actions, which are planned as a coherent set of rules and operating regulations based on alarms from the technical equipment, evaluation of traffic data and operators' knowledge. This is also applicable to any telematics system that consists of several subsystems or is a larger system based on a distributed diagnostic system.
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prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2020, Neural Network World, 30 (2), p. 133-144), ISSN 1210-0552
This paper elaborates on the area of physical information analogies and introduces new features such as the distance between wave probabilistic functions or sets of new information quantities such as strength, strength moment, strength potential energy and generalized charge. New parameters are used to define the rules for a quantum node. The knowledge cycle, which is equivalent to the Otto thermodynamic cycle, is adopted for modeling of the soft systems together with its static and dynamic information stability. Looking at the closed knowledge cycle, the evolutionary field equivalent to a magnetic field is therefore determined.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 185-194), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Předmětem článku je popis průběhu a vyhodnocení rozsáhlého dopravního průzkumu parkování v Uherském Hradišti, v jehož historickém centru existuje řada specifických parkovacích stání, jako jsou vyhrazená místa u vybraných institucí, vyhrazená místa pro časově omezená stání zdarma atp. Díky opakování dopravního průzkumu s několikaměsíčním rozestupem mohly být porovnány výsledky a sledován vývoj obsazenosti vybraných parkovacích ploch. V článku jsou popsány získané zkušenosti z dopravních průzkumů zaměřených na parkování ve městě a následně navrhnuta opatření pro zlepšení stávajícího stavu z hlediska konceptu parkovaní jako součást Smart City řešení. Průzkumy probíhaly díky podpoře dotačního programu Aplikace MPO v rámci projektu E-parking.
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Ing. Marek Brabec, Ph.D.; Konár, O.; Kasanický, I.; Malý, M.; Pelikán, E.
Household consumption of natural gas is usually considered to be quite stable as cooking, space, and water heating belong to basic needs. The improvement of technologies together with possibilities of switching to alternative sources can, however, lead to a decreasing consumption trend. Knowing more about such trend, especially of its spatial distribution, can be useful for strategic planning. In this paper, we describe a general statistical methodology allowing to study the spatiotemporal behavior of consumption. It is based on semiparametric modeling. Formalized error and sensitivity analyses are part of the methodology. Presented methods are illustrated on large-scale data from the Czech Republic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Korec, V.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
The prediction of traffic excesses (traffic congestions and traffic accidents) is become a very important topic for many cities and regions. The number of cars in cities and the total traffic volumes in cities are increasing over time, and solutions will be needed to eliminate traffic accidents and prevent secondary excesses. This will ideally lead to time savings for transport users and, above all, to an increase in the safety, fluidity and environmental performance of the transport itself. The article deals with a research activity that aims to develop a separate module in the form of a traffic application that will be able to predict traffic excesses. The neural networks were the main tool for the development of traffic applications for prediction, namely multilayer neural networks with activation function sigmoidou. With regard to the focus of the conference Smart City, the article does not focus on extensive development and testing of neural network, but primarily on the description of the functionalities of the result, including a critical commentary on the problems of the current state of the application. The transport application is developed in collaboration with the scientific and commercial spheres and its future integration into the management platform for smart city management is expected.
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Rzevski, G.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Traditionally, cities evolved over time into current quite rigid urban conurbations. As complexity of our political, social and economic environment increases, cities begin to experience new pressures - traffic congestion, pollution, immigration, overcrowding, inadequacy of services, to mention just a few, which affect both citizens and visitors. Digital technology now exists that we could use to turn rigid cities into Urban Ecosystems. The paper provides an updated definition of Smart City as an Urban Ecosystem, it analyses problems experienced by cities caused by complexity of the Internet-based global economy and describes an advanced solution - to design cities as urban ecosystems capable of delivering services to citizens and visitors under conditions of complexity. The authors have developed an evolutionary methodology that ensure a minimum of disruptions to city services during its transformation into an urban ecosystem. Design of Smart City ontology is provided as an example.
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prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Janota, A.
2020, Research and the Future of Telematics, Basel, Springer Nature Switzerland AG), p. 152-164), ISBN 978-3-030-59269-1, ISSN 1865-0929
Smart city has several definitions. Typically, it is an alliance of subsystems that have following objectives: improvement of quality of life of citizens, better use of limited resources and best use of existing infrastructure. Transportation as one of the most important subsystems shall be thus understood as one player working together with energy management, economy, eGovernment, and others. Synergy is the key to successful implementation. In order to be able to aim at the joint objective function and any synergy, the different subsystems must “understand” each other. Ontology has been acknowledged to be the most common tool to do that. To prepare an ontology for a domain (for example transportation) is a complicated task. In order to do that in a city, where there are several subsystems with complex behaviour is even more challenging. It is very difficult if not impossible to get experts from different fields to prepare a common ontology. In this paper we address the issue of Smart City Design and propose a pragmatic method to prepare an ontological knowledge system using the knowledge of various expert groups. A new concept, so call a knowledge matrix, is defined and used to enable cooperation of experts from different fields. We believe this can further help in implementation of any smart city projects. In order to demonstrate the approach, transportation domain is used as an example for the ontology design. The approach will be further validated within two case studies that are also introduced within this paper: Smart Evropská street in Prague and within a project Smart City – Smart Region – Smart Community, where a transport behavioristic model is being developed based on the ontology described within this paper.
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prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Skobelev, P.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov
2020, Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future, Springer, Cham), p. 426-438), ISBN 978-3-030-27477-1, ISSN 1860-9503
In this paper, Smart City is described as a live and constantly developing complex adaptive system operating in an uncertain environment with many participants and actors involved. The vision of the "Smart City 5.0" concept as an ecosystem of smart services based on multi-agent technology is presented. lt is characterized by the cooperation of Artificial Intelligence sys­tems and humans, and can harmoniously balance all spheres of life and con­tradictory interests of different city actors. In this concept, each smart service is presented by an autonomous agent. They can compete or cooperate with each other through a service bus and internet both vertically and horizontally on the basis of specialized protocols. Top-level services can be constructed as auton­omous multi-agent systems of a lower level, where an agent can recursively reveal a new service for itself. The paper describes the design principals and the general architecture of the digital platform including the basic agent of smart service, the architecture and basic principles of smart city ontologies and knowledge base. The paper shows how the platform can support the decision­making life cycle for managing any urban object and the adaptive behaviour of Smart City 5.0 is compared with the fixed scenarios Smart City 4.0.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Dostál, R.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Janča, T.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
In the Smart City concept, it is beneficial to have a part of a city ready to use as a testbed (or better yet, a representative sample common for all cities). In this paper we offer a new approach for Smart City testbeds that will help analyze positive and negative consequences and show the opportunities of implementing new technologies. We analyze Smart City testbeds from a system science point of view and consider all important aspects and overlapping environments. By representing a Smart City as a working system of multiple actors or agents, we can achieve equilibrium in such aspects by making sure a proper topography and ontology are described and upheld.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Dokument poskytuje návrh na implementaci krizového řízení dopravních uzlů v městských oblastech. Metodika je psána obecně s cílem její možné aplikace na městské oblasti různého charakteru s typově odlišnými SSZ. Základními funkcemi Souhrnné metodiky pro aplikaci krizového řízení v městských oblastech jsou následující: • Definuje funkce systému krizového řízení; • Vymezuje organizační aspekty implementace a aktivace krizového řízení; • Stanovuje podmínky nasazení krizového řízení; • Navrhuje možnosti použití prvků krizového řízení na vybraných křižovatkách SSZ.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Nowadays, when a traffic flow increases extremely and cities are more and more congested by vehicles, the information about unexpected events (use-cases) occurred during travels has a big added value. Some of the use-cases are currently defined and can be directly sent to a driver via C-ITS messages. This is crucial in the field of smart cities because there is an effort to reduce emissions, to decrease traffic accidents and make traffic safer, fluent and efficient. Before the whole C-ITS system will be deployed, there is a need to evaluate itself. This paper provides general information about a model of the system and its parts as well as methods for testing and technical evaluation primary based on the log-analysis of the C-ITS communication.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.; Mgr. Ing. Vladimír Douda, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2020, Academic Journal of International Economics and Management Research (AJIEMR), 1/2020 (1), p. 19-23), ISSN 2694-7897
A significant risk factor on the protection of drivers and vehicles, particularly with regard to highways - due to the speed limit, is the climatic conditions. The risk increases exponentially when the roads freeze. The greatest danger is on highway bridges due to the absence of land beneath the structure. Therefore it is highly desirable to prevent such accidents by using adequate technologies and thus eliminate risks of road accidents. The aim of this work is to compare the financing of the automatic brine spraying systems already in use on highway bridges in the Czech Republic and determine their effectiveness. Data from 3 installed automatic brine spraying systems are used for the analysis.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 119-125), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Digitization of the transport environment and the use of new data sources is a much-discussed topic today. FCD (Floating Car Data) systems, so-called floating vehicles, make it possible to obtain data of traffic parameters directly from the road network without the need to install stationary sensors. The article deals with the use of this new data source in the Czech Republic, financed from public sources, and made available by the Directorate of Roads and Motorways. This data can be displayed in the road network model using geographic information programs and further analyzed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Bhattacharjee, S.; Tencar, J.; Danilchyk, T.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Naghdi, Y.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
The paper presents the comparative assessment of urban heat vulnerability for El Paso, USA and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico as a part of smart resilient city index. First, the heat vulnerability framework is presented. Based on available data the urban heat vulnerability index for the both cities are calculated. The results of analyse are discussed as an illustrative example of smart border concept.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Smrž, V.
Studie navazuje na studii „Souhrnná metodika pro aplikaci krizového řízení v městských oblastech.“ Na základě metodiky podrobněji rozebírá již konkrétní návrh systému krizového řízení, a to v oblasti ve městě Uherské Hradiště. Oblast ve městě Uherské Hradiště byla vybrána na základě hlubší znalosti systému současného systému řízení ve městě, přijatelné velikosti a složitosti oblasti a dostupných dopravně-inženýrských dat z již proběhlých průzkumů (částečně realizovaných řešitelským týmem) nebo od jiných subjektů, se kterými bylo poskytnutí dat pro výzkumné účely předjednáno. Struktura studie se drží doporučeného postupu při návrhu systému krizového řízení v oblasti na základě předchozí metodiky, tedy nejprve je provedena analýza systému, kde dochází k vymezení řešené oblasti a jejího okolí, následuje stručný popis řízení dopravy v oblasti v běžném režimu, dále jsou analyzována dopravně-inženýrská data a další vstupy. Součástí analýzy systému je také identifikace klíčových komunikací z hlediska zajištění plynulosti dopravy a identifikace míst častých výskytů dopravních excesů s významným vlivem na dopravu ve městě. V druhé fázi pak následuje projekt systému, tedy jsou stanoveny objízdné trasy na základě připravených scénářů mimořádných, resp. krizových situací, následuje procesní návrh navedení vozidel na tyto objízdné trasy. Návrh je simulován v mikrosimulačním prostředí VISSIM a na základě simulace je optimalizován. V poslední fázi dochází ke zhodnocení výsledků testování a přínosů systému krizového řízení na základě simulačního modelu a k definování předpokladů nutných k implementaci. Samotná implementace není předmětem této Studie, neboť finančně daleko přesahuje rámec tohoto projektu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Výzkum se zabývá vznikem alternativních tras na základě dat odvozených z plovoucích vozidel. Na základě získaných dat lze určit dobu jízdy mezi vybranými uzlovými body v síti a jejich možné alternativní trasy. Výsledkem jsou reálně používané hlavní a alternativní trasy mezi jednotlivými uzly, vlivy vzniku a dopady tvorby těchto alternativních tras.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Řehoř, V.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2020, Next Generation Komunikace, 57 (3), p. 56-58), ISSN 2570-8570
Letecká doprava je příkladem využití moderních telekomunikačních technologií ve smyslu propojování informačních systémů a využívání dat. Výměna informací probíhá v prostředí globálních systémů, které zajišťují přenos informací o jednotlivých letech, pasažérech, součas-né provozní situaci na jednotlivých letištích i ve vzdušném prostoru, environmentálních vlivech, ale také informace o počasí. Speciální telekomunikační infrastruktura umožňuje vynikající plánování ome-zených zdrojů a kapacit letecké dopravy v krátkodobém i dlouhodo-bém horizontu. Díky centrálnímu řízení toků letadel se efektivnost využití nebe nad Evropskou unií zlepšuje. Daří se postupně zvyšovat propustnost vzdušného prostoru i letišť, a také postupně omezovat zpoždění letů.
Článek v populárně vědeckém periodiku česky

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2020, Neural Network World, 30 (1), p. 55-64), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper presents the new approach to wave composition rules for advanced modeling of soft systems in quantum system theory. Firstly, the interpretation of phase parameters is given. The phase parameters are essential to specify the mathematical operations assigned to different relations among subsystems, e.g. co-operation, connection, co-existence, competition. Using wave composition rules, we are able to create more complex and sophisticated quantum circuits. We present the application of methodology on three illustrative examples.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Jacura, Ph.D.; Ing. Ondřej Doležal; Ing. Michal Drábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Kalivodová; Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2020, ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Mařík, V.; Kučera, V.; Hlaváč, V.; Burget, P.; Joch, J.; Kolář, P.; Kadera, P.; Halama, R.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Zitová, B.; Snášel, V.; Hirš, J.; Hlinka, J.; Janeček, E.; Žalud, L.; Beran, H.; Smutný, V.
Hlavním cílem Centra je vytvoření národní platformy pro kybernetiku a umělou inteligenci propojením výzkumných a aplikačních partnerů z celé ČR.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.
2020, ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Korec, V.
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva „Predikce dopravních excesů využívající neuronové sítě“ podává ucelený přehled o průběhu výzkumné činnosti v roce 2018. S narůstajícím stupněm automobilismu ve větších městech stoupá poptávka po zavádění inteligentních dopravních systémů. Predikce dopravních veličin je jedním ze stěžejních témat budoucnosti v oblastech řízení dopravy a navigování. Včasné předvídání dopravních excesů je důležité nejen pro strategická řízení větších oblastí ve městech za účelem zvýšení bezpečnosti a plynulosti dopravy, snížení emisní zátěže a snížení celkových ekonomických nákladů na dopravu v globálním měřítku, ale i pro samotné řidiče za účelem snížení jízdních dob a optimalizaci využití přepravní kapacity.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Neruda, M.; Pixa, R.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Application of dynamic regulation for public lighting scientific paper
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 Konference - 25 let Fakulty dopravní, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 19-21), ISBN 978-80-01-06545-7
Obor Inteligentní dopravní systémy (dále jen ITS) vyučovaný na FD ČVUT je v bakalářském studijním programu Technika a technologie v dopravě a spojích vyučován blokově. Bloková výuka je jednou ze součástí moderních výukových konceptů, který dlouhodobě funguje např. ve Švédsku. Základním rozdílem oproti klasické výuce probíhající v českých podmínkách je, že se studenti nevěnují většímu množství předmětů najednou, ale naopak se intenzivněji (několik týdnů) zabývají jedním konkrétním předmětem. Princip blokové výuky s sebou přináší výhody i nevýhody. V tomto článku dochází ke zhodnocení zkušeností s blokovou výukou na FD ČVUT, které byly nabyty v prvních dvou letech od jejího zavedení. Zároveň jsou v závěru článku naznačeny vize a směry, jak tuto alternativní formu výuky v českých podmínkách více podporovat a rozvíjet.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Vysoký, P.
2019, Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, Wien, Springer), p. 41-51), ISBN 978-3-030-27877-9, ISSN 0302-9743
Basic concepts and ideas of uncertain systems alliances are briefly overviewed. Then the strength of the alliance joints is analyzed via medium mutual information measure. This approach can help to estimate the value/ importance of respective bonds within the alliance, which is important in alliances with significant uncertainty.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2019, 2019 Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation (MOSATT), Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 134-139), ISBN 978-1-7281-5083-3
The article deals with the current issue of road traffic management in the urban area during an emergency, which can be triggered in the event of traffic congestion, extraordinary events, or other unexpected situations in the area. If this situation arises in the city, the aim is to propose meaningful traffic management solutions to decrease the impact of society-wide losses. The main requirements are then early identification and classification of the cause of the emergency, finding and quick application of a suitable alternative control solution and rapid ability to resume operations in the area of congestion restricted. The main idea of the research is the use of traffic lights in crisis management of transport. First the article carries out a review of current foreign solutions in the event of emergencies, then it summarizes the methodological proposal for the use of traffic lights in the Czech Republic in the event of emergencies. The proposal also contains a list of necessary legislative adjustments and changes in technical solutions of currently installed traffic lights. Finally, the methodical procedure is applied to a specific example of the urban area in Uherské Hradiště.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Skobelev, P.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, Wien, Springer), p. 203-217), ISBN 978-3-030-27877-9, ISSN 0302-9743
In the paper, the new vision of “Smart City 5.0” is presented. It is based on a previously developed model of Smart City 4.0 and implementing the concept of the complex adaptive system for balancing conflict interests of different city actors. These actors can include business, transport, energy and water supply providers, entertainment and other services and can be unified based on resource and demand model. The paper describes the general principals, functionality and the architecture of the digital multi-agent platform for creating eco-system of “Smart City 5.0”. It is designed as holonic p2p network of smart services and technological components for supporting demand-resource relations. It is shown that in proposed eco-system smart services can interact both vertically and horizontally supporting competition and cooperation behavior on the basis of specialized protocols of p2p network. In the future, each smart service is considered as an autonomous cyber-physical multi-agent system which can be decomposed on a lower level of smaller services recursively. The first prototypes of smart services and their interaction are presented, the next steps for future research work are outlined.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Hrdina, L.; Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.
Tato výzkumná zpráva shrnuje dosavadní znalosti o síti dopravních detektorů, jejichž data se využívají v rámci projektu GLOMODO. V dokumentu jsou popsána data, která byla využita, stejně tak jako detektory, které tyto záznamy pořizovaly. Nakonec je popsán postup konverze dat do podoby vhodné ke strojové analýze a chyby, které data obsahovala.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koutecký, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Dušan Kamenický, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Hlubuček, Ph.D.
2019, Vědeckotechnický sborník Správy železnic, 2019 (1), ISSN 2694-9172
Článek se zabývá představením Dopravního sálu FD ČVUT v Praze jakožto nepostradatelné výukové pomůcky. Představuje čtenáři technické řešení celého projektu a popisuje současné i budoucí výzkumné aktivity probíhající na tomto pracovišti.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
—Smart City is now widely discussed and applied to all disciplines where Public transport is one of them. The aim of this paper is to define dynamic public transport in Smart City and describe transport organisation using multi-agent systems based on different data sources. Input parameters from the sensor network represent on-line demand for public transport. The better understanding of the demand for public transport the better offer can public transport operator provide to citizens. The more satisfied costumers the more attractive will be the public transport in the city. The dynamic public transport offer is computed by multi-agent system that continuously process all available on-line data and propose dynamic routes and time-schedules of different public transport means (small buses, etc.).
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Michal Kovaljov; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Chalupová, R.
2019, Neural Network World, 29 (6), p. 427-445), ISSN 1210-0552
There is no methodical approach suitable for definition of the periodical or non-periodical, stationary or nonstationary curves of brain signals with a help of amplitude, frequency, phase etc. values. It is difficult to determinate the wave shape, i.e. the problem is how to solve the respective pattern recognition. Therefore, we tried to propose a simple method for praxis by help of measurement two main wave time components, interpreting a sinusoidal alpha wave as a triangle, where there is an anterior and a posterior part of wave ascending and descending abscissas in a hope that the sufficient measure are presented by the "legs" only or distances between upper and bottom peak of the wave. All the values of total ascendants are divided by all values of total descendants. For the method validity estimation it was made for this computation separately in two different psychical states - the relaxation and the calculation activity, both with eyes closed. Results are presented as quotient (quotus alpha) which means alpha waves symmetry. If the quotient is equal to 1, or is near to 1, is the alpha wave full or almost symmetrical. When the quotient is lower than 1 the ascendant is shorter than descendent, then alpha wave is asymmetric and has inclination to the left side. In contrary if the quotient is higher than 1 the ascendant is longer than descendent, alpha wave is again asymmetrical, but inclination is oriented to the right side. During mentation is usually quotient lower one and the ascendant is still more lover, alpha waves are sheer, the inclination to the left is more expressive.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
Projekt EPD2HDP je zaměřen na vývoj efektivního prodlužovače dojezdu elektrických autobusů a lehkých olejových vozidel. Je založen na použití automobilního spalovacího motoru s elektrickým generátorem. Rozborem možných paliv pro spalovací motor bylo zvoleno jako nejvýhodnější palivo CNG (zemní plyn). Tento dokument popisuje úpravy spalovacího motoru pro použití s palivem CNG.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
Dokument popisuje technický popis a dokumentaci prototypu EPD2HDP, který vznikl v rámci vývoje efektivniho prodlužovače dojezdu pro hromadné dopravní prostředky.
Technická zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Bolehovský, O.; Myslík, P.; Klír, V.
Technická zpráva popisující koncepci technického návrhu prototypu efektivního prodlužovače dojezdu pro hromadné dopravní prostředky.
Technická zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
Závěrečná zpráva popisující technický návrh prototypu efektivního prodlužovače dojezdu pro hromadné dopravní prostředky.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Casanova, M.F.; Opris, I.
2019, ISBN 978-1-5361-4561-8
This book summarizes the theory of complex systems. The information components and gates are defined in a similar way as components in electrical circuits. Such an approach enables the creation of complex networks through their serial, parallel or feedback ordering.
Kniha - sborník, odborná, aspoň 100 výtisků

Zoubek, O.; Ing. Tomáš Musil, Ph.D.
2019, Transaction on Electrical Engineering, 8 (2), p. 22-25), ISSN 1805-3386
This paper discusses the methods of optimal IIR filter FPGA implementation. The methods are focused on the reduction of occupied resources and increasing data throughput. Higher demands on an internal controller complexity are successfully solved by utilizing programmable microcode controller. The novelty of SOS core and its capabilities are presented and different variants of SOS core are assessed. The workflow of IIR filter design using MATLAB considering rounded coefficient method is demonstrated.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Pavlík, P.; doc. Ing. Veronika Vlčková, CSc.; Machar, I.
2019, International journal of Agronomy, 2019, ISSN 1687-8167
Regional biogeographical models are considered to be important tools for supporting decisions relating to sustainable agricultural planning for climate change. These models are useful for a better understanding of the impact of climate change on individual crop species due to their sensitivity to regional ecological conditions. This paper deals with the application of a regional biogeographical model in order to predict the impact of climate change on growing conditions for grain maize in Central Europe. The model is based on a detailed knowledge of the relationships between the climatic characteristics of vegetation zones in landscapes with ecological growing conditions suitable for grain maize in the region under study. The results gained from using the model indicate a substantial increase in the total area suitable for growing of grain maize in the study region. By 2070, this area is expected to be triple the size it is today. Special maps are used to visualize prediction scenarios in order to support decision-making in regional planning in the study region, where grain maize is an important agricultural crop. This biogeographical model can be used in other European regions, where basic data related to vegetation zones are available.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Kouba, P.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Musil, Ph.D.; Řada, J.
2019, 2019 Konference - 25 let Fakulty dopravní, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), ISBN 978-80-01-06545-7
Kompresní algoritmus MSC (MultiStream Compression) je nová bezeztrátová kompresní metoda českého vědce Jiřího Kochánka. Jiří Kochánek implementoval svůj algoritmus softwarově v programovacím jazyce C. Na Fakultě dopravní ČVUT byla vytvořena první hardwarová implementace - do hradlového pole (FPGA). Části algoritmu byly transformovány na množinu spolupracujících konečných automatů a zapsány v jazyce VHDL. Navíc bylo nutné navrhnout speciální reprezentaci kódovacího stromu (Left Tree Representation) s ohledem na potřeby algoritmu.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Pixa, R.; Domácí, J.; Beneš, J.
2019, Silniční konference 2019 - Sborník, Praha, Agentura Viaco), p. 94-98)
Implementace kooperativních systémů řízení v intravilánu a v extravilánu -článek
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Ing. Bc. Jan Vogl, Ph.D.; Moos, P.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2019, Proceedings of MAC 2019, Praha, MAC Prague consulting, s.r.o.), p. 137-140), ISBN 978-80-88085-27-0
The article focuses on the issue of product Life Cycle Cost analysis, which provides producer with data on inputs in decision-making. The applications of LCC methods creates effective conditions for activation of innovative potential, i.e. more efficient use of internal resources of the company, as well as for savings and modernization of obsolete engineering products.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 Konference - 25 let Fakulty dopravní, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 78-79), ISBN 978-80-01-06545-7
Článek představuje činnosti Laboratoře řízení a modelování dopravy, která je specializovaným pracovištěm Ústavu dopravní telematiky na Fakultě dopravní více jak 8 let. Členové laboratoř se podílejí na několika studentských projektech, zejména pak na projektu Řízení a modelovaní silniční dopravy a dále se podílí na řešení projektů vědy a výzkumů, komerčních projektů, jež jsou nedílnou součástí výuky vybraných předmětů na Fakultě dopravní.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; Lom, M.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 11 (4), p. 28-36), ISSN 1939-1390
Nowadays the term Smart City is widely used and almost every city aims to become “Smart”. Unfortunately, the definitions of what Smart means differ and there is not a single accepted one. Often a technocratic view is adopted and the actual goal—make city more liveable—is not kept in mind. In this paper, a new approach to initiate and develop Smart City model is provided. A unified model is one way to describe the processes within such complex and heterogeneous system as Smart City. It is based on the similarity to the well-established framework called ITS (Intelligent Transport System) architecture. First, an overview of the Smart City initiatives and key principles that often require change of the way how we think of projects is provided. Further, the objectives and approach to national ITS architectures are described and discussed, mainly aiming on its limitations for the practical use especially in the context of Smart Cities. Finally, this paper provides a guidance on how a Smart City Architecture shall be established to overcome the system complexity and to reduce its dimension in terms of volume of required data flow. The new approach is based on decentralized intelligence, where a number of processes are carried out at the level of so-called building blocks. Multi-agent systems are proposed as a design tool for the particular building blocks.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. František Kekula; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), p. 1-5), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
This paper presents a new approach to pavement rehabilitation using a 3D measuring. The proposed methodology of the pavement rehabilitation overcomes the limitation of the traditional methods of the pavement rehabilitation which cannot achieved the required accuracy. The 3D measuring technology eliminates human faults and improves the total quality of the pavement rehabilitation. The pavement rehabilitation is performed in the concept of Industry 4.0 which is part of Smart City owing to the 3D measuring.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Cikhardtová, K.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Korec, V.
2019, Archieves of Transport System Telematics, 2019 (4), p. 22-26), ISSN 1899-8208
The prediction of traffic accidents in urban networks is one of the key future theme in the areas of traffic control and navigation. Early identification of the risk of a traffic accident can lead to an increase in the safety and smoothness of road transport. Neural networks belong to the expert methods for modeling of complex systems. The issue of their use in the transport sector is scientifically quite progressive. The article describes the design of prediction model based on available traffic data from town Uherské Hradiště. Traffic data was collected from many sources, e.g. junction detectors, meteorological stations or traffic accident portal. Appropriate parameters for the model were selected from the traffic data. The model was then tested on a 2-month data sample. The aim of the article is to confirm the suitability of using neural networks to predict traffic accidents
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.; Kratochvíl, R.; Vopava, J.
2019, ISBN 978-80-88085-26-3
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Veronika Vlčková, CSc.
2019, ISBN 978-80-7458-114-4
Publikace Prostorové informace o krajině v běhu času i vývoje technologií (Ekologická banka dat ISÚ – koncepce, historie a aplikace) naplňuje tři základní své cíle: v prvé řadě jde o vzpomínku formou výkladu realizovaných prací na spolupracovníky autorky, kteří se velice významně účastnili projektu Ekologické banky dat ISÚ (EBD ISÚ) a jejichž odborné podněty byly prvotním zdrojem celé této dlouholeté práce; v řadě druhé jde o publikaci některých i dosud ještě nezveřejněných výstupů právě z EBD ISÚ, resp. z projektů na ni navazujících; v třetí řadě pak čtenář v publikaci najde i odborný výklad ke geoinformačním technologiím jak o tvorbě tzv. geoznalosti, tak i o odborných teoretických specifikách vybraných aplikací zdrojů EBD ISÚ. Publikaci by mohli ocenit i souputníci projektu EBD ISÚ jakožto doklad nejen dob minulých, ale i nadále otevřených možností práce s expertními prostorovými daty v krajinné ekologii, i mladí geoinformační výzkumníci a budoucí experti jako odbornou inspiraci a ukázku účelových aplikací a práce s prostorovými daty o krajině.
Jiná kniha česky

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, Focus on Systems Theory Research, Hauppauge NY, Nova Science Publisher, Inc.), p. 81-100), ISBN 978-1-5361-4561-8
This chapter summarizes the theory of complex systems that comes basically from physical - information analogies. The information components and gates are defined in a similar way as components in electrical circuits. Such an approach enables the creation of complex networks through their serial, parallel or feedback ordering. Taking into account wave probabilistic functions (the mathematical instrument of quantum physics), we can enrich the complex system theory with features such as entanglement, parallelism, interference, etc. It is shown on illustrative examples that such approach can explain emergencies or self-organization properties of complex systems.
Kapitola v knize s nadnárodní působností

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, Neural Network World, 29 (5), p. 363-371), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper presents a new methodology how to extend the well-known quantum model [2] with (2N - 1) free parameters (moduli and phases) of wave probabilistic functions psi(A(i)) assigned into events A(i), i is an element of {1, 2, ..., N} to N.(N+1)/2 free parameters necessary for full N-dimensional representation of complex system. Our approach generally enables to include additional functions applied on events A(i), i is an element of {1, 2, ..., N}. In the paper, we will demonstrate this mathematical instrument on additional wave probabilistic functions psi(A(k) boolean AND A(m) boolean AND ... boolean AND A(n)) connected with macroscopic events' intersections A(k) boolean AND A(m) boolean AND ... boolean AND A(n) where k, m, ..., n is an element of {1, 2, ...,N}.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Machar, I.; Rudl, A.; Uradnicek, L.; Praus, L.; doc. Ing. Veronika Vlčková, CSc.
2019, Public recreation and landscape protection – with sense hand in hand…, Brno, Mendelova univerzita v Brně), p. 326-329), ISBN 978-80-7509-659-3, ISSN 2336-6311
and regional planning is aimed to mapping and conservation of very large trees as important structures of green infrastructure. Despite of obvious cultural and recreational importance of these trees, there is still an knowledge-gap related to their occurrence and status in urban green area. This paper deals with results of field mapping of significant very large trees in urban environment based on case study from Prague (Czech Republic). Results of this empirical study indicated that very large (and old) trees can be very important structures for recreational ecosystem services provisioning in cities, because these trees play a role of living cultural symbols for local citizens. This is a relative novelty in awareness of urban trees importance. This case study indicated that very large trees in European cities should need more interest of researches and decision-makers in nature conservation. Results also highlighted the importance of field detailed mapping of significant trees in urban areas, which can be considered as hot-spots for very large trees with cultural and recreational significance.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Problems of the stationary traffic are solved today by almost every larger town. Most of the towns suffer from an insufficient number of parking spots in the street network. It is at the same time very complicated and economically demanding to create new parking areas, so the towns try to use the existing parking areas as efficiently as possible. The objective is thus to apply systems and technologies for efficient use of existing parking spaces, and also to monitor parking occupancy, distribute information to drivers, and apply various payment systems (parking meters, SMS payments an mobile applications) in order to facilitate the collection of payments from drivers. Within Smart City applications, it is necessary to consider not only parking aspects but also organisational aspects. Installation of Smart parking components is senseless, unless these components are accepted by user/driver and unless continuous traffic surveys are performed oriented in parking checks in the town.This article monitors the course and results of an extensive traffic survey oriented mainly in respecting the parking rules. In the centre of Uherské Hradiště, there are many specific parking spaces, 3 major paid parking zones, designated spaces at selected institutions, designated spaces for time-limited free parking, etc. The article describes in details the experience from the traffic survey oriented in respecting the parking rules in the town and subsequently proposed measures and suggestions how to make the existing state in the town more efficient with respect to the Smart City concept.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Hlubučková, K.; Matoušek, J.
Projekt se zabývá matematickým popisem fungování systému dynamické obsluhy území veřejnou hromadnou dopravou na základě výzvy od cestujících. Pro fungování dynamické obsluhy jsou pomocí matematickému popisu aplikovány rozhodovací a řídící algoritmy. Tyto algoritmy rozhodují o trase i časové poloze spojů na základě vstupních parametrů. Součástí projektu je analýza vhodnosti použití jednotlivých algoritmů.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.; Kratochvíl, R.; Douda, V.
2019, Proceedings of The 15th MAC 2019, Praha, MAC Prague consulting, s.r.o.), p. 92-101), ISBN 978-80-88085-26-3
In my article there are described some strategic processes and decision-making algorithms of political-military elites on both sides of the Iron Curtain. How close the world was to the outbreak of a devastating armed conflict. The question arises here if a similar situation cannot be repeated in the future? Looking at the current geographical and political developments, I conclude that this is a current and socially relevant topic. The reason for such concern may be, for example, the fact that the interest in the field of security studies is now on the rise again - as was the case during the Cold War, when the number of institutes and universities specializing in strategic security studies increased. Only the studied field, but also the threat itself, has moved from a purely military area also to an unconventional dimension of security and to the area of hybrid threats - such as cyberspace security. Some indicators suggest that the stage of calm is really coming to the end in terms of security of states and their citizens, especially in Europe.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Cheu, R.L.; Ferregut, C.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Each city has its distinctive features that need to be considered when designing a smart concept. Typically, these features include geography, climate or historical development. This paper shows the example of El Paso – Ciudad Juárez bi-national metropolitan area divided by an artificial (administrative) boundary, in this case national border, yet there is a significant mobility of people and goods between these two cities. System approach is applied on the border itself and the surrounding boundary area. The boundary functions are defined followed by a case study of the El Paso – Ciudad Juárez bi-national metropolitan area with focus on cross border road bridges and rail infrastructure. A high-level smart border concept is outlined including a smart border crossing system.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

2019, 3rd Annual Science Fiction Prototyping Conference 2019: Designing Your Future With Science Fiction, SciFi-It 2019, Ghent, EUROSIS - ETI), p. 7-11), ISBN 9789492859068
A Smart City can be considered as an open living lab, where new technology will be developed, implemented and tested. The focus of smart cities in this paper is on the safety of citizens, sustainable energy, risk prevention of disasters, smart transport systems using information technology and Internet of Things. Smart cameras and smart sensor systems play a crucial role in smart cities. Citizens are surveyed by smart cameras, registrating their presence, their activities but also their needs and security. Big Brother is watching you, the Orwellian Nightmare come true. In this paper we focus on the smart city of Amsterdam. At the entrance road of the city smart cameras register all entering vehicles; their license place will be recognized and checked for access in available databases. Similar smart cameras check car drivers for their access to the inner city and green zones. But not only car drivers are surveyed. Entering boats on the many waterways of Amsterdam are surveyed. Every vessel is supposed to have a transponder on board with an Automatic Identification System (AIS), enabling control of anomaly of shipping on the water and detection of intruders. This paper is a survey paper of developed technology and research around smart cities.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Vít Janoš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
El Paso, TX, USA and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico form the largest bi-national metropolitan area in the United States and Mexico. Currently, both cities rely on separate public transit bus networks that are not linked and the only cross-border connection is available through three major international bridges opened for cars and pedestrian traffic. In 2017, the City of El Paso adopted the Resilience Strategic Plan to make El Paso smarter. The plan proposes among others the development of Rapid Transit System Corridors in El Paso. This paper presents a high-level proposal how a passenger rail system could be used to complement the existing and future Bus Rapid Transit system as well as local circulator bus system. The proposed rail network is intended for passenger transportation in El Paso, but also beyond into the surrounding region including a cross-border link to Ciudad Juárez, without which the network cannot be considered complete.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
The recovery of the economy, after the crisis at the beginning of this century, causes an enormous increase of traffic on the roads in the Netherlands in and around cities. After many years of discussion road pricing is considered as the most reasonable solution. Car drivers have to pay additional tax if they use the entrance roads of a city during peak times. A network of surveillance cameras along the roads have been installed and tested to register entering cars on the access roads. For many years sensors in the road surface are used to measure speed of cars on the roads to generate alarming messages for upcoming traffic jams and to provide alternative routes via panels along the road. Finally there is also a huge electrical network of traffic lights along the roads. By the enormous rise of mobile phones the interest in existing wired networks along the road is decreasing. In this paper we discuss the revival of wired networks and the integration with wireless networks.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Pogorelskih, X.; Poludov, D.
2019, Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems, Samara, Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences), p. 84-89), ISBN 978-1-7281-6700-8
The last mile problem is crucially important for big cities because it is difficult to find the ideal balance between different criteria: the mobility of people, comfort and unique characteristics of every person, the profit of transport system and other criteria in more complex models. To solve this problem for dynamic (not fixed) routes part, we offer to use ontological description of citizens and transport system for matching and multi agent technologies to plan different types of transport. To prove the idea a prototype of an intelligent multiagent transport system matcher was created. Based on a simple model with basic Person, Transport and Infrastructure description we proved the feasibility of the approach. In this paper for the first time, we present the Smart Transport System as a personal service provided for citizens. The main idea of the work to make a step for changing the current paradigm where people adjust their plans for transport schedules. The new paradigm will show how smart transport can provide personal service to every citizen according to their needs.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Štefan, J.; Pixa, R.; Miklóšik, I.
2019, Underground Construction Prague 2019, Praha, Česká tunelářská asociace ITA-AITES), ISBN 978-80-906452-3-3
System for technology control, diagnostics and simulation in tunnels -paper
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.; Kratochvíl, R.; Douda, V.
2019, Proceedings of MAC 2019, Praha, MAC Prague consulting, s.r.o.), p. 255-261), ISBN 978-80-88085-27-0
A significant risk factor on the protection of drivers and vehicles, particularly with regard to highways - due to the speed limit, is the climatic conditions. The risk increases exponentially when the roads freeze. The greatest danger is on highway bridges due to the absence of land beneath the structure. Therefore it is highly desirable to prevent such accidents by using adequate technologies and thus eliminate risks of road accidents. The aim is to expertly describe how to use the automatic brine spraying system (ABSS), and then describe the method of allocation of suitable places for new installations of these systems.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.; Mgr. Ing. Vladimír Douda, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2019, Proceedings of MAC 2019, Praha, MAC Prague consulting, s.r.o.), p. 255-261), ISBN 978-80-88085-27-0
A significant risk factor on the protection of drivers and vehicles, particularly with regard to highways - due to the speed limit, is the climatic conditions. The risk increases exponentially when the roads freeze. The greatest danger is on highway bridges due to the absence of land beneath the structure. Therefore it is highly desirable to prevent such accidents by using adequate technologies and thus eliminate risks of road accidents. The aim is to expertly describe how to use the automatic brine spraying system (ABSS), and then describe the method of allocation of suitable places for new installations of these systems.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.; Ing. Radek Kratochvíl, Ph.D.
2019, Neural Network World, 29 (2), p. 61-70), ISSN 1210-0552
This article describes the mathematical economic model of a communication web portal. To create the model, we use Cluster analysis as one of the areas of artificial inteligence. Based on real data obtained from the operation of the communication web portal and the subsequent identification of the individual data clusters, a model is created that mathematically describes the dependence of economic variables (income from sales of services and selling price of services) on other variables (time of sales of services and field of offered services). Using this analysis, the model clusters together all data to parameterized sets of given properties. The main purpose of creating a model is the suitable classification of data. Consequently, it is possible to streamline the sale of the services and maximize the profits of web portals offering this type of serviced.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Gurková, H.; Rek, R.
Studie „Vyhodnocení obrátkovosti, obsazenosti parkování v Uherském Hradišti – II etapa“ je hlavním výstupem dopravního průzkumu, který byl ve městě realizován v termínu od 11. 06. – 12. 06. 2019. Jedná se o komplexní dopravní průzkum parkování ve městě na vymezených parkovištích Palackého náměstí – sever, Palackého náměstí – jih, Stojanova, Nádražní, Komenského náměstí. Průzkum byl proveden zejména s ohledem na následné ověření funkčnosti nově nasazovaných parkovacích technologií na těchto parkovištích a dále z důvodu získání dopravně-inženýrských dat z parkování.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Kosheleva, O.; Kreinovich, V.; Nguyen, T.N.
2019, Studies in Computational Intelligence - Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing, 2019 (809), p. 168-175), ISSN 1860-949X
In many practical situations, it turns out to be beneficial to use techniques from quantum physics in describing non-quantum complex systems. For example, quantum techniques have been very successful in econometrics and, more generally, in describing phenomena related to human decision making. In this paper, we provide a possible explanation for this empirical success. We also show how to modify quantum formulas to come up with an even more accurate descriptions of the corresponding phenomena.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.
2019, ISBN 978-80-01-06545-7
Sborník z fakultní konference v češtině

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.
2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

Cheu, R.L.; Rosales, N.V.; Larios, V.M.; Arrellano, R.M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
Preparing the next generation of engineers, scientists and decision makers requires the development of new teaching strategies that follow smart cities philosophy: collaborative, inclusive and focused on specific needs of the region. The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), USA and University of Guadalajara (UdeG), Mexico, addressed the challenge of creating a new international course on smart cities study abroad program that leverages the long-term relationship of UTEP with Czech Technical University (CTU), Czech Republic, and industry partners in El Paso and Guadalajara, especially IBM Mexico. This program is highly interdisciplinary, involving four departments in the College of Engineering at UTEP and the Department of Information Systems, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Economico Administrativas at UdeG. Input from city officials in Guadalajara and El Paso along with industry partners was key in designing this novel program. Thirty-two students from UTEP and 32 from UdeG have successfully completed this program which will launch again on its third edition this year. The program included problem-based learning strategies as well as cultural, industry-led activities, culminating in a Smart Cities Hackathon competition. This articles reports on the planning, development and results of this study abroad program, challenges and lessons learned.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Michal Drábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Kříž, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Zdeněk Michl; Urbaniec, K.; Kužel, V.; doc. Ing. Vít Janoš, Ph.D.; Vašíček, R.; Papež, R.; Karkošiaková, N.; Ing. Jiří Pospíšil, Ph.D.; Sojka, M.
Shrnutí teorie a dobré praxe (v ČR i zahraničí) a související legislativy v ČR v oblasti synergie železničních linek. Strukturované shrnutí analýzy Plánů obslužnosti území a dostupné relevantní přepravní poptávky. Shrnutí možností a limitů kompromisů mezi objednateli a analýza rizik nestability koordinovaného provoz. konceptu. Metoda pro identifikaci železnič. tarif. bodů s nejednoznačným významem, posouzení vlivu jejich obsluhy na efektivitu systému, a pro posouzení možnosti altern. obsluhy.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Urbaniec, K.; Šimůnek, M.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.; Ing. Jindřich Borka, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), p. 1-6), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
In this paper we perceive data analysis with empirical probability functions as a data mining method. We propose a way to carry out this type of analysis by employing the LISp-Miner system, namely the CF-Miner procedure and pattern difference quantifiers. In order to confirm that LISp-Miner is a suitable tool for this purpose, we briefly present both methods and then show their equivalence. We do this by providing theoretical description which we then support by analysing a small set of data concerning traffic accidents with methods and comparing results. Afterwards we provide an example of analysis of a full data set concerning rail tickets sold at selected stations in 2014. We show that by considering “difference histograms” it is possible to identify remarkable dissimilarities in histograms of time of ticket sale that would not be found otherwise. Both analyses confirms that the method we propose can provide new and interesting results even if the data has been already analysed.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Vojtěch Novotný, Ph.D.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), p. 1-5), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
The theme of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Smart City appears increasingly also in transport. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach for evaluation of smart solution in public transport. A solution using combination of dynamic service and the Big Data is described in more detail. This dynamic service is influenced by many parameters and one of them can be the movement of the population. The movement of the population can be monitored through the Big Data.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Hlubučková, K.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Bekárková, M.; Bil, M.; Ing. et Ing. Pavel Hluska, MSc.; Ulanovský, A.; Smrž, V.; Vyoral, J.
Komplexní studie „Dopravní průzkumy realizované v Uherském Hradišti v rámci pilotního projektu testování vyvinutého systému adaptivního řízení“ se zabývá přípravou, metodami a realizací rozsáhlých dopravních průzkumů v posuzované lokalitě města Uherské Hradiště a jejich následným vyhodnocením. Studie je jedním z praktických výstupů projektu RODOS (Centrum pro vývoj dopravních systémů) vzniklým na základě spolupráce Fakulty dopravní Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze a společností Eltodo a. s. Provedené dopravní průzkumy pak byly zaměřeny na testování nových dopravně-telematických technologií v reálném provozu města.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Heindl, M.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
Dokument se zabývá navržením systému dynamické obsluhy území veřejnou hromadnou dopravou na základě výzvy od cestujících. Na základě charakteristiky požadavků je dynamicky přizpůsobeno linkové vedení a časové polohy spojů obsluhující danou oblast.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Neruda, M.; Pixa, M.
2018, Silniční obzor, 2018 (79), p. 288-291), ISSN 0322-7154
Článek zabývající se regulací veřejného osvětlení na pozemních komunikacích ve městech.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Machar, I.; doc. Ing. Veronika Vlčková, CSc.; Salek, L.; Pechanec, V.
2018, Journal fo Landscape Ecology, 11 (3), p. 45-63), ISSN 1805-4196
The presented paper outlines the results of a biogeographic model of climatic conditions in forest vegetation zones applied in the Central European landscape. The objective of the study is a prediction of future silvicultural conditions for the Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), which is one of the principal tree species within European forests. The model is based on a general environmental dependence of forest vegetation zones on the long-term effect of altitudinal and exposure climates defined by the mean and extreme air temperatures and the amount and distribution of atmospheric precipitation.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

Kouba, P.; Šmotek, M.
2018, Safety & Security Conference Prague 2018, Praha, IRIS - Rudolf Valenta), p. 79-84), ISBN 978-80-904317-5-1
V rámci zavádění systému řízení rizik souvisejících s únavou (Fatigue Risk Management System – FRMS) se Řízení letového provozu České republiky, s. p. v souladu s plánovanou legislativou snaží hledat vhodné způsoby identifikace nebezpečí spojených s únavou, hodnocení a zmírňování souvisejícího rizika. Pro identifikaci nebezpečí souvisejících s únavou je využíváno tří typů dat – prediktivní, proaktivní a reaktivní. Jako prediktivní procesy jsou označovány ty, které identifikují nebezpečí související s únavou zkoumáním rozdělovníků směn před tím, než jsou tyto směny skutečně odpracovány, přičemž se berou v úvahu faktory, které mohou ovlivnit spánek a únavu. Proaktivní metody identifikace nebezpečí jsou založeny na měření úrovně únavy v aktuálním pro-vozu. Tyto metody zjišťují, zda byl spánek daného provozního pracovníka dostatečný a kvalitní a zda je tudíž připraven a v kondici pro nástup do směny a výkon služby. Únavu lze posuzovat subjektivně, dle osobního pocity dotazovaného a objektivně, na základě stanovených parametrů. V oblasti objektivních metod probíhá intenzivní vědecký výzkum, jako perspektivní se jeví zejména metody hlasové analýzy, snímání očních pohybů a měření elektrické aktivity mozku. ŘLP ČR, s. p. ve spolupráci s Národním ústavem duševního zdraví v pilotní studii posuzuje možnost využití hlasové analýzy pro rozpoznávání únavy. Pro tento účel provádí experiment, kde v průběhu cvičení na radarovém simulátoru za různých podmínek (plná bdělost, stav po spánkové deprivaci) ověřuje možnosti hlasové analýzy detekovat únavu a srovnává tuto metodu s dalšími dostupnými subjektivními i objektivními (EEG aktivita, reakční čas) indikátory únavy.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Tobiška, J.; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman
2018, Up QFD-Forum 33, QFD Instituts Deutschland), ISSN 1431-6951
Die Zielgruppe älterer Fahrer - Best Ager wurde durch Fragebogen nach Erkenntnis und Schwierigkeiten in Verbindung mit Autofahrer befragt. Gleichzetig mit Mitteilung des Problems und der Prioritätenzuordnung nach Methodik QFD wurde ergänzende Frage nach eignerer Lösung der Probleme und nach einer idealen Lösung mit Hilfe des Automobils angeschlossen.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Buček, A.; Machar, I.; doc. Ing. Veronika Vlčková, CSc.
2018, Geobiocenologie a lesnická typologie a jejich aplikace v lesnictví a krajinářství, Brandýs nad Labem, Ústav pro hospodářskou úpravu lesů)
Příspěvek prezentuje metodologii a výsledky předpovědních scénářů vlivu klimatických změn vegetačních stupňů na území Ceské republiky
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

2018, International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, 10 (4), p. 25-36), ISSN 1313-8251
A crisis, terroristic attack or disaster may be represented by a sequence of pictures visualizing events and actions. It is possible to sample frames from real video recordings. But not every sequence of frames tells a story. Prototypes of disasters are represented, remembered and recognized as scripts in the shared memory of humans. To test this hypothesis many aggressive scenes were played by actors and recorded. Storyboards are used to analyze the scenes. Experiments and results of analysis are presented in this paper.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

2018, COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (COMPSYSTECH'18), New York, Association of Computing Machinery), p. 12-19), ISBN 978-1-4503-6425-6
In most European countries, websites are available with route planners and real time information about incidents and expected delay on the highways. These websites enable car drivers to plan their route from start to destination. On their way, they can use route planners on their smart phone or other devices. Recent route planners take care of incidents on the roads. However, none of these planners takes care of the future. In this paper, we present a route planner integrating information from experts in the traffic centers and a route planner based on a dynamic version of the Dijkstra algorithm.
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Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Cikhardtová, K.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Šilar, J.
2018, Silniční obzor, 2018 (5), p. 138-141), ISSN 0322-7154
Předmětem článku je shrnutí zkušeností a vyhodnocení implementace senzorické sítě a aplikace systémů řízení dopravy. Problematika, kterou se zabývá, je velmi komplexní, od řízení dopravy, přes management parkování po sledování úrovně životního prostředí. Zde shrnuté zkušenosti byly získány z přípravy a nasazení pilotního testování ve městě Uherské Hradiště Cílem projektu byl sběr a vyhodnocování dat prostřednictví různých technologií (jako například IoT) a jejich následné zpracování a využití do řízení dopravy, případně jiných scénářů. Článek dále podává ucelený přehled o výsledcích pilotního projektu se zaměřením na budoucí rozvoj a implementaci podobných systémů ve městech.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Cikhardtová, K.; Boyarkin, I.
2018, 2018 19th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), New York, IEEE), p. 608-612), ISBN 978-1-5386-4762-2
This article describes the results of using new approaches in the implementation of intelligent road traffic control algorithms applied in smaller city areas. As a solution of designed traffic-dependent model was the application of different data from the sensor network, which have and can impact on increasing throughput of fully loaded roads in the city but also makes traffic behavior more accurate in the defined area with wider overhead for controlling. The systems outputs optimize traffic parameters of the defined node as well as interconnected intersections with traffic lights and other subsystems according to the traffic situation in the wider area. The article describes not only methodology but also general recommendations that are the result of experience in testing and deploying of adaptive traffic control algorithm in real conditions.
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Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.
2018, Management Perspective for Transport Telematics. TST 2018., Springer, Cham), p. 18-40), ISBN 978-3-319-97954-0, ISSN 1865-0929
With the implementation of the ITS Directive (2010/40/EU) concerning the pan European travel and traffic information services the quality of the service and underlying data becomes an issue. There is a number of different approaches how to assess the quality of data and of a service, each with its particular benefits, however together the approaches are not implementable and alone do not cover all the specifics of the traffic information. The paper deals with an incremental implementation of traffic information service quality measures, focusing, in the first step, only on directly measureable technical and editorial aspects of the data and a service quality. These aspects are measured and tested on the real world example and the results, its impacts on quality improvement, are discussed.
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Moos, P.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2018, Neural Network World, 28 (3), p. 225-239), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper presents an information model for representation of brain linear and nonlinear resonance phenomena based on information nullors. In the brain functions the rhythms and quasi periodicity of processes in neural networks play the outstanding (significant) role. It is why adaptive resonance theory (ART) including resonant effects has been studied for a long time by many authors. The periodicity in the transfers of signals between the long-term memory (LTM) and short-term memory (STM) creates a possibility of resonance system structure. LTM with information content representing expectations and STM covering sensory information in resonance process offer effective learning. Nonlinear adaptive resonance creates conditions for new knowledge, or inventory observation. In the paper this feature is newly modelled by an information gyrator that best fits these linear and non-linear phenomena.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

2018, 19th Bulgarian International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech), New York, Association of Computing Machinery), p. 144-151), ISBN 978-1-4503-6425-6
At this moment many universities have developed their own MOOCs, open liar students all over the world. This new way of distant learning stimulated the development of innovative teaching/learning models and new learning materials. In recent years at some universities, experiments were running focused on the integration of MOOCs material in regular courses. The shortcomings of regular MOOCs as high dropout rates, incomplete assignments and missing cooperation between students have been solved by a new didactic model, hybrid course and mandatory presence. The role of teachers has been changed from massive oral presentation to course manager. The integration of MOOCs has been tested in several courses at TUDelft and a controlled experiment at Czech Technical University in Prague
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Cheu, R.L.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Ferregut, C.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Postranecky, M.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
In January 2018, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly develop and implement a Dual Master Degrees program in Smart Cities. Since then, the program structure has been decided, and the management team hopes to start the program with the first cohort of students in August 2018. In this paper, the authors, who are the key leaders in the development of this program, share the history, program structure, enabling teaching facilities, and challenges with the readers.
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Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 53-61), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
Bayesian networks are one of the most suitable tools for traffic accident data analysis. A well-designed and trained Bayesian network is the first assumption for obtaining good results. Two sources of information can be used for this purpose. They are information extracted from measured historical data and also information specified by an expert. The latter one can also involve some generally known rules or knowledge based on traffic regulations or safety rules. Mostly, only one of these sources of information is used. After training the network can be evaluated with standard methods based on likelihood or prediction error evaluation. The goal of this paper is to show that if two Bayesian networks are created, e.g. one from the data and second from the expert knowledge, they can be merged into one which joins the objective information from data with the subjective opinion from expert and which has better evaluation than the original ones.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Postránecký, M.; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Lom, M.; Mařík, V.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Říha, Z.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Tencar, J.
2018, ISBN 978-80-7270-058-5
Publikace Města budoucnosti pojednává o účelném využití moderních technologií pro lepší správu a management měst s ohledem na jejich udržitelný rozvoj a kvalitu života obyvatel města.
Vědecká kniha česky

Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Šilar, J.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
Traffic overload is a pressing problem for many cities nowadays and they are trying to find smart solutions. Therefore cities are introducing traffic control systems that facilitate a more dynamic transit through the city for transit traffic while optimizing the control of individual junctions equipped with light signalling. Evaluation of traffic control parameters is usually based on processing of data from traffic surveys. This article describes the design, implementation and verification of alternative methods of traffic surveys for the comparison of traffic control systems in a case study of Uherské Hradiště. In this city, an extensive pilot project took place in summer and autumn 2017 to test the new algorithm for adaptive traffic control at selected light-controlled junctions of the city. The aim of the designed traffic surveys was to evaluate the parameters of the newly installed traffic control systems and to compare them with the control parameters of the original system.
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2018, Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos, ACIIW 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), p. 56-61), ISBN 9781538606803
Negative emotions and stress can impact human-human interactions and eventually lead to aggression. From the perspective of surveillance systems, it is of high importance to recognize as soon as an interaction escalates and human intervention is needed. One of the limitations of deploying a system in real life is that in practice it can only be trained on a limited number of situations. In this paper we examined the generalization capabilities of a trained system given context change. For this purpose we developed scenarios and made audio-visual recordings in four different contexts in which negative interactions might occur. To obtain a quantification of cross-context performance we kept the test context fixed and performed training on itself (cross-validation) and on all the other contexts. To explore whether multiple examples in the training set are beneficial, we also trained the classifier on a merged corpus of the three contexts that were not used for testing. These experiments were done with audio features, video features and audio-visual feature level fusion to investigate which modality generalizes best. We found that context change generates a decrease in performance that is varying with within-contexts similarities. Merging multiple contexts for training in most cases results in performance just below the best predictive single context. Audio is the most robust modality and in most cases the performance of audio-visual fusion is very close to the one of audio
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Mahmoud, Z.
2018, Book of Abstracts. 6th Volume of the International Driver-Car Interaction & Safety Conference, Praha, katedra dopravních prostředků)
Music effect on long-term driving Music effect on long-term driving Music effect on long-term driving
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová
Dopravní studie Pasportizace světelně signalizačních zařízení v pražské metropolitní oblasti se zabývá soupisem a popisem SSZ ve vymezené oblasti a jejich hodnocení z pohledu preference veřejné dopravy.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
2018, Neural Network World, 28 (6), p. 535-550), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper presents a theory of information systems based on advanced analogies with both classical and quantum physical models. In the first step the information analogies with magneto-electric circuits are introduced and the information parameters are defined under this inspiration. Well-known potential and flow values (e.g. potential and kinetic energy, voltage and electrical current, etc.) are transformed into information values, "information content" and "information flow". In the second step the quantum information models are introduced together with values "wave information flow" and "wave information content". By using these variables, the complex information models are described in more detail together with illustrative examples.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 1-12), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
Pojmy Čtvrtá průmyslová revoluce a Smart City jsou v dnešní době velmi užívané a jejich myšlenky jsou aplikovány do všech oborů. Veřejná hromadná doprava je jedním z nich. Aby veřejná hromadná doprava měla pro obyvatelstvo co největší přínos, je nutné v první fázi vycházet z organizace provozu, tedy dopravního plánovaní. Tento příspěvek definuje dynamickou složku veřejné hromadné dopravy a popisuje možnosti dopravního plánovaní za pomoci multiagentních systémů. Aby bylo tento způsob plánování možné vhodně popsat, jsou diskutovány vstupní parametry a zdroje dat ze senzorické sítě pro multiagentní systémy.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Mahmoud, Z.
2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
Potential solutions for various VANET telecommunication problems, Potential solutions for various VANET telecommunication problems, Potential solutions for various VANET telecommunication problems.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Ing. Zuzana Purkrábková; Ing. Viktor Beneš
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Hrdina, L.; Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.
2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
Dopravní detektory na silniční síti produkují velké množství dat, které lze využít pro potřeby dopravního inženýrství nebo výzkumu. Stejně jako jakákoliv jiná surová data musí být tato nejprve předzpracována. Tento článek popisuje transformaci dat z výstupu detektoru do formátu vhodného k další analýze. Tato data jsou vytvářena dvěma druhy detektorů instalovaných na pražských hlavních komunikacích. Jsou popsány nejběžnější chyby spolu se způsoby, jak je napravit.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Ing. Adam Hlubuček, Ph.D.
2018, Silnice železnice, 13 (1), p. 90-94), ISSN 1801-822X
S rozvojem softwarových aplikací napříč různými odvětvími – včetně dopravy – a s rostoucími tendencemi uplatňovat v praxi inteligentní dopravní systémy vzrůstají také požadavky na efektivní archivaci a sdílení souvisejících dat. Zároveň je však žádoucí zajištění vzájemné kompatibility jednotlivých přístupů. V oblasti datového modelování železniční infrastruktury byla v roce 2013 zahájena iniciativa UIC RailTopoModel a zpracována studie proveditelnosti, v níž byly definovány požadavky, které by měl jednotný model popisu železniční infrastruktury reflektovat. Rozvoj tohoto obecného modelu zpětně ovlivňuje také podobu výměnného formátu railML, který je jakožto otevřená specifikace pro sdílení dat v rámci železničního odvětví vyvíjen od roku 2001. Vlastní náplň schématu infrastruktura připravované verze railML 3, založené právě na principech RailTopoModelu, je závislá zejména na konkrétních potřebách potenciálních uživatelů. V zájmu dosažení dostatečně široce využitelné struktury railML 3 je proto vhodné tyto iniciativy podpořit. Druhý díl článku hodnotí dosavadní naplnění požadavků kladených na RailTopoModel ve studii proveditelnosti a popisuje vývoj railML se zaměřením na změny, které oproti předcházejícím verzím přináší railML 3.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Obr, V.; Přikryl, M.; Pokorný, P.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Žák, J.; Šroubek, F.; Šorel, M.
2018, Proceedings of 36th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), FGM Events), ISSN 2573-6124
The basic concept of Industry 4.0 is virtualization of reality - creating a digital image of real world and optimizing and planning processes in this virtual environment. The aim is to find the best solutions in a broad relationship with other processes and their realization in the real world. In the construction industry, Industry 4.0 is only at the beginning phases of utilization, especially the area of a highwayroad reconstruction, which provides an extremely high potential for process optimization. This was confirmed, for example, in the ASFALT project: Advance Galileo Navigation System for ASPHALT's fleet machines (ID: 247976, Funded under: FP7-TRANSPORT). This paper introduces the methodology of complex robotic and automation process of the pavement repair according to the industry 4.0 principles, which uses Exact Street DNA navigation, patented hybrid GNSS based technology for precise millimetre navigation of road milling machines. The DNA navigation achieves millimetre height accuracy using an inexpensive GNSS receivers. The pavement repair process often takes place in urban canyons areas, which is why the 3D data is enhanced by GNSS Galileo and EGNOS.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), p. 1-6), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
Most routing devices can be used by pedestrians to find the shortest path to their destination. But in many cases not the shortest path but the fastest path is required. In this paper we discuss a variant of a dynamic routing algorithm based on AntBasedControl algorithm. The algorithm has been deployed in a centralized and decentralized routing system. People on their route use their smart phone to exchange traveling information with the central routing system or with other pedestrians via WIFI ad hoc networks (MANOC). Both systems can be used to route pedestrians from source to destination or to find the exit in shopping malls but also to route pedestrians to shelters and safe areas in case of a crisis. The algorithm and test experiments will be presented in the paper.
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Šilar, J.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Hlubučková, K.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
Insufficient parking capacities trouble almost every city today. The demand for parking space is considerably higher than the supply and since creating new parking facilities is economically very challenging, it is important to look for ways to make the most of the existing parking space, especially as on-street parking is regarded. The aim is therefore to apply systems for efficient use of existing parking space, focusing in particular on monitoring the occupancy of parking space and providing the information to drivers. A large-scale pilot project was implemented in Uherské Hradiště in the second half of the year 2017. It involved testing of features and subsystems for parking management as well as monitoring the turnover and occupancy of parking spaces in the city. This article describes the course of the pilot project, the employed detection and action elements of the system and also deals with the evaluation and the outcomes of the pilot testing.
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Felipe Herrera-Quintero, L.; Javier Samper-Zapater, J.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; David, W.
2018, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 10 (2), p. 4-5), ISSN 1939-1390
Introduction into ITS in the context of Smart cities defines the application of methodology ITS for modeling and control strategies used in smart cities.
Editorství speciálního čísla časopisu excerp. SCI Expanded

Pecha, P.; Procházková, D.
2018, Řízení rizik procesů spojených s technickými díly, Praha, ČVUT v Praze), p. 203-207), ISBN 978-80-01-06515-0
Článek se zabývá důležitými prvky silniční infrastruktury, kterými jsou mosty. Nejprve popisuje současný sběr dat shromažďovaných v silniční databance ČR, jejímž úkolem je předmětná data shromažďovat, ověřovat a poskytovat uživatelům. Na základě dat k 1. 7. 2018 článek uvádí výsledky statistického zpracování dat, které dokumentují současný stav mostů v České republice. Klíčová slova: silniční databanka; most; stupnice pro hodnocení stavu mostu; současný stav mostů v ČR.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Postránecký, M.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Zambrano, E.C.
2018, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 10, p. 50-57), ISSN 1939-1390
The paper introduces a framework of a platform called SynopCity© Virtual HUB (SVH) serving as a tool either for collaborative design and learning approach (CDLA), or as cooperative intelligent system (CIS). HUB in this concept represents a connection between a physical and virtual place, social and physical system networks collecting and exchanging data and space to exploring behavior of processes inside and outside of cities and surroundings and finding possible solutions.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; Hrdina, L.
2018, Silniční obzor, 79 (3), p. 63-69), ISSN 0322-7154
Článek se věnuje popisu systémového modelování vlivů dopravních staveb, které vede k hodnocení prospěšnosti těchto staveb. Následně uvádí konkrétní příklad modelování vlivu na dopravu v hlavním městě Praze souvisejícího s rozšířením Městského okruhu o tunelový komplex Blanka. Současným trendem je posuzování dopravních staveb z pohledu jejich udržitelnosti a efektivity. Hodnocení ekonomických dopadů je také spojeno s hodnocením kvality dopravy, které lze vyjádřit finančním ekvivalentem. Na příkladu tunelové